Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 04:40 pm
Stop Foxy. Your foxhole is rapidly becoming a sinkhole, a self generated one of course.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 04:54 pm
Sort of like "look but don't you dare do anything" about those faulty loans and derivatives that drove the world economy into a tail spin. All the while, Foxie talks about the "free market and lazzize faire" and at the same time wants our government to "pay close attention."

Confusion reins!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 05:03 pm
Boy, looking at the long string of 'usher ignored' tags, somebody must have struck a lot of nerves.

Anyhow, I didn't want to miss posting one of the more interesting gleanings from my morning email bag today. This one I thought appropriate in the current events catagory. No source was provided:


(10) Your annual breast exam is done at Hooters.

(9) Directions to your doctor's office include "Take a left when you enter the trailer park."

(8) The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgecicles.

(7) The only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-rooter.

(6) The only item listed under Preventative Care Coverage is “an apple a day."

(5) Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month.

(4) "The patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges," is not a typographical error.

(3) The only expense covered 100% is "embalming”.

(2) Your Prozac comes in different colors with little M's on them.


(1) You ask for Viagra, and they give you a Popcicle stick and duct tape.
Debra Law
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 05:11 pm
Here is a portrait of the average right-wing conservative wacko, in her own words:

Dear Fellow 99th District Voters


Some bloggers have been internet dumpster-diving through 15 year old news items with which they are trying to assassinate my character and hinder my campaign. This disinformation may be published in the local paper(s), as well as being sent around the universe via email. The assertions and the mis-quotes would be disturbing if they were true. What is true and my response to them is as follows:

I am amazed at how quickly some who have never spoken to me or asked me about the veracity of these accounts are ready to throw me and my campaign under the bus.

First of all, you would have had to have been living in the western states during the Clinton administration to understand the tension his policies created during that dreadful time in history. Had I not been there I imagine I would have a difficult time understanding the drama his policies created. Using the Endangered Species Act he destroyed a significant portion of the logging industry that many rural communities depended on to survive. Where I lived the logging was shut down and then the Department of the Interior was moving to shut down ranching by listing some swallow-tail-something-or-other as endangered. They held meetings to inform the community that they may have to ban cattle or fence off their access to the river so the habitat of this bird would not be destroyed. This was completely insane. I thought it was a joke. The Clinton Admin, soon after, determined that forest rangers and other environmental officials were to be armed. This was a first! Combine this with the move to enact more gun legislation and you had gun owners scrambling for additional arms and ammo (sound familiar? Talk about déjà…) It was in this climate of fear (of losing one’s livelihood, not starting a range war…) that the Clinton Admin started by reporting on “white supremacist” and “cults” (believers in “end time” events) as a threat to domestic security, (again, sound familiar? Have you read the DHS report and the profile they have on you?) It seemed everyone who was against Clinton’s policies were to have their character assassinated by this type of “profiling”. That’s what you have to do. You have to “demonize” a group of people that resist you so you can attack them. That’s when our Government under Janet Reno murdered those dozens of men, women, and children in Waco,because they were considered a “cult” and may have been selling guns without permits. Do you soon forget the horror of that event? How many Americans sympathized with them? Not many. Why? Because Clinton had done his job successfully removing any regard for “those” people. They must have “asked for it”. Think about that. We sure did, because my God fearing, freedom loving, independent ranchers and loggers, were being made a part of his profiled “hit list”. They were being profiled as racists and gun loving lunatics. No one seemed to care that they were neither. Then they went after that family in Ruby Ridge and shot a mother as she stood holding her baby in an open door way. They were self-proclaimed racists. So did they “ask for it”? Should we declare open season on racists? I am no racist and have the bona fides to prove it. I am not a gun owner but I did participate with the Women on Target group in White Stone last year and intend to do so again. If I ever feel competent with a fire arm I will not be ashamed to obtain one. I am not a cult member and neither were my neighbors any of these things. But I didn’t get to define who I was, neither did my neighbors. The Clinton Admin did. (Now the Obama Administration is.)

I submit rather than be outraged at a group of innocent Americans terrorized into believing that our government was capable of any act of violence against them without any indictment or other due process, you should rather be outraged at our government! We didn’t need a “conspiracy theory” about what might happen, it was happening.

As far as the Bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City which happened during this season of other horrific events, I did and do believe that our government was culpable in the OKC bombing. This was not based on a “conspiracy theory” but on the analysis of Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (retired) who resides in Alexandria, Virginia who is an expert in weapons development. General Partin spent his own time and his own money personally visiting the site in OKC and publishing his analysis. From there he hand delivered a copy PERSONALLY to every single member of Congress. Congressman Trafficant was the only one willing to stand with him and call for a press conference to address it. The very next day Trafficant canceled and never spoke to the General again. This man is a patriot and a hero and I do not and will not recant my confidence in his report. I attach this youtube link for your reference: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4224779103128976372. I also don’t believe the official report of who shot JFK, does that scare you? General Partin’s assessment was brilliant and as far as I will ever be concerned, irrefutable.

