cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 07:06 pm
It's not that it's unsexy or old, but nobody seems to follow "it."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 07:21 pm
Foxfrye wrote
;:"Agreed however that the 'foreign alliances' is the most sticky wicket on the list. While our Founders were most leery of such alliances, it would be extremely difficult for us to participate in a global economy or to stave off aggressive tyranny wherever it exists without some cooperation between friendly nations. So that one would need some work."

This goes way back to the Washington Doctrine (and further) whereby our first President essentially saw foreign entanglements, Re such a young nation, as dangerous for a number of reasons we can all now appreciate. T. Roosevelt turned this around because he recognized America's Future role in the world, especially economiclly, he was right. Alliances are a two edged sword (Hitler had to declare war on the United States because of Japans actions at Pearl. It was the last thing he wanted to do.) Its important that any agreement is in America's best interest. This implies that America has an interest at all, always a subject for debate and nowadays complicated (witness the just a small sample of this complexity given to us by a Master http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/07/AR2009060702097.html

I have some further thoughts here which I will make clearer--nothing particularlly special, I'm just going to bed now Wink

0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 07:38 pm
Shelby Steele wrote:

What is most notable about the Sotomayor nomination is its almost perfect predictability. Somehow we all simply know -- like it or not -- that Hispanics are now overdue for the gravitas of high office. And our new post-racialist president is especially attuned to this chance to have a "first" under his belt, not to mention the chance to further secure the Hispanic vote. And yet it was precisely the American longing for post-racialism -- relief from this sort of racial calculating -- that lifted Mr. Obama into office.

How would Shelby Steele know what got Obama elected to the presidency? Steele, after all, is the guy who wrote a book explaining how Obama couldn't be elected. It's available now -- used copies start at $0.01, which is about a cent more than it's worth.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 07:40 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I doubt Limbaugh has ever compared Obama to Hitler however. Do you have any evidence for that or have you been getting your information from radical leftwing juvenile blogs again?

Well, Limbaugh has compared Obama to Al Qaeda. Is that close enough?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 08:28 pm
Actually, he'd have to pay me about a thousand dollars to read it. Send me the book with the money, and I promise to read it. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 08:51 pm
Sorry I'm back so late!

Foxfyre, I think we hold the stronger hand but fail to realize that because too many are suckered in to to all the MAL bluff and bluster. If our position were as weak as the MALs claim, the MALs wouldn't be so quick to respond everytime we question the validity of what they claim is true. Also, they wouldn't bother with their unrelenting slander about what we think and do. You in particular are repeatedly slandered by the MALs, because they know the things you think and say should be done to save our nation will work, and what they are doing will not work to save the nation. The MALs want to replace our rule of law with their own that serves only their sick quest for power.

The Tea Party people here in Texas that I talk to daily know what they want and are angrily complaining about the failure of the Republicans to move to impeach Osama, or, failing that, for Texas to move to secede from the USA. What they require are Republicans who will directly oppose what the Democrats are doing with true Republican solutions not just platitudes. They are fed up with Republicans that think the Republican way back to power is to emulate the MALs in transferring wealth only doing less of it.

The current and future fury of the MALs is no more intimidating to these Texans and me than dirt on ourr shoes. When the MAL garbage is cleaned up, there will be time enough to clean our shoes.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 09:01 pm
Just look at the polls. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 09:32 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

Responding to Old Europe, Foxfyre wrote:
I defy you to show where Okie has ever compared Obama to Hitler.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Here is one post where he compares Obama to Hitler:

okie wrote:
Actually, what we are seeing right now in America, with Obama criticizing greed and placing greater control of government in commerce, is that left or right, George? Clearly, Obama is a liberal, he is left, probably the most leftwing president we have ever had. Is he a communist? He certainly claims he isn't. Is he a socialist, probably, but he doesn't claim to be. For comparison purposes, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler to say he is a madman, I don't think he is, but I see alot of similarity between Obama's leftist policies and the policies of Hitler in the 30's. People will jump on me here for comparing Obama to Hitler, for them I would say don't get excited, what I am doing here is comparing policies, economic policy, social programs, relationship with unions, business, volunteerism, and many other things, I am comparing these things to provide evidence for my assertion that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist.


