I freely admit and have always admitted that I, like all others, have feet of clay. I am no saint, no genius, and possess no wisdom not available to the average bear and I am as subject to error as anybody.
I would say that yes, to accuse any person of being selfish, greedy, arrogant, authoritarian, egomanic, intolerant etc. because s/he describes herself/himself as conservative would be applying a stereotype.
To say that the average Liberal views conservativism and its proponents as selfish, greedy, arrogant, authoritarian, egomaniac, etc. does not involve stereotyping but is applying a definition.
To say that the average Liberal inaccurately describes conservatism in one or more such terms also does not involve stereotyping but is expressing an opinion about how Liberals view conservatives.
To say that Liberals generally reject any attempt to define them in any terms and also seem incapable of defining themselves also does not involve stereotyping, but is expressing an opinion based on personal observation and experience.