Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 02:06 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

It works both ways DTOM. Either you approve education and social pressures for people to be responsible or you don't.

which is why i mention that is vital to provide sexual education in the formative years. but, a lot of the same people who are staunchly pro-life are also anti sex education. just slapping a bible down in front of a kid isn't going to do a thing to help them understand the changes and urges going on in their body.

even crystal palin stated on national television that abstinence only is unrealistic. at least that was her position until mom's political handlers gave her her new point of view.

No problem with sex education and I think you won't find more than a handful of pro-lifers who oppose it--certainly no more prolifers who oppose it than pro-choicers who protest a requirement that alternatives to abortion be taught or emphasized.

There are some subjects included in some sex education classes that many parents do think inappropriate for the schools and such should be opposed. Whether at home or otherwise, kids do need to be taught how babies are conceived and what won't prevent that and the failure rate for various contraceptives. They should also be taught the consequences for irresponsible behavior and should be encouraged to make good choices and exercise responsible behavior. I don't know a single pro-lifer who would disagree with me about that.

Bristol Palin knew very well how babies get conceived and born and took an irresponsible risk. She is now a passionate activist urging other kids not to take such risks. She is to be commended for that.

Foxfyre wrote:
Either you put your money where your mouth is... (running) orphanages. I know a LOT of pro-life groups who are.

no. not orphanages. i mean a strict pro-lifer taking that newborn off of the mother's breast, taking it home and raising it as their own. nothing less than that is acceptable; it is exactly what people like randall terry are seeking to impose by force on another.

the strict pro-lifer should not only be willing, but also eager and happy to do the same thing.

Then you don't care about anybody do you DTOM? Are you taking responsibility for the homeless? Are you opening your home? For the hungry? Do you empty out your refrigerator and freezer to feed them and go without yourself? Are you willing to take in the battered wife and shelter her indefinitely? Are you willing to pay for all those abortions that you think should happen? Are you willing to pay the bills of the person incapacitated from an STD?

Or if you are not doing all that, perhaps you won't presume to judge others who care and express their opinions and do what they can reasonably do to help.

Foxfyre wrote:
I know many wonderful couples who have been waiting and waiting for an infant to adopt but those giving up their babies for adoption are almost non-existent.

then why do the pro-lifers need to run an orphanage? could the problem be that too many of the baby's are the wrong color ?

The only infants of any color in orphanages are those ineligible for adoption--the natural parent won't agree or there is some other problem. Infants who can be adopted almost always are anymore. The kids who wind up in orphanages are the older ones without parents or relatives who can care for them or who have family that won't. I neither fault nor judge those who don't feel they have the skills or strength to take an older child who often as not is damaged and/or troubled. But most of those orphanages are a real blessing for those kids and they are helping them heal and become productive, happy, well adjusted citizens.

Foxfyre wrote:
The problem is neither as cut and dried nor as simple as the pro-abortion advocates wish to make it and the many other elements at play in the issue are usually denied by those who point fingers ... and accuse

the very same thing can be stated about the strict pro-lifer. the difference is, as a person who you have labeled incorrectly, not pro-choice, but pro-abortion, i can say that i in no way seek to impose an abortion on any woman. in fact i my pro-choice advocacy is based on one concept; it is not my body, it is not my decision. neither is it the rightful decision of others who believe they derive authority by simple virtue of having read a book that says so.

Nor do I presume to judge others. But neither do I easily stand by and watch a child be neglected or abused or otherwise mistreated. For me, the unborn are children who are unable to speak for themselves. And they deserve to have advocates speak for them.

Foxfyre wrote:
Many pregnancies do end without coming to full term even when the mother heroically attempts to save them. But that is nature. But you are here DTOM. CI is here. I am here. Walter is here. Cyclop is here. Every single one of us WAS viable from the moment of our conception or we would not be here.

what you are contending is that after a few seconds of fertilization, i would be able to exist and thrive outside of the womb, and to grow fully, learn to type on a computer and give you your current heartburn. Wink

i'm very sure that would not have been the case.

