Quote:You seem to think that you are worse off if your tax money is used to make loans to banks as part of the national recovery plan. How are you worse off financially because of that?
My tax money is tangible property. When the feds spend that and borrow much much more, they create a tangible budget deficit. That tangible budget deficit will cause higher tangible taxes, and/or will cause my tangible cost of living to increase tangibly because of consequent inflation.
The fifth amendment prohibits the federal government from taking
private property without just compensation. AND it prohibits the government from taking
private property without due process of law (e.g., a court trial). Private Property is tangible.
Look at Amendments I, IV, V (excluding the last two clauses), VI, and IX. They address or imply rights to intangible property.
The constitution does not say that the federal government can finance airports that aren't related to the national defense. However, the Constitution appears to imply that the feds can finance such airports, if they contribute to the regulation of commerce, or if they contribute to expanding postal services.
Quote:Article I. Section 8.
... To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes.
... To establish Post Offices and post Roads.
But I am unaware of any airports financed by the feds that did not relate to the national defense at the time they were built. Many of these fed financed airports were subsequently given to municipalities, counties, states, or territories to operate and maintain, when the feds no longer believed they were needed for the national defense..