Responding to the Article posted by Advocate, Foxfyre wrote:
It is amazing to me that you would seem to present the opinon of an apparently uncredentialed leftwing blogger, Don Monkerud, as gospel, while dismissing or trashing opposite points of view from people who have studied and analyzed such concepts in depth, who actually footnote support for their opinion, and who have applied it in real life.
Foxfyre trashed Advocate for posting an article concerning the disparity of wealth distribution and its present-day dangers. The article discussed a shift in wealth production from individual ownership to corporate income wherein corporate executives engage in reckless business practices for the purpose of padding their excessive salaries to the economic detriment of society as a whole.
Foxfyre trashed the author of the article as an "apparently uncredentialed leftwing blogger."
Foxfyre accused Advocate of presenting the article as gospel.
Foxfyre accused Advocate of dismissing and trashing opposite points of view.
Foxfyre failed to identify these people who offered "opposite points of view," but she alleged that these unidentified people "studied and analyzed such concepts in depth, who actually footnote support for their opinion, and who have applied it in real life." Foxfyre is oblivious to the real life economic disaster that America now faces because of the unregulated greed-inspired conduct of corporate executives.
Having trashed Adovocate, the author of the article, and its content when compared to "opposite points of view" which Foxfyre did not identify, post, discuss or debate, Foxfyre wrote the following:
Foxfyre wrote:Still, while I mostly don't agree with his conclusions, Monkerud did identify a lot of concepts that should be debated on this thread if the numbnuts would stop tryting to use it to trash people, groups, and political parties.
Foxfyre has the audacity to allege that numbnuts will use the debate to trash people, groups, and political parties. However, Foxfyre's preceding paragraph demonstrates that Foxfyre squashed the debate before it even began by using the same tactics that she allegedly decries. Accordingly, Foxfyre is a numbnut and guilty of numbnuttery, as she defines it, because she trashed Advocate, and the author of the posted article, and the contents of the article, chalking it all up to the apparent rantings of an uncredentialed leftwing blogger without even discussing the article.
Foxfyre wrote:For instance Monkerud says:
Quote:In 2005, the top one percent claimed 22 percent of the national income, while the top ten percent took half of the total income, the largest share since 1928.
Please explain how this destroys US ideals so long as the bottom 99% is free and unhindered from aspiring to be among the top one percent?
Foxfyre stated that she disagreed with the author's conclusion. The author concluded that wealth concentration in the hands of a few people--who are unregulated corporate income producers rather than owners--is dangerous to the economic welfare of the country and the majority of the people. These top income producers of the corporate world are self-serving greed mongers who are getting rich by recklessly driving our economy into the ditch. In Foxfyre's oblivious world, the economic destruction of the country and its working people by the unregulated greed of excessively paid corporate executives is consistent with our U.S. ideal of equal opportunity for all. Apparently, so long as ALL Americans have an equal opportunity to
aspire to become the reckless destroyers of the economy in exchange for an enormous paycheck, (even though 99 percent of Americans will never achieve that goal), all is well in America.
Foxfyre has proven that she is indeed oblivious to the dangers discussed in the article.