No, what I am contending is that the moment that one egg joined with that one sperm was the beginning of your life. All the dna and all the potential that would become DTOM was there. If you start counting backward from now minute by minute to find a time for the beginning of DTOM, it is there. That is why no mother says that she is going to have a zygote or an embryo or a fetus. She expects a baby for indeed that is what it is regardless of whatever stage of life it might be in at any given time. Right or wrong, an abortion ends a human life.

Foxfyre wrote:
And not one of us would be here had our mothers opted for abortion.

precisely. it was my mother's decision to bear me to full term. i'm pretty sure i gave her reason to kick herself over the years for making that choice. Very Happy

but as i stated above, it was her decision first, and my father's on a secondary level.

obama has articulated my feelings quite well. abortion should be rare, legal and safe.

Actually I think it was Bill Clinton who said that. But I have no disagreement that abortion should be rare, legal as necessary, and safe. And while again I do not presume to judge what is in the mind or heart of another, I will not agree that anybody should kill their children just because they are not wanted or an inconvenience or even a hardship.

Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 02:09 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:
That you are so eager to attack and so reluctant to actually defend your own arguments tells me that I really hit sore nerves with you. And that alone tells me that I am more right than you are. You might take the hint.

The fact that somebody doesn't let you get away with making up the definition of a term to bolster your argument is evidence that you're right?

You're kidding, right?

I didn't make up any term. I posted the specific dictionary definition of the term which was the same definition I used in the exact same context. But you are criticizing me, who got it right, and giving Cyclop a pass who definitely got it wrong. But I probably hit a lot of sore nerves with you too, yet you so rarely take the hint.
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 02:45 pm
mysteryman wrote:

You have said you are "pro-choice", and I have no reason to doubt that.

So, would you object to an anti-abortion group setting up a table and trying to talk women out of having an abortion, even as those women were walking in to a clinic to have an abortion?

on the conditions;

1) that they in no way hampered a woman from entering the clinic. since i have personally had to help a woman, who i didn't know btw, past a pro-lifer arm barrier, i know from experience that the pro-lifers aren't shy about throwing a few elbows around.

no gold star for me, btw. just happened to be there at the right time.

2) that churches allowed the same kind of set up outside their doors so that pro-choicers could inform female congregants that the minister, deacons and other congregants have no valid authority to control their reproductive decisions. hence, choice.

under those conditions, i could probably be okay with it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:22 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Either you put your money where your mouth is... (running) orphanages. I know a LOT of pro-life groups who are.

no. not orphanages. i mean a strict pro-lifer taking that newborn off of the mother's breast, taking it home and raising it as their own. nothing less than that is acceptable; it is exactly what people like randall terry are seeking to impose by force on another.

the strict pro-lifer should not only be willing, but also eager and happy to do the same thing.

Foxfyre wrote:
Then you don't care about anybody do you DTOM? Are you taking responsibility for the homeless? Are you opening your home? For the hungry? Do you empty out your refrigerator and freezer to feed them and go without yourself? Are you willing to take in the battered wife and shelter her indefinitely? Are you willing to pay for all those abortions that you think should happen? Are you willing to pay the bills of the person incapacitated from an STD?

sorry, you don't get to do that;

a) i'm not the one that is forcing anyone else to do anything they don't wish to do.

b) you have no way of knowing what i do or don't do for anyone else. so don't get snippy and assume you do.

c) anything done by me for some of the people you mention, i would do because i chose to. not to gain sainthood.

d) and in that light, i am not going to tell you what, if anything i've done or do in this area. it does not have anything to do with the abortion issue.

Foxfyre wrote:
I know many wonderful couples who have been waiting and waiting for an infant to adopt but those giving up their babies for adoption are almost non-existent.

then why do the pro-lifers need to run an orphanage? could the problem be that too many of the baby's are the wrong color ?

Foxfyre wrote:
The only infants of any color in orphanages are those ineligible for adoption--the natural parent won't agree or there is some other problem. Infants who can be adopted almost always are anymore. The kids who wind up in orphanages are the older ones without parents or relatives who can care for them or who have family that won't. I neither fault nor judge those who don't feel they have the skills or strength to take an older child who often as not is damaged and/or troubled. But most of those orphanages are a real blessing for those kids and they are helping them heal and become productive, happy, well adjusted citizens.

then why did you bring up the orphanages at all. we are talking about newborns delivered by a mother who did not choose to do so, remember?

