H2O MAN wrote:
wandeljw wrote:
A strategy to regain a majority in Congress is more reasonable than a strategy to impeach the President.
That's a good start, but you must also have a clear plan of action once you gain the majority.
Just look at the democrats, they have controlled Congress for about two and a half
years now and all they have done is increase the deficit by a mind boggling amount.
.... If the republicans want to make a huge change for the better, they should
champion The FairTax and make it happen as soon as they regain the majority.
They'll need a strategy for sure to win enough seats, something akin to the Contract with America that beat all odds and won them the majority in 1994. But Obama is handing them the agenda that they need to run against. They need to advertise: 1) Return to fiscal sanity and roll back any tax increases and gratuitous spending programs and pledge not to attempt to tax and spend ourselves into prosperity. 2) Return to defensive sanity and reocognize that there are evil people in the world who must be stopped, restrained, resisted, or whatever is necessary to stop them from killing innocents. 3) Return to economic sanity, get the government out of private business, encourage business stability and growth with the sound marketable principle that people will spend their own money more productively and effectively than government will spend it for them.
All we have to do is teach and emphasize those three points with the understanding that we address all the other stuff after we get a handle on these.
Important: we have to be adament that we expect those we elect to be committed to these principles and not go off the deep end as some of their GOP predecessors did.