One of the things we hear from people that argue that our health care system is broken and must be totally replaced, is the argument that we come in a few notches down the list in life expectancy, we only live about 78 years, which is a year or two from others with universal health care, but still ahead of many others. I think though that the details of this are seldom discussed, such as how are infant mortality rates figured differently from country to country, how do homogenous populations and smaller populations affect the numbers, because we know that certain cultures may have different tendencies, lifestyles, or inherited longevity chances.
The truth is this is no emergency, and we could do a great deal by tweaking the current system to improve it. Most people are happy with their insurance, so if the problem is the minor percentage of uninsured, many of those are illegals, many could afford insurance but don't, and others qualify for medicaid but do not avail themselves of it. For the very very small percentage that can't afford it and don't have any other options, let us adjust the thresholds for medicaid, that would be better than putting the screws to the rest of us.