Foxfyre wrote:
The problem is neither as cut and dried nor as simple as the pro-abortion advocates wish to make it and the many other elements at play in the issue are usually denied by those who point fingers ... and accuse

the very same thing can be stated about the strict pro-lifer. the difference is, as a person who you have labeled incorrectly, not pro-choice, but pro-abortion, i can say that i in no way seek to impose an abortion on any woman. in fact i my pro-choice advocacy is based on one concept; it is not my body, it is not my decision. neither is it the rightful decision of others who believe they derive authority by simple virtue of having read a book that says so.

Foxfyre wrote:
Nor do I presume to judge others. But neither do I easily stand by and watch a child be neglected or abused or otherwise mistreated. For me, the unborn are children who are unable to speak for themselves. And they deserve to have advocates speak for them.

if you want to speak to a pregnant woman in an unthreatening, nonaggressive way, and without physically hampering her from continuing towards abortion, i have no problem with you doing so.

information and philosophy are one thing. physical restraint and deterrence are something else.

Foxfyre wrote:
Many pregnancies do end without coming to full term even when the mother heroically attempts to save them. But that is nature. But you are here DTOM. CI is here. I am here. Walter is here. Cyclop is here. Every single one of us WAS viable from the moment of our conception or we would not be here.

what you are contending is that after a few seconds of fertilization, i would be able to exist and thrive outside of the womb, and to grow fully, learn to type on a computer and give you your current heartburn. Wink

i'm very sure that would not have been the case.

Foxfyre wrote:
Right or wrong, an abortion ends a human life.

an abortion in the first trimester ends the possibility of life, not a human life. and the first trimester is really what i consider to be a reasonable and responsible period of time to make a decision to terminate. after that it gets a little iffy-ier (sic). third trimester abortion disappoints me if it's not due to a condition that will kill the mother or severely limit the aspiration of a life of quality and dignity.

but at the end of the day, it's still up to the pregnant woman to make her own choice in the matter.

Foxfyre wrote:
And not one of us would be here had our mothers opted for abortion.

precisely. it was my mother's decision to bear me to full term. i'm pretty sure i gave her reason to kick herself over the years for making that choice. Very Happy

but as i stated above, it was her decision first, and my father's on a secondary level.

obama has articulated my feelings quite well. abortion should be rare, legal and safe.

Foxfyre wrote:
Actually I think it was Bill Clinton who said that. But I have no disagreement that abortion should be rare, legal as necessary, and safe. And while again I do not presume to judge what is in the mind or heart of another, I will not agree that anybody should kill their children just because they are not wanted or an inconvenience or even a hardship.

ya know, now that i think about it, you may be right about bill. in any case, it's a pov that i consider fair. and balanced. Wink

also, i would like you go back and take notice that in the places i have criticized, i have used the term "strict pro-lifer". i define a strict pro-lifer as a person who would deny a woman an abortion under any and all circumstances; including the one where the woman would die from the pregnancy's continuance.

if the woman was my wife, woe unto he who would try to force her to her death via their religious beliefs.

from what you say, i do not consider you a strict pro-lifer.

Debra Law
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:25 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I know many wonderful couples who have been waiting and waiting for an infant to adopt but those giving up their babies for adoption are almost non-existent.

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
then why do the pro-lifers need to run an orphanage? could the problem be that too many of the baby's are the wrong color ?

Perhaps the promiscuous and unmarried Bristol Palin should have given her baby up for adoption. There would have been a long line of "wonderful couples" waiting to adopt that precious bundle of joy. But what about all the babies who are born to live in the ghettos of our cities--the one's who are raised in poverty, and join gangs at at early age, sell crack and crank, and commit drive-by shootings? You know, the babies who are born to wrong-colored welfare moms of the inner city? What should we do about those babies?

