Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 12:22 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
In order to return the policy and practice to the spirit and intent of the Constitution, it will be necessary to elect a Congress and a President who respect the spirit and intent of the original 'general welfare' clause and make that law more explicitly the law of the land so that the court cannot misinterpret it.

I agree!

Our only disagreement is over how best to elect such a Congress and President. I think Republicans will fail to elect such a Congress and President, if Republicans fail to call what Obama is doing, treason, because that is exactly what it is.

To win elections the Republicans must take forthright unambiguous stands on what they specifically want to accomplish. For them to say merely that Obama is mismanaging the federal government or harming the economy is not enough. They have to describe exactly how Obama is mismanaging the federal government and exactly how he is harming the economy, and then describe exactly how they intend to correctly manage the federal government and rescue the economy. To do that effectively, they cannot mince words when talking about the seriousness of the problems Obama has and is causing, and why Obama and his congressional supporters have to be replaced in order to solve those problems.

Yes, I think Republicans will win in a landslide, if they run on a platform that includes their commitment to impeach and remove Obama when they are elected.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 01:44 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
In order to return the policy and practice to the spirit and intent of the Constitution, it will be necessary to elect a Congress and a President who respect the spirit and intent of the original 'general welfare' clause and make that law more explicitly the law of the land so that the court cannot misinterpret it.

I agree with your truthiness! Will you agree with my truthiness?
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 01:55 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Fox is, of course, correct, that modern American conservatives can point to their achievements. Let's point to some of their achievements in freeing business to do what it does best:

the savings and loan scandal
the Enron scam
the current recession/financial meltdown/mortgage mess
Jack Abramoff
Bernie Madoff

great work, conservatives.

and they have better moral and ethical values;

mark sanford
john ensign
mark foley
ted haggard
bob packwood
duke cunningham
bobby jindal and his helo rides.
jimmy swaggart
jim baker
david vitter
neil bush

Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 02:03 pm
JTT wrote:
I agree with your truthiness! Will you agree with my truthiness?

What is truthiness?
What is your truthiness?
Debra Law
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 02:36 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I really enjoy watching the interplay between you and Ican on this issue, as I believe it is a microcosm for the struggle your party is going through right now: can the moderately sane wing of the Republican party talk the crazies down, in order to convince the independents to vote for your candidates again? Or, will the party become increasingly removed from the rest of the country, and force your candidates to pander further and further to the right?

It's actually somewhat exciting to watch.


I disagree. Foxfyre does not belong in a "moderately sane" category. She clearly belongs in the insane and deluded sense of self-grandeur category. As noted before, she rides a horse so high (in outer space) that she has lost touch with earth-bound reality. She denies that conservatives caused any of our modern day problems through blind worship of laissez faire capitalism and government policies that embrace deregulation of the greed-mongers. Like other conservatives, she believes that MORE of the same policies that caused the problems will cure the problems. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 02:45 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
It is the purpose of all those tea parties and protests, a few of them organized, at the town hall meetings. It is the purpose of emails, telegrams, letters, and telephone calls as well as tweets on Twitter and comments on Facebook et al. It is the purpose of many letters to the editor, some purchased advertising, billboards, and the agenda of a number of conservative think tanks and advocacy groups.

It is an attempt by the majority of active Republicans and conservatives and conservative moderates to convince the GOP of how out of tune they have been with grass roots America and to convince them to return to MAC basics.

The purpose of the misinformation campaign is to demonize democrats and to thwart progress. We have not witnessed a genuine "grass roots" movement. What we see is astroturf manufactured by special interest groups.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 02:58 pm
I agree with your truthiness! Will you agree with my truthiness?

I was channeling Foxfyre, Ican.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:06 pm
ican711nm wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
In order to return the policy and practice to the spirit and intent of the Constitution, it will be necessary to elect a Congress and a President who respect the spirit and intent of the original 'general welfare' clause and make that law more explicitly the law of the land so that the court cannot misinterpret it.

I agree!

Our only disagreement is over how best to elect such a Congress and President. I think Republicans will fail to elect such a Congress and President, if Republicans fail to call what Obama is doing, treason, because that is exactly what it is.

