Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:41 am
georgeob1 wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

Horse ****. Democrats aren't against disagreements in policy, but we are against citizens disrupting meetings through violence and intimidation, endless chanting and insulting of elected officials. Unruly behavior, not Democratic behavior.

Oh really ??!! I think you are forgetting a very large portion of the history of Democrat & liberal politics over the past few decades.

Oh really?!?! Why don't you be specific and tell me what I am forgetting. It isn't that Dems don't protest - of course we do - but the Republicans have a real flair for thuggish, mob behavior, and they definitely believe in intimidation, both physical and mental.

I believe the real truth here is that a growing number of American voters are becoming concerned and aroused by the actions of a Democrat Congress that is obviously controlled by the organized left-wing constituent groups that dominate it, and the elevated, vague, but increasingly deceptive rhetoric of a President who doesn't do details.

Of course you believe that, because you want more and more Americans to agree with you. However, there is a great deal of evidence showing that these people - who do have valid concerns - are being whipped into a frenzy by the right-wing media, armed with false arguments and lies about health care reform, and being sent to these meetings specifically to disrupt them. The goal isn't to convince anyone of their position, the goal is to intimidate and scare the representatives. You ought to acknowledge this.

Saying that the Dem congress is 'controlled by left-wing interest groups' is rather ridiculous; it is no more so than the last decade of right-wing congresses were completely controlled by their lobbies.

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:41 am
Oh really ??!! I think you are forgetting a very large portion of the history of Democrat & liberal politics over the past few decades.

I believe the real truth here is that a growing number of American voters are becoming concerned and aroused by the actions of a Democrat Congress that is obviously controlled by the organized left-wing constituent groups that dominate it, and the elevated, vague, but increasingly deceptive rhetoric of a President who doesn't do details.

Accusations of a short memory should not be coming from you, Gob1. It highlights your hypocrisy [as if it needs to be!].
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:44 am
I believe the real truth here is that a small vocal number of American voters are becoming concerned and aroused by the actions of a Democrat Congress when told falsely that it is controlled by left-wing constituent groups, and then told vague, but increasingly deceptive rhetoric of a details of a plan that isn't even the President's.

I'm sorry but when a woman gets up at a meeting and says the President is going to force her to end her life, that is NOT the voice of reasonable disagreement. That is the voice of someone that was lied to by the Conservatives.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:45 am
georgeob wrote:
...but increasingly deceptive rhetoric of a President who doesn't do details.

That's the reason why Obama is losing on many fronts. He has failed to communicate his initiatives and plans for our country in a way that the majority can understand. On the other side of this coin is the misinformation being circulated by the consrevatives and the health insurance industry.

a) Seniors are beginning to believe that some health insurance agent is going to interview them to see how they want to die.
b) Obama has not been straigt-forward in telling the American people what the true cost will be for health care vs the savings that will off-set the initial higher cost.
c) The health insurance industry is spending $1.2 million every day to mislead with misinformation and outright lies about government take-over of the health care industry. Even after Obama has repeatedly said that those with health insurance will be allowed to keep what they have.
d) Intimidation at town hall meetings by the public to discuss health care is a destruction of our democracy. Congress members have been threatened with death.
e) It's bad enough when our government ignores our Constitution, but when the general public also threatens the freedom to have group meetings on national issues, that goes too far.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:51 am
However, there is a great deal of evidence showing that these people - who do have valid concerns - are being whipped into a frenzy by the right-wing media, armed with false arguments and lies about health care reform, and being sent to these meetings specifically to disrupt them.

Then you should be able to show that "evidence".
Not supposition, not opinion, not "we think", not dem talking points, but REAL evidence, that would stand up in a courtroom.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:55 am
@cicerone imposter,
c) The health insurance industry is spending $1.2 million every day to mislead with misinformation and outright lies about government take-over of the health care industry. Even after Obama has repeatedly said that those with health insurance will be allowed to keep what they have

And Obama is complaining that his message isnt being heard?

I remember the dems doing the same thing to various repubs.
When Newt said that one component of medicare should be allowed to wither and die on the vine, the dems claimed that he said Medicare should wither and die, to use just one example.

So for you to complain about the money being spent by the health insurance industry is pathetic, considering the dems and their allies used the exact same tactics against repubs over the years.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 11:58 am
Foxfyre wrote:
....This is why those who agree with the principles that went into the Constitution do expect to have a voice and to be heard. ...

