Getting to $787 Billion
After a month of wrangling, 246 House Democrats, 57 Senate Democrats and three Senate Republicans voted late last week to pass a compromise economic recovery package of spending provisions, tax cuts and aid to laid-off workers and their families. The 1,073-page bill, signed into law Monday by President Obama, contains hundreds of provisions. This is how they add up. Click the columns to sort by amount or type of spending, and see a summary table below.
Expenditures are sorted in descending order from over a hundred-billion to one-billion dollars. Expenditures smaller than one-billion dollars can be found at the web site.
Classification Keyword Description Cost ($M)
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts $400 payroll tax credit for workers earning up to $75,000; married couples filing jointly get $800 for income up to $150,000 $116,199
Aid Healthcare Federal aid to states for Medicaid spending $90,044
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts Middle-income taxpayers get an exemption from the alternative minimum tax of $46,700 for an individual and $70,950 for a married couple $69,759
Aid Aid to states Aid to states to balance education budgets, prevent cutbacks and modernize schools $40,600
Spending Transportation Grants for highway improvements $29,000
Aid Individual aid Extension of jobless benefits for up to 33 weeks $26,960
Aid Individual aid 65% subsidy for laid-off workers to continue paying premiums for former employer's health plan for nine months $24,749
Aid Food 13% increase in food stamp payments $19,991
Aid Healthcare Incentive payments to hospitals and physicians who computerize medical-records systems $17,559
Aid Education Increase in Pell Grant to $5,350 in 2009 and to $5,550 in 2010, and other increases to student aid $17,114
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts Increased eligibility for refundable child tax credit, with all income over $3000 qualifying $14,830
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts One-time payment of $250 for retirees, disabled people, SSI recipients, railroad retirees and disabled veterans $14,225
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts Tax credit of up to $2500 for tuition and college expenses $13,907
Tax provisions Energy tax cuts Extending by three years the placed-in-service date for renewable energy investments $13,143
Spending Education Funding for 'Title I' education programs for disadvantaged children $13,000
Spending Education Grants for special education programs $12,200
Tax provisions Infrastructure tax cuts $22 billion in new tax credit bonds for construction or repair of public schools $9,877
Spending Health and Services National Institutes of Health biomedical research $9,500
Aid Individual aid Increase in weekly unemployment benefits by $25 $8,800
Spending Transportation Public transit improvements and infrastructure investments $8,400
Aid Aid to states Aid to states for public safety and critical services $8,000
Spending Transportation Grants for capital investments in designated high-speed rail corridors $8,000
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts A tax credit for first-time homebuyers increases from $7500 to $8000, and will not have to be repaid $6,638
Spending Energy Money for federal power marketing administrations in electric power transmission systems $6,500
Spending Outdoors Loans for communities to upgrade wastewater treatment systems and drinking water infrastructure $6,400
Spending Energy Energy efficiency grants to states and local governments $6,300
Spending Government Construction, repair and energy alterations to federal buildings and facilities $5,550
Tax provisions Infrastructure tax cuts $25 billion of bonds for investment in economic recovery zones will be created $5,371
Spending Energy Cleanup of former nuclear defense sites $5,127
Tax provisions Business tax cuts Businesses will be able to more quickly deduct the cost of investments in plant and equipment from their taxable income $5,074
Aid Aid to states Aid to states in form of bonus grants for meeting key performance measures in education $5,000
Spending Energy Home weatherization grants to low and middle-income families $5,000
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts $2400 of unemployment benefits will not be subject to federal income tax $4,740
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts Increase in earned income tax credit for working families with more than three children $4,663
Spending Energy Modernization of the electric grid $4,400
Spending Commerce Grants to provide wireless and broadband infrastructure to communities, including public computer centers and sustainable adoption of broadband service $4,350
Tax provisions Infrastructure tax cuts 35% credit to bondholders for infrastructure bonds, 35% refundable credit to issuers of bonds $4,348
