Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 02:41 pm
Years ago Rush Limbaugh had a half hour television show that was pure RUSH and gave him an opportunity to use visuals that he can't use on his radio show. There was a huge outcry that resurfaced for years and is still on the list of things to condemn Rush for when a photo of a cute dog (acquaintance of Rush) was shown when he was making an unrelated comment about Chelsea Clinton. Rush was accused of depicting Chelsea as a dog even though Rush explained the error the next night and issued what sounded like a very sincere apology.

So, from the much more compassionate, sensitive, and non offensive camp of the Obama administration (cough). . .do you suppose we can look forward to an apology from David Axelrod for his joke on NPR this week?:

Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 02:56 pm
And finally in the miscellaneous news of the week, President Obama faces another real dilemma in keeping another promise; i.e. that of closing GITMO. What does he do with the terrorists who are housed there? It seems no nations friendly to Obama are willing to take them. A few folks who would almost certainly not treat them nicely might.

And nobody, but nobody wants them here in the States.

Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:06 pm
I don't understand the fear of the Gitmo inmate. Compared to the typical arrestee in, say, DC, the former is a pussycat. Moreover, we have millions in prison in the USA. It is silly to think we cannot safely stick them in a couple of our preexisting prisons.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:19 pm
Advocate wrote:

I don't understand the fear of the Gitmo inmate....

hah.. me either. but then i live in l.a.

"i say to you that, with the help of allah we......"

"yeah, yeah, yeah. what-ever. just step it up, asshole, you're holdin' up the line. "

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:21 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
do you suppose we can look forward to an apology from David Axelrod for his joke on NPR this week?:

don't hold your breath.

free speech, remember?
Debra Law
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:28 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
do you suppose we can look forward to an apology from David Axelrod for his joke on NPR this week?:

don't hold your breath.

free speech, remember?

I can't believe that these intolerant people are persecuting poor David Axelrod for exercising his constitutionally secured right to free speech for which Miss California's grandfather fought for!!!!!

We need our poor victim, Mr. Axelrod, to stand before the cameras with Mr. Trump by his side so he can sob about this intolerable persecution and proclaim, with evoking emotion, that this should NOT HAPPEN in AMERICA!
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:38 pm
@Debra Law,
Now, that was worth a good laugh. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Conservatives still can't figure out it's worse to authorize torture than someone hearing about it. They want to make it a big deal because Paneta (was then head of the CIA) who was silent when the Bush administration talked about Iraq's WMDs and Saddam's connection to al Qaida didn't speak out then, but it's okay to speak out now about what they determine to be of more import - hearing about torture. Their heads are all screwed up!
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Not only does situations changes since their campaign, but new info may be available that wasn't earlier. Best decisions are made with current info.

This is funny, coming from you.
You attacked the Bush admin for every decision they made, and now that Obama has reversed soem of his campaign promises because he now has info he didnt have as a candidate, you applaud him for flip-flopping.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
As I have said frequently, Cicerone Imposter is highly excrementatious. His senility bars him from finding evidence for his riidiculous statements. He obviously knows little or nothing about the Torture Issue or the CIA, since he does not know that the Director of the CIA IS Panetta( not Panetta. He is now the director of the CIA( not WAS THEN the director of the CIA. Such egregious mistakes by Cicerone Imposter make me think that anyone posting on these sites should have to send in a Physicians' note to certify that they are not senile!

A column in the Wall Street Journal states:

On day two of his presidency, Barack Obama issued AN EXECUTIVE ORDER to shut down, within one year, the Gitmo prison that still houses 241 detainees. FOUR MONTHS LATER, he may be about to be HANDED THE FIRST DEFEAT OF A MAJOR CAMPAIGN PROMISE, AND BY HIS OWN PARTY. Faced with the actual politics of bringing terrorists to US soil, CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS are running for the exits>

end of quote

BO obviously does not realize that he is not talking to his "homies" in the South Chicago ghetto. What BO still has to learn is that Congressmen will hue the party line until the polls and thier constituents tell them --NO WAY!

It is clear that many Democrats have constituents who do not want to see anyone who was housed in Gitmo anywhere near their homes.

Some loyal Democrats have severe misgivings about cap and trade. Congressman Dingell(Democrat from Michigan) has commented that any cap and trade policy will be very very expensive and would cost too much money.

Unless BO compromizes with the Health Experts and Doctors in the USA, he will find such fierce competition to any tinkering with American Medicine that he may be forced to dilute his plan so it will be essentially meaningless.

I await BO's pronouncements on Education and the right of every student to attend College( on the Taxpayers Dime, of course).

