Thomas: Thank you for your response to my
Quote::"Fox, if I may further disrupt your question to liberals: I continually see those on this thread disagreeing with MAC principles misunderstanding that MACs or Classical Liberals, as you have defined, can be equated with any particular politician who is a registered member of the Republican Party."
Which was
Quote::"It's true enough that Republicans are not classical liberals. But If this is an important distinction for you, the time to make it was 2003/2004: when the Republican party controlled every branch of government, and when president Bush was popular and up for re-election. If you make a big deal of this distinction now, you're no longer taking a stand on principle. You're no longer distancing yourself from the Republicans under Bush. All you're distancing yourself from are those 30% approval ratings that the Bush administration left office with. "
I could, of course use your own statement on this very thread to the effect that I changed my mind about this or that given the passage of years and reconsideration of my political position given learned facts (This is certainly not a condemnation of such acts, they are, instead, to be commended). But, instead, I would direct you towards my postings (which can be done here on A2K, although time consuming) that could either confirm or refute your above assumption that I am some type of hypocrite. However, I would suggest you save some time by not bothering to search this particular thread since it didn't even exist in either 2003 or 2004. Or you could take my word that I have disagreed with almost all of Republican earmarks and pandering to the left (Re MAC principles) all along and, for good measure, even criticized the last Republican Party nominee for president, John McCain for said reasons. But, again, you seem to fall into the same habit or tactic that my statement that you quoted laments:
Thomas wrote:
Quote:"You're no longer distancing yourself from the Republicans under Bush. All you're distancing yourself from are those 30% approval ratings that the Bush administration left office with. "
But the Bush Admin was a Republican one not one of MAC principles. This is manifest by both the definition of those principles and Bush Admin actions.
Quote:I know what I'm talking about. Back in 2003/2004, when my libertarian ideology was purer than today, I frequently argued that Bush's policies made no sense in terms of their stated goals, given conservative theories of how the world works. I remember being generally lonely when I argued this point. In particular, I was opposed at that time by all those correspondents who insist today that there's a big distinction between conservatives and Republicans.
I am not sure what you would have us MACs do, given real world realities. Impeach a spendthrift Bush in hopes of installing Dick Chaney? Insist that Al Gore was the correct choice after all? Given MAC principles RE national security and financial responsibility should we have chosen the ultra-liberal Obama/Biden ticket over a flawed but decidedly more conservative McCain/Palin one?
Quote:"So please forgive us for not buying the distinction from those correspondents. It's not about ad-hominems, it's about experience."
But if you don't accept such distinctions will it be OK if your opponents treat yours thusly?