I am not ashamed of standing with my friends and neighbors in New Mexico from the domestic terrorists known as our own government. I am thankful that the immediacy of that particular threat passed without greater conflict. These events happened 15 years ago and there has been nothing in my history since then until this present time that could possibly indicate an obsession with what the press tried to paint as “anti-government” activity. Nothing. They had to go back 15 years to find anything worth attempting to create and manufacture a frenzy out of. I learned in that day that the press is always willing to make an ass out of anyone they don’t understand or disagree with.

The reality of what happened, which was in no way represented with any integrity or authenticity in these “news releases”, was a dark chapter in our nation’s history and we would do well to recognize it being recreated today by our current Administration. This time, however, it is all of you, my fellow conservatives, my fellow Republicans, who are being profiled. Not a remote group isolated by geography and anonymity.

This is not what I would want to be known for but I will not run from this and I sure as heck will not apologize for it. Again, the recently released Homeland Security Report absolutely vindicates the concerns many honest, noble, American patriots, had then and, unfortunately, have now.

If this destroys the Republican Party’s confidence in me, so be it. I intend to stay true to my charge. I will not be dropping out of this race. In fact, I would think this should inspire greater confidence in my character as someone who will not be silent in the face of evil and will not remain silent when faced with a threat to my family, community, or my nation. In other words, should I win this election, when I swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of our State and/or our Nation, I will actually mean it.

If you go to my website and refresh your minds and thoughts with the concerns of our Founding Fathers in the Patriots Corner you will be reminded that if we fail to learn from the past we will and are repeating it. In fact, everyone of the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be on Clinton’s and Obama’s Domestic Terrorist List. I consider myself in good company.

Feel free to share this with anyone who cares. I will not be bullied by a leftist blog who wouldn’t understand the truth or righteousness or freedom if it bit him you-know-where.

Call with questions or concerns. I so appreciate a straight forward approach rather than cowardly sniping behind my back.

Catherine Crabill

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 05:17 pm
No wonder you're so confused; you believe all that stuff! LOL
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 06:22 pm
@Debra Law,
Countdown until "no true Scotsman"...

Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 07:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Boy, looking at the long string of 'usher ignored' tags, somebody must have struck a lot of nerves.

those user ignored tags only show (to you) that you've got someone on ignore - you can't see other posters' user ignore tags.

So, someone struck your nerves. No one else's.
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 07:20 pm
Lalalalalala! She can't read you, ehBeth! Guess why?
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 07:23 pm
noooooooooo Cool
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 07:25 pm
@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:

Countdown until "no true Scotsman"...


Or she'll just try to avoid the article by ignoring it.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 09:25 pm
Do you think Foxie's caught on yet? LOL
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 10:04 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Boy, looking at the long string of 'usher ignored' tags, somebody must have struck a lot of nerves.

those user ignored tags only show (to you) that you've got someone on ignore - you can't see other posters' user ignore tags.

So, someone struck your nerves. No one else's.

Okay back from a pleasant evening.

But no, it must have struck their nerves or there wouldn't have been a whole string of them posting all at once.

It's no secret that I have a few folks on ignore purely so that I can enjoy my experience on A2K which they seemed hell bent on denying me. That has been the case for awhile now. I have taken a couple off of ignore recently and so far my experience with those folks has been just fine. I do check on the others every once in awhile to see if they have cleaned up their act any. When they do, I'll take them off ignore too.

I have never put you on ignore ehBeth. If you wish that honor, look up my defnition of numbnut and work harder at it.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2009 10:08 pm
Foxie, Nobody denies you anything; you play the victim role, you use ad hominems, and you contradict yourself often. We just keep reminding you of your inconsistencies, errors, omissions, insults, denials, and the victim role you love to play.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 01:57 am
Our fearless leaders at work, and some still wonder why we are so nervous about what our benevolent government intends to foist on us by rushing headlong into healthcare reform:

Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill--Unless They Have 2 Lawyers to Interpret It for Them
Monday, July 27, 2009
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter

(CNSNews.com) - During his speech at a National Press Club luncheon, House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), questioned the point of lawmakers reading the health care bill.

“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Conyers.