We know conservatives like Foxfyre, who subscribe to the theories of "classical liberalism," demand individual responsibility and object to the welfare state. Because Foxfyre wants to place the power over procreation in the hands of the government, what does Foxfyre believe (in accordance with her "conservative" ideology) the government should do about all those babies born into poverty? As a society, we're obviously not doing enough to give these disadvantaged persons better choices and opportunities in life. But Foxfyre and her ilk would leave them relatively hopeless only to struggle and die in the streets.

Foxfyre wrote:
The problem is neither as cut and dried nor as simple as the pro-abortion advocates wish to make it and the many other elements at play in the issue are usually denied by those who point fingers ... and accuse

DontTreadOnMe wrote:
the very same thing can be stated about the strict pro-lifer. the difference is, as a person who you have labeled incorrectly, not pro-choice, but pro-abortion, i can say that i in no way seek to impose an abortion on any woman. in fact i my pro-choice advocacy is based on one concept; it is not my body, it is not my decision. neither is it the rightful decision of others who believe they derive authority by simple virtue of having read a book that says so.

Foxfyre is a student of the GOP/Conservative handbook of Orwellian doublespeak: Don't use the phrase "pro-choice," use the word "pro-abortion." These hypocrites give us that despicable label even though they know we are NOT pro-abortion. We're the ones who are actually following the "classical liberalism" that Foxfyre and her conservative cohorts dishonestly claim to be the proponents. We believe that freedom from government intrusion includes the individual liberty to determine for oneself whether or not to bear children. Foxfyre wants to place the power over procreation in the hands of an intrusive government. She is a traitor to her ideology.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:33 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra wrote about Foxie:
She is a traitor to her ideology.

That much is clear. Too bad conservatives beliefs in extremism (such as pro-life vs pro-choice) usually runs contrary to the reality of this world. They wish to intrude on other people's lives when it comes to abortion, but they want smaller government intrusion. The irony of it all!
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
BTW, Foxie used the term "pro-abortion." Where did anybody on a2k or anyplace else ever use such a term?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:47 pm
sorry, you don't get to do that;

Sure I do if you get to judge pro-lifers because they aren't adopting all the unwanted children who are born.

a) i'm not the one that is forcing anyone else to do anything they don't wish to do.

Nor is anybody else in this case.

b) you have no way of knowing what i do or don't do for anyone else. so don't get snippy and assume you do.

I won't assume if you won't. You did so I just went with your example there. But if you've read my posts for any time, you will see that I do not presume to judge what is in the heart or mind of others nor presume to judge their behavior that I have not observed. It's just that its only fair that it be a two-way street. Those who judge others deserve to be judged.

c) anything done by me for some of the people you mention, i would do because i chose to. not to gain sainthood.

But you assume the motives of others is different? On what basis?

d) and in that light, i am not going to tell you what, if anything i've done or do in this area. it does not have anything to do with the abortion issue.

I didn't expect you to and I didn't ask you to.

then why did you bring up the orphanages at all. we are talking about newborns delivered by a mother who did not choose to do so, remember?

Because you insisted that if I was prolife I was obligated to adopt that newborn. That is about as logical as me assuming that if you are prochoice you are obligated to pay for the abortion of any woman who cannot afford that.

if you want to speak to a pregnant woman in an unthreatening, nonaggressive way, and without physically hampering her from continuing towards abortion, i have no problem with you doing so.

information and philosophy are one thing. physical restraint and deterrence are something else.

Which has absolutely nothing at all to do with the point I was making.

also, i would like you go back and take notice that in the places i have criticized, i have used the term "strict pro-lifer". i define a strict pro-lifer as a person who would deny a woman an abortion under any and all circumstances; including the one where the woman would die from the pregnancy's continuance.

if the woman was my wife, woe unto he who would try to force her to her death via their religious beliefs.

from what you say, i do not consider you a strict pro-lifer.

Thank you, yet you criticize or question my motives or point of view just the same.

This is a thread on Modern American Conservatism (MAC or Classical Liberalism) that does put a heavy emphasis on the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Until the last few decades--until Roe v Wade was decided in fact--the concept of the unborn being a person was pretty solidly entrenched in American values.