Spending Outdoors Flood control and water management construction, regulation and investigations $4,125
Spending Housing Repairs and modernization of public housing projects $4,000
Spending Energy Loan guarantees for standard renewables $4,000
Spending Defense Restoration and modernization of Defense facilities in U.S. and territories $3,840
Tax provisions Infrastructure tax cuts Rules affecting state and local government bonds will be changed to improve marketability $3,789
Tax provisions Business tax cuts Some companies restructuring may not be subject to those tougher rules $3,163
Aid Individual aid Grants for states modernizing unemployment compensation coverage among low-wage, part-time and other workers $2,975
Spending Energy Research and development of renewable and efficient energy technology $2,500
Spending Science National Science Foundation research $2,500
Spending Farming Broadband grants to rural communities $2,500
Aid Individual aid Aid to states for temporary assistance to needy families payments (TANF) $2,418
Spending Housing Funds for building and rehabilitating low-income housing using green technology $2,250
Spending Housing Energy efficiency retrogrades to low-income housing, including new insulation, windows and furnaces $2,250
Spending Justice Grants to state and local law enforcement $2,225
Tax provisions Energy tax cuts 30% cap on tax credit for energy efficiency purchases by homeowners, up to $1500 per residence $2,034
Tax provisions Energy tax cuts Tax credit for plug-in electric vehicle conversion $2,002
Spending Housing Funds for communities to buy and rehabilitate foreclosed and vacant properties $2,000
Spending Health and Services Extra money for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology $2,000
Spending Health and Services Grants to states for childcare services for low-income working parents $2,000
Spending Health and Services Renovation and health IT purchases for community health centers $2,000
Spending Energy Transmission loan guarantees $2,000
Spending Energy Advanced batteries manufacturing grants $2,000
Tax provisions Individual tax cuts Taxpayers earning less than $125,000 can deduct sales and excise taxes paid on new cars $1,684
Tax provisions Business tax cuts Facilities making advanced energy property may be able to claim a new 30% investment tax credit $1,647
Tax provisions Business tax cuts Companies will be allowed to defer taxes for five years on several transactions aimed at restructuring balance sheets, and repay the taxes over the following five years $1,622
Aid Individual aid Two-year extension of program providing income support and training benefits for workers who lose their jobs because of outsourcing overseas $1,600
Spending Energy Physics research including high-energy physics, nuclear physics and fusion energy sciences $1,600
Spending Energy Grants for industrial carbon capture and energy efficiency improvement projects $1,520
Aid Housing Grants for short-term help with rent and housing relocation for homeless families $1,500
Spending Farming Grants for rural waste and waste disposal $1,380
Spending Military Defense hospital construction $1,330
Spending Transportation Grants to Amtrak $1,300
Spending Labor Grants to states for dislocated worker employment and training activities $1,250
Spending Labor Grants to states for youth training, including summer jobs $1,200
Aid Individual aid Waiver on interest payments and accrual in interest on loans held by state unemployment trust funds $1,100
Spending Transportation Grants for airport improvements $1,100
Spending Health and Services "Early Head Start" programs for low-income infants $1,100
Spending Health and Services Funding for research comparing effectiveness of treatments funded by Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP $1,100
Tax provisions Infrastructure tax cuts $2.8 billion of bonds for schools working with businesses $1,045
Aid Individual aid Extra funding for child support enforcement $1,000
Spending Housing Grants for community and economic development projects $1,000
Spending Veterans Renovations and energy efficiency improvements to veterans medical facilities $1,000
Spending Health and Services Funding for community preventative health campaigns, vaccination programs, healthcare-associated infection reduction strategies $1,000
Spending Health and Services Grants for community employment, food, housing and healthcare projects $1,000
Spending Health and Services "Head Start" programs for low-income preschoolers $1,000
Spending Homeland security Explosive detection systems for airports $1,000
Spending Energy Fossil energy research and development $1,000
Spending Outdoors Water reclamation and reuse projects $1,000
Spending Justice Grants to state and local law enforcement to hire extra police officers $1,000
Spending Commerce Extra money for Census $1,000