Foxfyre wrote:
It's okay McG. You have certainly defended at least some MAC principles in the past because the Republican Party has defended at least some MAC principles in the past. I can remember a time when the Democratic Party did too.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that you wish the Republican Party would ditch some of the more radical initiatives of the radical so-called Religious Right so that it would be more perceived as more of a big tent. It certainly doesn't have to separate itself from those issues, but it doesn't have to make them a litmus test for who can be a Republican either. For instance I am staunchly pro-life, but I can support a pro-choice Republican (or Democrat) President who is willing to work with the public conscience on that. An ideologically pure MAC would assign that as a State Right issue, but that would not have to remove all federal involvement either. I think Roe v Wade, as it was originally intended, wasn't as bad a law as some staunch pro-lifers think it is.
I bet you don't have much problem with most MAC principles in that definition we've been using too.
Not at all. I find most of the MAC principles to be in line with the Republican philosophy.
I am all for the big tent though, as at the end of the day, it's the number of votes that gets our candidates elected. Getting the votes of the anti-abortion crowd, despite my not agreeing with them, gets my guy elected. My guy will pander for the votes, but when it gets down to brass tacks, they will not actually try to change the laws in regards to abortion. that's one example.
I am definitely for small government, which remains a Republican plank despite the failings of the last Republican congress. I am for less governmental influence in the daily lives in American. I am for a strong military and defending our country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I am for lower taxes combined with less govt spending (pipe-dream, I know), I would like to see more government reform in the way of ZERO earmarks, consolidation of various govt entities performing identical functions, etc.
There is lots more, but I am tired of typing.