Foxfyre wrote:
The double standard continues to be in play.

yes, you must be very proud of this "True Democracy" you bring.

and the double standard does continue. you must be proud of that too.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:00 pm
mysteryman wrote:

However, there is a great deal of evidence showing that these people - who do have valid concerns - are being whipped into a frenzy by the right-wing media, armed with false arguments and lies about health care reform, and being sent to these meetings specifically to disrupt them.

Then you should be able to show that "evidence".
Not supposition, not opinion, not "we think", not dem talking points, but REAL evidence, that would stand up in a courtroom.

I agree.


The Astroturf groups 'Americans for Prosperity' and 'Freedomworks,' both lobbyist groups which are funded by corporations (including the health-care industry and insurance industry), have been disseminating information and memos designed to both a) mislead people about the contents of health care reform, and b) specifically instructs them to 'get aggressive' and intimidate the representatives holding the meetings.

Here's a memo that the group sends out to its' members -


Additionally, Glen Beck's '912 project' has been doing the same thing.


I could also link to any number of crazy chain-emails, which apparently is how 90% of you right-wingers get your information about the world.

The entire point of this exercise is to scare representatives. It is not to foster debate or conversation. None of you who have watched the videos taken at these events could claim any differently, and you should be ashamed at the behavior of your fellow compatriots.

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:00 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Remember to factor in the Rasmussen +5 "Republican position" bias. That's about how out of line he usually is with all other polling.


which is why the holy mac-rels love to point at it. ; )
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:03 pm
And it's quite noticeable that that's the only polls they use here. Most "intelligent" people rely on more than one polling organization.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:03 pm
mysteryman wrote:

endless chanting and insulting of elected officials.

I dont remember you issuing one single complaint when the same was done to Bush admin officials when they tried to speak at various universities and other public venues.

No, in fact I believe the mantra was then that these were patriots excersizing their Constitutional right to free speech. And we do have a right to free speech in what is supposed to be a forum to hear from the people. We even have a right to angry speech when civil speech is being ignored.

You will notice that in almost all cases, these meetings started out with people speaking their objections in a much more calm and civil manner. But when the moderators of the meeting were disrespectful to those expressing their displeasure, that's when things got out of hand.

I don't think such shouting sessions are particularly useful and I would find such quite distasteful myself. What I resent however, is the insinuation that such anger is not grass roots, heart felt, and sincere.

Remember Hillary Clinton's rant saying that she was sick and tired of those who accused those criticizing the Bush administration of being unpatriotic?

Official: Dissent Now Unpatriotic
John T. Simpson

You all know the drill. The recent vague and controversial DHS report on right-wing extremism, the cover of which DHS might just as well have put on the Republican Party platform. The endless puerile teabagging jokes from the fourth estate’s finest, giggling into their microphones like ten-year-olds who just found a tittie mag.

CNN reporter Susan Roesgen even called a Tea Party “anti-government and anti-CNN” when her pro-government handout rant to a Tea Partier was rudely interrupted. Ms. Roesgen took particular offense at a sign of Obama with a Hitler moustache. “Why be so hard on the President of the United States though with such an offensive message?” the offended Ms. Roesgen asked.

Yet in 2006, Ms. Roesgen was perfectly comfortable with this Satan/Hitler Bush mask, jokingly calling it a Bush ‘look-alike.’ I guess it all depends on which POTUS you’re hard on. Right, Suzie?

And therein lies the rub. Dissent was SO patriotic not so long ago, wasn’t it? Dissent against war, dissent against torture, dissent against wiretapping, dissent against Gitmo, dissent against rendition, dissent against government abuse of power. In fact, now-Secretary of State Clinton was quite vocal on the matter back in the day:

“I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. And we should stand up and say we are Americans, and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!”

Right On, Hillary! You Go, Girl! Why is that all different now? I thought she said any administration. Heard plenty of cheers then. Only jeers now. Why is that? Wouldn’t be a double standard, would it?

But the beat of hypocrisy and intimidation to shut up anybody promoting conservative thought or criticizing the prsent administration goes on:

Go Ahead and Report Me -- I'll Shout Louder
FOX NEWS ^ | 08.05.09 | Kevin McCullough

So what has the White House told supporters to do when you run across those who spread "disinformation" about the new attempt by the Obama administration to install the anti-competitive practices of a "public option" into a federalized universal health care initiative?

Report them.

Whether its communicated through e-mail, web sites, blogs, or even casual conversation the executive branch of the federal government is asking you to make them aware of this "disinformation" because they can't keep track of all of the dissenters themselves.

