ican711nm wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:The message should not be to impeach Obama. If they include that in the platform, they won't get 25% of the vote. The American people honestly don't care who is at the helm so long as they are assured that their government will not make their lives more complicated or difficult and that their government will leave them alone to enjoy the fruit of their labor and live their lives as they choose so long as they don't violate the rights of others.
I must circulate in a unique small community distributed over the USA. In my community, well over 60% want Obama impeached and removed.
However, specific proposals and actions for correcting Obama's abuses of our Constitution and for preventing additional abuses, may suffice. What specific proposals and actions, Foxfyre, do you favor?
I don't know how 'unique' your group of friends are, but if you happen to have mostly conservative friends, and I could see that being the case in some parts of Texas, I believe you when you say more than 60% of those do want Obama impeached and removed.
My own family and wider social circle includes a wide range of ideologies, so I am not so immersed in 'conservative' points of view. Nevertheless I think several would share a personal desire to see Obama impeached and removed, but who would know that would be a really unwise plan of action. They know it would generate too much ill will to overcome any positive benefit. And also, is Biden any stronger than Obama? Any smarter? Any more able to resist the radical leftwing leadership in the Democratic party? Would they even try to protect him as much as they do Obama? And if Biden was not up to the task, the thought of a President Pelosi is simply too ugly to contemplate.
Specific proposals:
1) Return to the private sector those private sector businesses that have been seized by the government, followed by iron clad legislation making such tactics illegal in the future.
2) Rescind all unspent and uncommitted stimulus and bailout money immediately so that the US treasury (and taxpayers) are not on the hook for it and it will not be swelling future deficits. Any committed funds that can be ethically rescinded will also be recalled.
3) Roll back unwise provisions in the energy policy immediately and rewrite a sensible energy policy that will both protect the environment and encourage private sector investment in production and delivery of energy.
4) Give the President a line item veto which he is authorized to exercise for any item in the budget that is not Constitutionally mandated.
5) Pass an iron clad law that no omnibus spending bill will include any item that is not included in the normal administrative and operating costs for whatever agency is being funded. Any one time or extra expenditures outside those agencies will be passed by themselves as separate bills that will be voted up or down by members of Congress. (This would eliminate most pork barrel spending and earmarks.)
6) Pass an iron clad law requiring a balanced budget except in time of war or other extreme national emergency.
7) Amend the Constitution that only persons with U.S. citizen parents are eligible for automatic citizenship.
8) Take a long hard look at the ways to restore the 10th Amendment to its proper stature in the Constitution and adhere to the principles within it with that process being accomplished as quickly as possible without creating major disruption. That alone would eliminate up to half of the federal government.
9) Begin now to slowly but incrementally privatize federal entitlement programs or move them to the states in a way that would not create undue hardship on recipients of those programs.
10) Pass iron clad legislation that no persons or organizations hired to work for any poltical party or who receive any targeted federal funds will have any role in the federal government.
11) And pass legislation that will include tort reform and encourage honest competitiveness and cost cutting in the healthcare industry, allow portability of insurance policies, and allow the private sector to continue to produce the finest healthcare system in the world.