I have studied your specific proposals to determine which of your proposals are likely to be signed and not vetoed by Obama, if the Reuplicans in 2010 win congressional majorities--but not 2/3rds majorities. I think Obama is likely to sign instead of veto only your proposals 3) and 4).
What should the American people do about a member of the federal government who is violating the Constitution?
In particular, what should the American people do about Obama who is violating the Constitution?
The inescapable truth is that if Obama is not held accountable for his vioations of the Constitution, the Constitutional Republic of the USA will probably cease to exist either under Obama or under a successor.
While Republicans advocating the impeachment and removal of Obama, will leave a large
minority of Americans greatly angered, that
minority is already greatly angered by the many Americans who refuse to support Obama. So why try to placate them at the cost of our republic?
We really only have two choices:
(1) continue to try and shame Obama into stopping his unlawful actions; or,
(2) work diligently to impeach and remove him.
The first choice in not achievable, because Obama would be most shamed by disserting his sponsors. The only practical way to stop Obama is impeach and remove him. Our job now is to increase the number of Americans who want Obama impeached and removed, and to elect a Congress that agrees to impeach and remove him.
Joe Biden will replace Obama after he is removed. However, Joe Biden will be sufficiently motivated by Obama's impeachment and removal to adjust his behavior to avoid providing a case for his impeachment and removal, too.