Even Roe v Wade was a well crafted and exquisitely worded compromise in this difficult debate--the state would assume no interest in the unborn for the first trimester, increased interest in the second trimester, and a great deal of interest in the third trimester. That concept has been pretty well stripped since in rulings of lower courts that have pushed abortion right up to the point that all but the crown of the baby's head remains in the birth canal. And subsequent laws/rulings that if the baby was intended to be aborted but lived, it could be allowed to die with impunity. Since Roe v Wade, the issue of abortion has not been tested in the high court. Certainly the justices that decided Roe v Wade would not have agreed that partial birth abortion or neglecting a born baby to death was included in their decision.

I do not judge what is the motive or in the heart and mind of others, but I judge actions as good or bad, positive or negative, useful or destructive. I can accept the intentional taking of a human life can at times be necessary however much of a tragedy it might be. I can accept that the accidental loss of life is even more tragic but is sometimes unpreventable.

I cannot accept that taking the life of the unborn child is justifiable by any normal standards of decency or respect for life for any reason other than the child has no chance for any quality of life or the pregnancy poses significant risk to the mother. And I do believe that we need to speak out on behalf of the unborn children who did not ask to be conceived and who had no control over that and who have no voice by which to appeal their right to life.

At the same time I do not presume to judge the rape or incest victim or others who must make heart wrenching difficult choices and leave that up to them, their doctor, and perhaps their God.

Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 03:54 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

donttreadonme wrote:
from what you say, i do not consider you a strict pro-lifer.

Thank you, yet you criticize or question my motives or point of view just the same.

i just explained to you who i was going after. but if you feel a need to be offended, that's your... uhhh... choice?

Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:01 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

donttreadonme wrote:
from what you say, i do not consider you a strict pro-lifer.

Thank you, yet you criticize or question my motives or point of view just the same.

i just explained to you who i was going after. but if you feel a need to be offended, that's your... uhhh... choice?

I wasn't offended. Just calling it as I saw it and not accepting accusations without a fair chance at rebuttal. Smile

old europe
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:02 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I didn't make up any term. I posted the specific dictionary definition of the term which was the same definition I used in the exact same context. But you are criticizing me, who got it right, and giving Cyclop a pass who definitely got it wrong.

Let's see. You said

Foxfyre wrote:
Every single one of us WAS viable from the moment of our conception or we would not be here.

yet looking up the description of "viability" of a human being before birth renders something like this:

Viability is defined as the ability of fetuses to survive in the extrauterine environment... There is no sharp limit of development, age, or weight at which a fetus automatically becomes viable or beyond which survival is assured, but experience has shown that it is rare for a baby to survive whose weight is less than 500 gm or whose fertilization age is less than 22 weeks. Even fetuses born between 26 and 28 weeks have difficulty surviving, mainly because the respiratory system and the central nervous system are not completely differentiated... If given expert postnatal care, some fetuses weighing less than 500 gm may survive; they are referred to as extremely low birth weight or immature infants.... Prematurity is one of the most common causes of morbidity and perinatal death.

But go ahead. Insist that you're right. Ignore every definition that contradicts what you claim the term means. And I would particularly recommend that you go on and maintain that the fact that people are disputing your made-up definition is proof that you're right.

Rolling Eyes
Debra Law
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Debra wrote about Foxie:
She is a traitor to her ideology.

That much is clear. Too bad conservatives beliefs in extremism (such as pro-life vs pro-choice) usually runs contrary to the reality of this world. They wish to intrude on other people's lives when it comes to abortion, but they want smaller government intrusion. The irony of it all!

Unfortunately, many of them do not draw the line at abortion. Many believe that using birth control is a sin. Many also believe that sexual intercourse outside of religious marriage is a sin. Every act of "marital" sexual intercourse must embrace the possibility of "creating life," and if not, sexual intercourse is a sin against God's law. Thus, the history of our country demonstrates that the conservatives have criminalized fornication, bastardry, and birth control. These are the same hypocrites who now claim they are the proponents of individual liberty.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:08 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

DontTreadOnMe wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

donttreadonme wrote:
from what you say, i do not consider you a strict pro-lifer.