To win elections the Republicans must take forthright unambiguous stands on what they specifically want to accomplish. For them to say merely that Obama is mismanaging the federal government or harming the economy is not enough. They have to describe exactly how Obama is mismanaging the federal government and exactly how he is harming the economy, and then describe exactly how they intend to correctly manage the federal government and rescue the economy. To do that effectively, they cannot mince words when talking about the seriousness of the problems Obama has and is causing, and why Obama and his congressional supporters have to be replaced in order to solve those problems.

Yes, I think Republicans will win in a landslide, if they run on a platform that includes their commitment to impeach and remove Obama when they are elected.

Those who are explicitly describing exactly how the President is mismanaging the government, specifically describing the offenses, naming names, and exposing the extreme leftist radical agenda are:

Rush Limbaugh
Shawn Hannity
Michael Savage
Mark Levin
Glenn Beck
Michelle Malkin
Bill Sammons
George Will
Charles Krauthammmer
Laura Ingraham
Bill O'Reilly
Neal Boortz
Armstrong Williams
Larry Elder
George Noory
Michael Medved
Ann Coulter
Walter Williams
Thomas Sowell

The above are just for starters, collectively have a huge following, and are reinforced by hundreds more on syndicates, smaller markets, and informed bloggers.

Here on A2K all are excoriated, condemned, demeaned, ridiculed, scorned, and dismissed as irrelevent by those on the Left and even some on our side. The Obama administration, especially through his new 'diversity czar' who is almost as radical as his fellow Czar, John Jay, is looking for any possible way to shut all of these down or shut them up. When their voices are silent--especially if the government is able to control the internet--all communications from the loyal opposition will be forced underground and will be much more difficult and perhaps even dangerous.

The Left will aid and abet in that whenever they get a chance and will cheer when the only voice allowed on the airways is the radical left. Just look at Cyclop who eagerly awaits in hope for the total collapse of the GOP so there will be nothing to challenge or get in the way of whatever the most radical Democrats want to do to him, to us, to the country.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:09 pm
OBAMA-ITIS is hurting Americans far more than what Republicand did or failed to do.


Table A. Major indicators of labor market activity, seasonally adjusted
(Numbers in thousands)
| | |
| Quarterly | |
| averages | Monthly data | July-
Category |_________________|__________________________| Aug.
| | | | | | change
| I | II | June | July | Aug. |
| 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 | 2009 |
HOUSEHOLD DATA | Labor force status
| | | | | |
Civilian labor force ....| 153,993| 154,912| 154,926| 154,504| 154,577| 73
Employment ............| 141,578| 140,591| 140,196| 140,041| 139,649| -392
Unemployment ..........| 12,415| 14,321| 14,729| 14,462| 14,928| 466
Not in labor force ......| 80,920| 80,547| 80,729| 81,366| 81,509| 143
| Unemployment rates
| | | | | |
All workers .............| 8.1| 9.2| 9.5| 9.4| 9.7| 0.3
Adult men .............| 8.2| 9.7| 10.0| 9.8| 10.1| .3
Adult women ...........| 6.7| 7.4| 7.6| 7.5| 7.6| .1
Teenagers .............| 21.3| 22.7| 24.0| 23.8| 25.5| 1.7
White .................| 7.4| 8.4| 8.7| 8.6| 8.9| .3
Black or African | | | | | |
American ............| 13.1| 14.9| 14.7| 14.5| 15.1| .6
Hispanic or Latino | | | | | |
ethnicity ...........| 10.7| 12.0| 12.2| 12.3| 13.0| .7
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:12 pm
Lotta nutcases in that list, Foxy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:12 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Rush Limbaugh
Shawn Hannity
Michael Savage
Mark Levin
Glenn Beck
Michelle Malkin
Bill Sammons
George Will
Charles Krauthammmer
Laura Ingraham
Bill O'Reilly
Neal Boortz
Armstrong Williams
Larry Elder
George Noory
Michael Medved
Ann Coulter
Walter Williams
Thomas Sowell

..Here on A2K all are excoriated, condemned, demeaned, ridiculed, scorned, and dismissed as irrelevent by those on the Left and even some on our side...

and for good reason. the ones you list that aren't crazy are simply provocateurs. at best.

but all are getting rich scaring the pants off of people like you. but if it's thrills you need, go to six flags.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:15 pm
what's hurting america is the comeuppence of 30 years of Reaganomics.

Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:26 pm
Well you and your ilk may very well get your wish and, if we can't generate enough opposition to preserve our Constitution, we could soon live in a country where only one voice, one opinion, one concept, one belief will be possible or even allowed. And it will be that voice, opinion, concept, belief that you think you want so you would expect to be ecstaticly happy about that. But I assure you, I have lived long enough and am well versed enough in history to feel that I can confidently counsel you to be very careful what you wish for.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:29 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
But I assure you, I have lived long enough and am well versed enough in history to feel that I can confidently counsel you to be very careful what you wish for.

Older stateswoman, isn't it?
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:34 pm
DontTredOnMe wrote:
what's hurting america is the comeuppence of 30 years of Reaganomics.

What is hurting America is Obama's much magnified emulation of what Bush did to harm the economy.

Had Obama emulated Reagan, federal spending would have increased at a far less rate, and our economy would now be much less damaged by what Bush did or did not do.

It's absurd of Obama to be causing a much magnified emulation of Bush spending and budget deficits, and at the same time villifying and blaming Bush for the mess Obama is himself causing.

You Obamaites are so far out in left field that you are sitting and yelling behind the bleachers without a clue about the harm your hero is doing to our country ... hmmm ... maybe you do have a clue and are back behind the bleachers celebrating the harm your hero is doing to our country!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:43 pm
Well you and your ilk may very well get your wish and, if we can't generate enough opposition to preserve our Constitution, we could soon live in a country where only one voice, one opinion, one concept, one belief will be possible or even allowed. And it will be that voice, opinion, concept, belief that you think you want so you would expect to be ecstaticly happy about that. But I assure you, I have lived long enough and am well versed enough in history to feel that I can confidently counsel you to be very careful what you wish for.

You've now made it abundantly clear to me that the USA is but one small step away from totalitarianism. Soon there will be memorials to you, statues of you, chronicling how 'had we only listened to Foxfyre, we would still know freedom, freedom as she envisioned it, handed down to her from the founders'.

There's a book in here somewhere, Foxy of Arc.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:48 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
But I assure you, I have lived long enough and am well versed enough in history to feel that I can confidently counsel you to be very careful what you wish for.

Older stateswoman, isn't it?

I wouldn't describe myself as a 'stateswoman' but I am an older American who was schooled in love and appreciation for what our Country was intended to be. This despite our more indefensible chapters of our history which all countries have. I figure the blood and treasure we have expended to eradicate slavery, discrimination, and unjustifiable oppression here and abroad is the best we can do to pay for our past sins regarding treatment of others. I figure the trillions we have contributed to relief and empowerment of other peoples compensates at least in part for any economic damage we intentionally or inadvertently created for others.

This modern leftist trend of contempt for one's country and contempt for the better things it once stood for and contempt for its Constitution and the faith and respect for flag and country demonstrated by the Founders--such contempt is foreign and alien to me. And I think many neither know nor appreciate the heavy price that has been paid for the privilege to be allowed to be the loyal opposition along with the precious freedoms and liberties that at least some of us are fighting now to preserve.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:50 pm
long live freedom from healthcare...
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:55 pm
Rockhead wrote:

long live freedom from healthcare...

That's what YOUR side seems to want. It sure isn't what our side wants. We are trying to preserve the best healthcare system in the world while improving it. At the same time we do not want the government mandating that we MUST participate in any particular healthcare plan nor dictate to us what that plan will be. If you think about it, when you give the government that kind of power, you hand the government far more power than it is healthy for it to have.
Reply Sat 5 Sep, 2009 03:57 pm
best system in the world my ass.

'night dearie...
0 Replies

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