Here's Karl Rove on O'Reilly last evening discussing the attention the media and Dems have paid to the recent 'family values' Republican infidelities (humping someone other than your dutiful christian helpmeet) by Sanford, Ensign, Vitter, Craig, etc
Quote:What we saw last night was the coarseness and ugliness in American politics, carried forward by people who claim not to be political actors, but commentators and observers. And they gave the lie to their so-called neutrality or objectiveness last night.
Project much? It goes without saying that individuals like Rove and O'Reilly, who have been seminal in creating and defining the modern conservative movement in many of its very worst manifestations, demonstrate so much of what is wrong with that movement. They are now completely unworthy of anyone's trust. Honesty or integrity sit far outside their personal universes.