“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 02:19 am
I can't believe that corrupt guy is even in Congress, let alone there to help determine health care decisions. If he can't read, then he should resign and let somebody be there that can read. And if its too complicated to read without that much interpretation, then how can we expect bureaucrats to get this right? This whole thing is a joke, it ought to be thrown back into Obama's office with a big magic marker that says "NO, NO, and NO Again."
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 09:03 am
And if a U.S. Congressman charged with the obligation and responsibility to vote the laws that the people must obey admits that he won't have a clue about what is in the bill, we should believe that they have our interests at heart? Give me a break.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 09:08 am
Meanwhile, Newt continues to push points of his plan for a real stimulus and way to pull us out of the recession. It should be obvious to all but the most fanatical partisans that what the government is doing is not working and, according to Rasmussen, most Americans do realize that. Components of this plan have worked every single time they have been tried:

Jobs Here, Jobs Now, Jobs First

At American Solutions, we believe it's time for a fundamentally different approach - a plan for creating jobs that you can apply to your own family or business budget and decide if it works for you.

We've boiled it down to a simple phrase: Jobs Here, Jobs Now, Jobs First.

It is a step-by-step program that you can share with your friends and the small business owners you know.

Read it here and use it to tell Washington politicians that their number one priority ought to be job creation.

Use it to convince small business owners that we need a jobs creation program that is real, that works in the world market, and that creates permanent, long-term economic growth.

Use it to tell your friends and neighbors that a pay raise may not be possible in this economy, but a take-home pay raise is within our reach.

Jobs Here, Jobs Now, Jobs First consists of four very bold tax changes.

1. A 50 Percent Cut in Payroll Taxes for Two Years

For workers, this means cutting Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes in half for two years -a substantial take-home pay raise for every person who has a job.

For employers, a 50 percent cut in the Social Security and Medicare tax match means more money to hire new workers and invest in new technology.

For the economy as a whole, it would bolster small businesses and lead to an explosion of jobs.

2. Abolish the Capital Gains Tax

To compete with China for news jobs and investment we need to match their capital gains tax: It's zero.

If we want our children and grandchildren to live in the most productive country in the world, we need more than short-term, government make-work jobs. We need the investment required for new factories, new companies and new technologies to create long lasting jobs.

Abolishing the capital gains tax would produce such investment.

3. Reduce the Corporate Tax Rate

The Left loves to demonize corporations, but when you add together state and federal taxes, American corporations pay the highest taxes in the world.

We believe that by matching the Irish corporate tax rate of 12.5 percent, America would become the most desirable economy in the world to open a factory, create a new job or develop a new production.

And that means more jobs for American workers.

4. Eliminate the Death Tax Permanently

By taxing Americans a second time after they die, government does a fundamentally immoral thing: It tells us that it wants us to work all our lives, save all our lives, and provide for our families. And then it takes the fruit of that hard work when we die.

If we want to be a pro-work, pro-savings and pro-family nation, it's past time we stop punishing Americans who work, save and provide for their families.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 09:20 am
On the occasionally reoccurring story over President Obama's birth certificate, there is now a huge bruhaha with Leftists demanding that Lou Dobbs be fired at CNN, not because he thinks Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. He does think Obama is a U.S. citizen and says so. They want him fired simply because he dares mention that there is a controversy.

They're getting crazier and crazier folks.

Lou Dobbs Rips Fox News' Geraldo, MSNBC's Maddow Over Obama 'Birther' Show
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:59 AM
By: Kenneth D. Williams

On yesterday's Lou Dobbs radio show, the host had plenty to say about critics who are ripping him for allowing a debate on his program about Obama's birth certificate " everyone from Ann Coulter, to Fox News and "intellectually challenged" Geraldo Rivera, to MSNBC TV's "tea-bagging queen" Rachel Maddow.

Three video clips at this site:
Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 09:23 am
Foxfyre wrote:

On the occasionally reoccurring story over President Obama's birth certificate, there is now a huge bruhaha with Leftists demanding that Lou Dobbs be fired at CNN, not because he thinks Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. He does think Obama is a U.S. citizen and says so. They want him fired simply because he dares mention that there is a controversy.

They're getting crazier and crazier folks.

Lou Dobbs Rips Fox News' Geraldo, MSNBC's Maddow Over Obama 'Birther' Show
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:59 AM
By: Kenneth D. Williams

On yesterday's Lou Dobbs radio show, the host had plenty to say about critics who are ripping him for allowing a debate on his program about Obama's birth certificate " everyone from Ann Coulter, to Fox News and "intellectually challenged" Geraldo Rivera, to MSNBC TV's "tea-bagging queen" Rachel Maddow.

Three video clips at this site:

Oh, is there a group calling for his firing? I assure you, I read the lefty blogs as much as anyone, and I have not seen a lot of evidence that this is true. However, he is being criticized for giving a platform to a bunch of crazy folks.

Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2009 09:35 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
However, he is being criticized for giving a platform to a bunch of crazy folks.


Would some of those crazy folks have included Obama's relatives in Kenya, that said he was born there?

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