GW Bush might yet get his just desserts
Republicans immediately criticized the new investigation and even some Democrats said it would be unpopular.
"This is not very good politically for the administration," said Democratic strategist James Carville. "The public clearly doesn't have much of an appetite for this."
But Attorney General Eric Holder said evidence of abuses was compelling enough to require it. No one knows what other evidence will ultimately compel the administration to do.
The American Civil Liberties Union, an activist organization that campaigns against prisoner abuse, says "any investigation that truly follows the facts where they lead would inevitably lead to prosecutions of high government officials,"
One Bush administration legal advisor, Jack Goldsmith, says his colleagues were acutely conscious that the president or his advisors could someday be investigated for the steps they took or approved after 9/11.
And remember that Bill Clinton was impeached for just lying about sex.