The question is not the amounts given. Nobody can fault anybody for giving to whatever with no concern for personal benefit other than personal satisfaction. And that would include George Soros.
The question is what does the donor expect or how does he/she individually benefit from government actions and/or the public treasury in return for his/her donations? In a quick scan of information on Mellon-Scaife, I saw no allegations of such government action or payoffs from the public treasury.
Obviously in the case of the Petrobras deal, George Soros stands to benefit enormously. And that's what makes that deal stink to high heaven. I don't care how 'safe' an investment it is for the USA. And if this deal was as good for America and would save American jobs like those promoting it claim, I think I know President Obama well enough to know that he wouldn't pass up a chance to heap such glory on himself and take credit for it.
We have small businesses in the USA who are starved for cash right now and people out of work because small business is starved for cash, but the government doesn't seem to think it important to make $2 billion available for them to borrow. But then they don't funnel millions and millions to groups like Acorn, Mediamatters, and Moveon.org or channel millions to Democratic candidates or support for leftwing initiatives either. It is reported, for instance, that Soros has provided $5 or more million just to promote Obamacare.
As Soros will make hundreds of millions from the Petrobas deal, it just looks fishy.