Thank you, yet you criticize or question my motives or point of view just the same.

i just explained to you who i was going after. but if you feel a need to be offended, that's your... uhhh... choice?

I wasn't offended. Just calling it as I saw it and not accepting accusations without a fair chance at rebuttal. Smile

okee dokee, then.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:09 pm
@old europe,
Now be honorable and post the definition of viable that I posted direct from the dictionary definition.
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:10 pm
She would be smart to do so, since I would replace people like advocate who can have no more than a 95 IQ.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:14 pm
Cyclops does not know what a person is--

What is Personhood?

There are essentially two issues which must be resolved concerning unborn embryos and fetuses. The first is, "Are they human beings?" The second is, "Should they be recognized as persons under the law?" We've already established that there is no debate on the first question. It is a matter of plain, objective science. Embryos and fetuses are fully and individually human from the moment of fertilization on. If this were not true, if unborn children were not demonstrably human, there would be no need to even talk about rights of personhood. "Removing a fetus" would be the moral equivalent of pulling a tooth. This, however, is not the case, and so the debate must now enter the political arena.
There is a very real sense in which the need to answer this second question is, in itself, an absurdity. If you look up the word "person" in your average dictionary (we'll use Webster's), you'll find something like this:

Person n. A human being.

A person, simply put, is a human being. This fact should be enough. The intrinsic humanity of unborn children, by definition, makes them persons and should, therefore, guarantee their protection under the law. For more than thirty years, however, this has not been the case. The situation we are left with is this. In America today, there is a huge and singular group of living human beings who have no protection under the law and are being killed en masse every day. Is that not astounding?! It is astounding, but not wholly unprecedented.

There have been at least two other instances in American history in which specific groups of human beings were stripped of their rights of personhood as a means of justifying their horrible mistreatment. African-Americans and Native-Americans both felt the brunt of a system which denied their humanity, stripped their personhood and subjected them to horrors beyond measure. While the legal framework that made such injustice possible has now been removed, it remains firmly in place for unborn Americans.

There remains one, and only one, group of human beings in the U.S. today for which being human is not enough. The inconvenience of their existence has resulted in a legal loophole of shameful proportions. What is a person? A person is a human being (unless, of course, you haven't been born yet, in which case we'll define personhood in any way possible so as to exclude you, kill you and forget you).

Welcome to America.

0 Replies
old europe
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:24 pm
Let's, for a moment, look at Cycloptichorn's original statement:

Cycloptichorn wrote:
I believe personality is determined by factors which do not exist until a person can survive without being attached to another person's body. Until then they are basically an appendage of the original organism and shouldn't be considered a separate one. This is why I support abortion up until the point of viability.

You can agree or disagree with that point of view, but not only was it absolutely clear what he meant, he also used the term as it is commonly used when referring to development stages of a fetus.

Just for comparison, here is the full dictionary entry from the link you posted:

1. Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.
2. Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.
3. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable: a viable plan; a viable national economy. See Synonyms at possible.

You want to insist that the first definition translates to human life being "viable" from the point of conception, and ignore the definition given in point 2?

Okay. Go ahead. Fine with me.
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:31 pm
Most on the left are not aware of the position taken by the former Supreme Court Justice- Sandra Day O'Conner when she wrote--

"Potential life is no less potential in the first weeks of pregnancy than it is at viability or afterward. At any stage in the pregnancy there is the potential for human life."
old europe
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:33 pm
Oh look!!! Even former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner says that a fetus becomes viable only after a few weeks of pregnancy!
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 04:38 pm
@old europe,
You are incorrigible OE. Your arguments are blind to any argument, no matter how carefully constructed, that disagrees with you, and you seem to be incapable of seeing anything outside whatever it is you've decided to promote. But I'll give you an A for persistence in the use of the non sequitur while ignoring and refusing to acknowledge my specific point that I was not referring to the viability of the fetus outside the womb but the viability of a sperm/egg, given the right environment, to be the beginning of a person. But that would be really inconvenient to your argument to acknowledge that I made that point and that distinction apart from the definition of 'viable' that some wanted to be the ONLY definition wouldn't it.

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