Apparently you didn't read the post, Debra. I compared Obama's policies to Hitler's policies, I made the point that I was not comparing Obama as a person to that of Hitler. If you have read the many posts about Hitler, the obvious reason Hitler is discussed and referenced is the discussion of socialism, fascism, and left vs right. All of this debate is highly instructive if you have a desire to examine the subjects addressed here.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 10:40 pm
okie's a goddam liar:

Okie wrote:
Re: okie (Post 3628144)
If Obama was in fact a Marxist, it would at least explain one thing. It would explain why he is trying to bankrupt the country, so he can institute his own system. After all, what logical reason can anyone else come up with to explain his bizarre and outlandish proposals to spend us into oblivion?

Okie wrote on April 17:

As a matter of note, Foxfyre, I've been reading Hitler's Mein Kampf, and the 25 points of the Nazi Party, and the main difference I see between Hitler and Marx, is that Hitler hated Jews and he thougtht the Marxists were accomplishing things, only to have the Jews rule the world or some such imagination. Hitler was a confused man, and so are his writings, and after reading it, I wonder how could anyone believe in this guy, let alone an entire country?

At any rate, it is clear when you read the doctrine, the "Folk State" that Hitler wanted and talked about endlessly, means the "Peoples State." And the State was to rule supreme, a strong central government, from the top down, all for the "common good," as ensured by the central authority. Newspapers transgressing the common welfare was to be suppressed, property and profits could be confiscated for the common good, and so on. It was clearly a socialistic state, as ensured by a strong central authority, not much different than what you see today, in communist states or very socialistic states.

Actually, it is eerie to read some of this stuff, because it sounds eerily similar to tactics used now by the left. One of Hitler's basic approaches was - do not become bogged down in details, simply outline broad principles with sloganeering, etc., with broad appeal, to obtain a wide following among the masses. Hide the details and don't even give out the details to people that don't need to know them. He despised endless political debate and wrangling over the details.

Interesting how its like pulling hens teeth to get any details of Obama's policies until he actually does them. All we had were slogans and broad plans. Note here to all the libs, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler, but I am comparing the leftist tactics to leftist tactics used in history, and there is absolutely no doubt after reading more of this stuff, it reinforces the fact that Hitler was a leftist, at least in context with modern American politics.

First okie says he's not comparing Hitler to Obama, but he does use the words "I am comparing..."

He doesn't know what he's saying.

That's a direct contradiction from the same sentence.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 10:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
For anyone that reads my posts about Hitler and Obama, I think it is pretty clear what I mean. I am comparing some of the policies and political maneuvering by Hitler to that of leftists, and to what we see today. But I am very careful and clear that I am not comparing Obama to Hitler in terms of cruelty or deranged mindset. For anyone that honestly reads my posts, that is abundantly clear, but of course ci is but one of many that does not wish to present the arguments honestly. One of the reasons I use Obama and other liberals as a reference in discussing Hitler is the argument by many that Hitler was a right wing politician governing with right wing policies. Therefore the comparisons that I make are fully justified and instructive in that debate, in my effort to argue otherwise, which requires evidence and comparisons.

The reason this is so offensive to liberals is their fairly successful effort to date to cast in concrete the perception that Hitler was a right wing extremist, implying of course that right wing extremists are the real threats to the world, so anyone arguing otherwise is to be attacked viciously by most liberal posters here.
Debra Law
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 11:19 pm
okie wrote:

Debra Law wrote:

Responding to Old Europe, Foxfyre wrote:
I defy you to show where Okie has ever compared Obama to Hitler.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Here is one post where he compares Obama to Hitler:

okie wrote:
Actually, what we are seeing right now in America, with Obama criticizing greed and placing greater control of government in commerce, is that left or right, George? Clearly, Obama is a liberal, he is left, probably the most leftwing president we have ever had. Is he a communist? He certainly claims he isn't. Is he a socialist, probably, but he doesn't claim to be. For comparison purposes, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler to say he is a madman, I don't think he is, but I see alot of similarity between Obama's leftist policies and the policies of Hitler in the 30's. People will jump on me here for comparing Obama to Hitler, for them I would say don't get excited, what I am doing here is comparing policies, economic policy, social programs, relationship with unions, business, volunteerism, and many other things, I am comparing these things to provide evidence for my assertion that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist.