From Tuesday's White House blog entry:

And from America's spokesperson for leftwing political rhetoric:
Bill Maher Bashes CNBC's Cramer for Calling Obama Lenin
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
March 7, 2009 - 23:56 ET

In today's Pot Calling the Kettle Black moment, Bill Maher thinks CNBC's Jim Cramer isn't helping by suggesting that President Barack Obama is Lenin.

This coming from a man who built an entire weekly television program on HBO savagely attacking George W. Bush and anyone associated with his Administration.

Despite the obvious hypocrisy, on Friday's "Real Time," as Maher was talking to CNBC's Erin Burnett about economic and financial coverage on her network, he actually said the following (video embedded below the fold, h/t NB reader Al Holloway):

I don't know if people like Jim Cramer, is doing, is helping, you know when he says Obama is, is Lenin now.

Marvelously, Burnett shot back:

Well, it's interesting because Jim is a Democrat I must say. So, I was a little surprised by his take (inaudible) he's frustrated by the tax policy.

Not only that, but he was also an Obama supporter.

Regardless, it is indeed fascinating that Maher is suddenly protective of the White House, and believes criticism of the president is counter-productive. After all, this is a man who:

Invited former Mexican President Vicente Fox on his program to insult President Bush

Said Bush has American blood on his hands

Called General David Petraeus a stooge

Predicted America would regain prestige once Bush was out of office

Referred to Bush as a paranoid schizophrenic

Called Bush and Cheney traitors

Said Bush has taken away civil rights

Expressed remorse over the March 2007 attempt on Cheney's life having failed

Called Bush a dolt and a Gilligan who can't find his ass with two hands

Referred to Bush as a retarded child emperor

Said Bush had Down's Syndrome

But now that somebody he supports is in the White House, criticism of the president must be avoided?

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:05 pm
But you claimed the media was doing it.
According to your links, the people supposedly doing it are all special interest groups, NOT media.

And IMO anything that comes from the Huffington post is suspect, it is as far left as Glenn Beck is to the right.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:06 pm

You will notice that in almost all cases, these meetings started out with people speaking their objections in a much more calm and civil manner. But when the moderators of the meeting were disrespectful to those expressing their displeasure, that's when things got out of hand.

Here's an evidence-less assertion if I ever saw one. I call bullshit.

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:09 pm
Apparently, its only OK when you disagree with a repub admin.
Any disagreement with a dem admin IS apparently unpatriotic and we dont have the right to do that.
I have reported myself to the WH because I oppose the health care reform bill.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:09 pm
On the Librarian issue, let's see the full context instead of disconnected anti-McCain selected soundbites. If she was treated unfairly or unjustly, I'll absolutely say so. But then I am not a strong McCain supporter either as I do not share many of his views on several important issues. I think unfortunately that's why we have Obama now instead of McCain who, though I think he would not have been what we wanted, would have been far less dangerous and far less destructive.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:10 pm
But you dont disagree with the rest of her post?
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:


You will notice that in almost all cases, these meetings started out with people speaking their objections in a much more calm and civil manner. But when the moderators of the meeting were disrespectful to those expressing their displeasure, that's when things got out of hand.

Here's an evidence-less assertion if I ever saw one. I call bullshit.


Look at that AARP clip again and tell me it's bullshit.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:15 pm
mysteryman wrote:

But you claimed the media was doing it.

I said the Right-wing Media. Which is Glenn Beck and Fox News, not to mention right-wing websites.

According to your links, the people supposedly doing it are all special interest groups, NOT media.

You didn't read the links carefully.

And IMO anything that comes from the Huffington post is suspect, it is as far left as Glenn Beck is to the right.

Of course, you are welcome to your opinion, but that does not invalidate the information contained within my link. Unless you can show it is specifically incorrect, you are simply using an excuse to discount the information. This is not logically strong.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:16 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:


You will notice that in almost all cases, these meetings started out with people speaking their objections in a much more calm and civil manner. But when the moderators of the meeting were disrespectful to those expressing their displeasure, that's when things got out of hand.

Here's an evidence-less assertion if I ever saw one. I call bullshit.


Look at that AARP clip again and tell me it's bullshit.

Look at the clips from all the other meetings and tell me that people came there for quiet discussions. What a joke. They came there to disrupt the meetings, and your attempt to blame it on some sort of 'disrespect' by those holding the meetings is, for lack of a better term, ludicrous.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:17 pm
mysteryman wrote:

But you dont disagree with the rest of her post?

I think it's pure tripe, but it's mostly just people's opinions.


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