Let's see:
1. Preaches a consistent doctrine of limited government
2. Preaches a consistent doctrine of Constitutional authority
3. Preaches a consistent doctrine that judges should interpret the law and
the Constitution within strict legal perimeters and should not legislate
from the bench
4. Preaches a consistent doctrine of free trade
5. Preaches a consistent doctrine of unalienable rights
6. Preaches a consistent doctrine that the government should do only what
the private sector cannot do more effectively or efficiently.
7. Preaches a consistent doctrine of an America based on a value set that
has carried us intact through good times and bad and a tearing down of
such values must be resisted.
8. Preaches a consistent doctrine of a strong and efficient military
tempered by those basic values is the world's best hope for a permanent
9. Preaches a consistent doctrine that Leftist and Socialist ideals are
detrimental to human freedoms and human happiness and should
be strongly denounced and resisted.
10. Preaches a consistent doctrine of faith in human ingenuity, the human
spirit, human ambition, and human determination to solve human
problems and achieve a more peaceful, prosperous, and satisfying
world for the most humans; and obtrusive government is a hindrance
to that more often than not.
Sounds pretty conservative to me. In fact, I haven't detected much liberalism in Rush at all.