BO is going to find that he is no longer dealing with his real estate fairy,Rezko, a convicted felon, who handed BO a rake off of thousands of dollars on BO's mansion on the South Side of Chicago.

BO is going to find that there are many middle of the road Democrats in the House and Senate who he is not going to be able to deal with as easily as the impeached governor of Illinois- Rod Blagojevich.

BO was a major force behind Blogo's election. Blago was one of the most corrupt governors in the United States. But, of course, the brilliant BO, even though his best friend in the Illinois Legislature, the sleazy Emil Jones knew all that was going 0n, never had an inkling of what was happening.

BO is a fraud!!
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:36 pm
Your constant insults to people you disagree with is getting really old, did you know that?
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:38 pm
Mysteryman wrote:

Re: cicerone imposter (Post 3653122)
Not only does situations changes since their campaign, but new info may be available that wasn't earlier. Best decisions are made with current info.

This is funny, coming from you.
You attacked the Bush admin for every decision they made, and now that Obama has reversed soem of his campaign promises because he now has info he didnt have as a candidate, you applaud him for flip-flopping.


You must admit, however, that BO did not flip-flop at Notre Dame. BO was stalwart in his defense of killing babies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:46 pm
Really>? Well I suggest you read some of the posts from the left wing morons which refer to me. Do you really think I must be slapped in the face without a retort?

If the imbecile Cicerone Imposter has any problem with my diagnosis of his incredible moronic and unsourced posts, he can tell me.

The problem, mysteryman( and I am sure that you know this) is that a select crew on these threads do not want to debate or exchange viewpoints, they want only to converse with those who think exactly like they do.

People like the imbecilic Cicerone Imposter are afraid of people like me since have usually destroyed his puerile arguments.

Most of the left wingers on these threads remind me of a group of chimpan zees who groom each other and while doing so, mutter--"That Cheney is a terriible man-isn't he"? "Bush was an alcoholic for years. wasn't he"

They do not want and cannot deal with other positions and or the truth.

ONE OF THE MOST POLITE AND LEVEL HEADED POSTERS ON THESE THREADS IS FOXFYRE. Look what has happened to her. The left wing morons like Cyclops and Debra Law have savaged her.

What do you think about that--Mysteryman?????
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 07:14 pm
Re G. Will's JWR essay:

This is scary but of no surprise to MAC's or anyone paying attention to President Obama's present behavior or past rhetoric. Those so attentive remember the present Admin denying South Carolina's request to use stimulus funds to be fiscally responsible by paying down debt, which would result in financial savings down the road for the state. As we have mentioned in the past the MAC antennae became erect after hearing Obama's question to the representative American worker/entrepreneur, Joe the Plumber: "Don't you think we should share the wealth?" At the time neither participant in that conversation was wealthy or powerful. Joe Had plans to become so and merely wanted the Feds to stay neutral regarding his "happiness" which he intended to provide by his own labor and intelligence.

Obama has become powerful and feels that the Federal government can better plan and regulate American society at a Macro level than individual Americans can at a personal level. Presently there seem a growing number of individuals that would take President Obama to task on his socialistic goals both on a personal and national level of care. At issue is really whether Americans will truly be allowed to pursue "happiness" via their own lawful designs. If not, then Americans will have some "life" but little in the way of "liberty".

Candidate and President Obama, like the former Obama, "has a gift". We find a quote from D. Henninger's April 30th 2009 Column:
…Early in the campaign, in January 2007, a New York Times reporter wrote a story about Mr. Obama's time as president of the Harvard Law Review. It was there, the reporter noted, "he first became a political sensation."

Here's why: "Mr. Obama cast himself as an eager listener, sometimes giving warring classmates the impression that he agreed with all of them at once." Also: "People had a way of hearing what they wanted in Mr. Obama's words."

Harvard Law Prof. Charles Ogletree told how Mr. Obama spoke on one contentious issue at the law school, and each side thought he was endorsing their view. Mr. Ogletree said: "Everyone was nodding, Oh, he agrees with me."

This is, of course, what Politicians do while on the campaign trail however, honesty and clarity is what is demanded of those that wish to become good national leaders:
Al Gore's former chief of staff Ron Klain, also of Harvard Law, reflects on the Obama sensation: "The interesting caveat is that is a style of leadership more effective running a law review than running a country."

It is not hard to make the case that Obama, or any president, is still on the campaign while in the four years of what he hopes to become the first term of two. But, we have increasing evidence, by way of a demonstrated inability to control his own party and a constant longing to satisfy radical Democratic elements then often reversing those decisions when it is apparent that they were not entirely well thought out, (Memos, Photos, closing Gitmo, etc) that Obama either does not understand that his first responsibility is to the overall safety and economic well being of the nation or just does not know how to accomplish this goal via leadership skills.

