For those who think the Tea Parties and protests at town hall meetings are hurting the GOP, polling definitely tells a different story. The GOP have been mindless wimps for like forever. Now that they are developing a backbone, they are gaining traction in both attention received and approval of the message they are finally articulating.
For most of last year, and before President Obama took office, according to regular Rasmussen polls, with few and short lived exceptions, the voters consistently trusted Democrats more than Republicans on 10 out of 10 key issues. But as bad as it was under the Bush administration, it appears the voters now see extreme radical liberalism as even worse.
Quote:Trust on Issues
Voters Give GOP First-Time Lead on Health Care
Thursday, August 13, 2009
For the first time in over two years of polling, voters trust Republicans slightly more than Democrats on the handling of the issue of health care. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that voters favor the GOP on the issue 44% to 41%.
Democrats held a four-point lead on the issue last month and a 10-point lead in June. For most of the past two years, more than 50% of voters said they trusted Democrats on health care. The latest results mark the lowest level of support measured for the party on the now-contentious issue.
Public support for the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats has fallen to a new low with just 42% of U.S. voters now in favor of it. That’s down five points from two weeks ago and down eight points from six weeks ago.
Overall, Republicans lead Democrats in terms of voter trust on eight out of 10 key issues for the second consecutive month, and the two are tied on one issue.