ican711nm wrote:
The cost of private health insurance has increased as the feds have increased their payments to federal health insurance.
I bet that the cost of private health insurance would decrease as the feds decreased their payments to federal health insurance.
Before the federal government got involved, health care was affordable for most, even those who were uninsured. And nobody was denied health care then any more than they are now. For sure health care was more responsive and more humane before the government got involved.
Catastrophic illnesses did bankrupt some people as they do now, but as bad as it is, bankruptcy is not the worst thing that can happen to somebody. Certainly medical costs is not the only thing that causes it. We cannot preserve our freedoms and liberties and at the same time give the Federal government license to protect us from everything bad that might possibly happen to us or rescue us from whatever bad situations we find ourselves.
For sure the Government can do much to improve our current situation, but in almost all cases such improvement will come in the way of deregulation of all but what prevents fraud and then by encouraging more competition and flexibility in the private sector, passing effective tort reform that remedies the current abuses of that process, and then get out of our way. If the Federal government does that, then yes, health care costs and the cost of insurance will certainly come down.
I would not object to a federal program offering catastrophic insurance for health care similar to what is offered for catastrophic flood and crop loss etc. and think that would be a good thing which would allow the insurance companies to be much more able to offer affordable policies.