Apparently you didn't read the post, Debra. I compared Obama's policies to Hitler's policies, I made the point that I was not comparing Obama as a person to that of Hitler. If you have read the many posts about Hitler, the obvious reason Hitler is discussed and referenced is the discussion of socialism, fascism, and left vs right. All of this debate is highly instructive if you have a desire to examine the subjects addressed here.

I did read the post, Ican. You may not escape scrutiny by claiming that I didn't understand what I read.

Also, no matter how much you tap dance, you may not escape the clear meaning of the word "compare."

In your post, you represented what you believe to be the similarities of two men, Obama and Hitler, who rose to the positions of powerful national leaders. Based on your perceived representation of similarities, you concluded that "that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist." In your opening post, you identified Hitler as a ruthless dictator.

Now return to your original thesis in your opening post in the thread, "What produces RUTHLESS DICTATORS:

okie wrote:
It is my firm belief that the extreme leftist mindset presents by far the most dangerous fertile ground to produce another ruthless dictator.

You are trying to identify men whom you believe to have similar policies, i.e., "leftist mindset," in order to determine who may become another ruthless dictator. With respect to Obama, you said, "I don't trust him at all."

Accordingly, you are making an extremely disingenuous claim when you allege that you are not comparing Obama and Hitler as persons. You are in fact comparing them as persons, i.e. powerful national leaders, whom you believe have similar policies and leftist mindsets.

Debra Law
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 11:40 pm
okie wrote:

For anyone that reads my posts about Hitler and Obama, I think it is pretty clear what I mean. I am comparing some of the policies and political maneuvering by Hitler to that of leftists, and to what we see today. But I am very careful and clear that I am not comparing Obama to Hitler in terms of cruelty or deranged mindset. . . .

This is a disingenuous distinction. Just because you're being "careful" not to call Obama a madman, that doesn't detract from the many other comparisons that you are in fact making concerning alleged similarities.

Your Hitler/Obama comparison (paraphrasing) is as follows: "Hitler was a madman, and I'm not saying that Obama is a madman, but Hitler and Obama are similar in every other way that produces a ruthless dictator. I don't trust Obama because he's bitter (like Hitler), is obsessed with power (like Hitler), and has a leftist mindset (like Hitler)."

Debra Law
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2009 11:48 pm
@Debra Law,
Corrected post:

Debra Law wrote:

okie wrote:

Debra Law wrote:

Responding to Old Europe, Foxfyre wrote:
I defy you to show where Okie has ever compared Obama to Hitler.

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Here is one post where he compares Obama to Hitler:

okie wrote:
Actually, what we are seeing right now in America, with Obama criticizing greed and placing greater control of government in commerce, is that left or right, George? Clearly, Obama is a liberal, he is left, probably the most leftwing president we have ever had. Is he a communist? He certainly claims he isn't. Is he a socialist, probably, but he doesn't claim to be. For comparison purposes, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler to say he is a madman, I don't think he is, but I see alot of similarity between Obama's leftist policies and the policies of Hitler in the 30's. People will jump on me here for comparing Obama to Hitler, for them I would say don't get excited, what I am doing here is comparing policies, economic policy, social programs, relationship with unions, business, volunteerism, and many other things, I am comparing these things to provide evidence for my assertion that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist.


Apparently you didn't read the post, Debra. I compared Obama's policies to Hitler's policies, I made the point that I was not comparing Obama as a person to that of Hitler. If you have read the many posts about Hitler, the obvious reason Hitler is discussed and referenced is the discussion of socialism, fascism, and left vs right. All of this debate is highly instructive if you have a desire to examine the subjects addressed here.