To many this dichotomy is too kind. They would point out, as G. Will has in this scathing column, that Obama wants to scrap the American way of life and, indeed, the American Dream of self advancement and increased wealth for the European model of personal compliance to mediocrity and dependence on the state. This begs the question: “Does Obama realize who the Europeans (and others all over the world) have depended on for, not only economic success, but their very security since circa 1914?”

Finally, we are to believe that Obama has it all figured out (again we see subjective interpretation of Obama’s carefully espoused general and gauzy views) but again and again history teaches differently regarding ever increasing state control in both personal and economic matters. Recent examples point to the failings of the Soviet model and the poor record of the Europeans Re economic productivity. But a very recent testimony by a Chinese champion of economic liberalism points to the very claim that the State provides the best wisdom as fallacious because, as it turns out, the State Administration as Decider in Chief via all its experts still tends to distill down to a few or even a one man decision machine. Here are some thoughts from Zhao Ziyang’s memoirs. Zhao was Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party (can you say ‘Top Dog’?) During the Tiananmen Square thingy. Zhao championed economic liberalization under “soft authoritarianism” (not exactly sharing the wealth, which assumes private ownership, but a more socialistic Distribute the Wealth"assuming the state owns the wealth then doles it out-- perhaps a distinction with little difference):

“…Zhao was initially a supporter of "soft authoritarianism." But he understood the importance of economic reforms, which he implemented as a leader in Guangdong and then Sichuan province. His policies, which included giving land rights to farmers and lifting state production quotas, were so immediately successful that a popular description became, "If you want to eat, look for [Zhao] Ziyang." Zhao also opened up the eastern coastal region to trade and development.
Only after his house arrest did Zhao conclude that a truly free economy also requires political liberalization, particularly a free press and independent judiciary. "If a country wishes to modernize, not only should it implement a market economy, it must also adopt a parliamentary democracy as its political system," he wrote in his memoirs.
This represented a shift in his thinking. "I once believed that people were masters of their own affairs," he wrote, "not in the parliamentary democracies of the developed nations in the West, but only in the Soviet and socialist nations' systems with a people's congress . . . This, in fact, is not the case. The democratic systems of our socialist nations are all just superficial; they are not systems in which the people are in charge, but rather are ruled by a few or even a single person."

Here we have wisdom straight from the horse’s mouth: Communism and Socialism ends up being tyranny and is just as corrosive to freedom as any system that does so honestly, whether ruled by Monarchs, Czars, Ceasars, Hitlers, or just Saddam Husseins.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 07:20 pm
As usual, conservatives don't know the true definition of communism or socialism. Go back to school, do not pass GO, do not collect $200.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 07:33 pm
mysteryman wrote:

Your constant insults to people you disagree with is getting really old, did you know that?

Laughing and you don't bug easily...

and ignore was his name-oh.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 07:44 pm
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:45 pm
wandel, Thanks for sharing the Obama commencement speech at Notre Dame. Is there someplace where we can hear the whole speech?
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:54 pm
@cicerone imposter,
James Morrison writes a beautifully done and researched post on Communism and Socialism and the moronic Cicerone Imposter retorts with his usual Bull Sh.t. Cicerone has no link, no reference and no brain!
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It's here: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=3906861&cl=13515594&ch=4226716&src=news

Obama really knows how to close the divide; I'm really impressed with this president.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:08 pm
wandeljw. It is my opinion that Obama is an Abortionist. You may not be aware that the area in which he worked as a Community Organizer in the slums of Chicago had a very high rate of Abortion. I believe most of these abortions were not for medical reasons but rather for the mother's convenience.

BO wants to find a middle ground. There is NO middle ground on death. Dead babies are dead babies.

Obama is a liar who does not keep his word.

A Chicago Tribune story today says:


In quick succession last week, Obama announced major shifts on sensitive national security issues and drew outcry from the American Civil Liberties Union and open government organizations..

Obama said he would oppose making the detainee pictures public--a 180 degree switch that could put him at odds with a federal judge who ordered the photos released and he declared that the administration would stick with a modified version of the Bush administration's military tribunals for trying terror detainees. DURING THE CAMPAIGN, he had PROMISED to rely on federal courts and the traditional military justice system.

Similarly, on domestic policy, Obama aides last week suggested that much of the fees for exceeding carbon emissions might be given to factory owners and power companies. DURING THE CAMPAIGN, Obama called for the revenues to be used for alternative energy technology and middle class tax cuts.

Obama reneging on campaign promises shows that he is a liar!
0 Replies

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