I did read the post, okie. You may not escape scrutiny by claiming that I didn't understand what I read.

Also, no matter how much you tap dance, you may not escape the clear meaning of the word "compare."

In your post, you represented what you believe to be the similarities of two men, Obama and Hitler, who rose to the positions of powerful national leaders. Based on your perceived representation of similarities, you concluded that "that Hitler was a leftist, just as Obama is clearly a leftist." In your opening post, you identified Hitler as a ruthless dictator.

Now return to your original thesis in your opening post in the thread, "What produces RUTHLESS DICTATORS":

okie wrote:
It is my firm belief that the extreme leftist mindset presents by far the most dangerous fertile ground to produce another ruthless dictator.

You are trying to identify men whom you believe to have similar policies, i.e., "leftist mindset," in order to determine who may become another ruthless dictator. With respect to Obama, you said, "I don't trust him at all."

Accordingly, you are making an extremely disingenuous claim when you allege that you are not comparing Obama and Hitler as persons. You are in fact comparing them as persons, i.e. powerful national leaders, whom you believe have similar policies and leftist mindsets.

cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 01:36 am
@Debra Law,
Trying to have an intelligent discussion with anyone who doesn't understand comparisons is worse than pulling teeth. He tries to condition his statement by saying he's not comparing Hitler to Obama, but then he says that the current administration compares with Hitler. What a yo-yo!

Who exactly can that be? McCain?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 01:41 am
It's very clear what you mean; you cannot separate Obama from the current administration no matter how much you want to dance around it.

How did you ever graduate from school? Did you play word games like you do on a2k when you were in school? You contradict yourself within the same sentence! "I'm not comparing, but I'm comparing..."

Who the hell taught you English?
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 03:20 am
okie wrote:
The reason this is so offensive to liberals is their fairly successful effort to date to cast in concrete the perception that Hitler was a right wing extremist, implying of course that right wing extremists are the real threats to the world, so anyone arguing otherwise is to be attacked viciously by most liberal posters here.

Right, okie. It's all just a conspiracy theory by millions of people. Those who lived through the Third Reich just didn't know that Germany was suffering under a left-wing dictatorship rather than under a right-wing, nationalist, fascist one. Historians can't be trusted either, because everyone knows that all historians study these things at universities, and universities are radical left-wing breeding grounds where history is routinely falsified in order to glorify left-wing achievements and to portray any socialist or communist dictator who murdered millions of people as a right-wing extremist. Stalin and Mao really just slipped through. And Europeans - gosh, nobody can trust Europeans when it comes to Hitler. After all, it's a well-known fact that all Europeans are socialists. They would lie to your face in order to avoid having people like okie find out the truth: that Hitler was a socialist.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 04:58 am
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

It's all just a conspiracy theory by millions of people.

Sheeple and the dumbmasses don't conspire... they follow blindly without thought.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 05:12 am
@old europe,

(And when you look at Sunday's EU-election, you'll notice that all Europeans just and only vote Socialists, some disguised as ultra-right nationists ('socialistic nationalists', of course) and others just plain followers of Hitler.

We are all blindly following sheep, since the Romans, Saxons, Franks, Christianisation, Luther, ...
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 05:45 am
Okie is just pissed because even the intelligent conservatives who showed up in his "Ruthless Dictators" thread told him he's full of ****.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2009 05:59 am

It's time for a national telethon to be held this and every July 4th that raises money and awareness.
America must find the cure and stop liberaltardation dead in it's tracks.

One must understand Voter's remorse before they can appreciate liberaltardation.

Voter's remorse is an emotional condition whereby a person feels remorse or regret after an election.
It is frequently associated with the election of a president which could be considered "bad" although
it may also stem from a sense of not wishing to be "wrong". In an extreme situation, an individual
who struggles with or cannot accept the possibility that they may have made a mistake, may be
suffering from a more serious and severe condition known as liberaltardation.

Yes we can find a cure!
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