Foxfyre wrote:
Cyclop, again the detail is in those links.
Sorry, but you are wrong. Definitely wrong. I went back and re-read all of them, just now, and they do not in fact support your contention.
Quote: In quite some detail actually
Only if by some detail you mean no detail.
Quote:And again, I'm not answering any more of your questions until you decide to join the debate instead of just being an agitator. Provide your rebuttal to my statement if you can. If you agree with that statement, then you have no quarrel with any of my links. If you don't agree with the information in my links, then you cannot honestly say that you agree with my statement.
I do have a problem with your statement; it is factually incorrect, it is not relevant to the discussion at hand, and you are using this sticking point to avoid having to discuss the next step of the problem, namely: how the investment houses got tied up in the mortgage biz.
I do not believe you are acting in a rational manner; no matter what I say or don't say, you refuse to move forward, b/c to do so would destroy your case. It is plainly obvious that you are taking this tactic to avoid admitting you are wrong. Even when I agree with your case just for the sake of argument, you refuse to move forward, no matter the logical inconsistencies with declaring the issue dead on the spot.
I am no longer asking you to answer the questions, Fox, b/c you have proven you are either unwilling or unable to do so. I have spent all day attempting to engage you in a civil discussion on this issue, but you have avoided the responsibilities which go hand in hand with a civil discussion. You always wonder why people resort to invective and ad hominem when talking to you; here's one reason: when you are incorrect about something, instead of admitting you are wrong or don't know the answer, you turn into a little **** and act like a childish brat, refusing to answer questions and just declaring that you are correct and that's the end of that. It's hardly grownup behavior and a waste of time.
Instead, I will simply point out at every single opportunity what an unintelligent hack you are being, and continually ridicule you for both your ignorance and your lack of debating skills. This is more fun to me and frankly more productive. I'm seriously questioning why I even thought you would be a rational actor in this discussion in the first place, b/c it isn't like any of this is new.
I declare you to be ignorant on the subject and unworthy of my further time. Anyone else who would like to address the subject of how the current crisis came about, I am more than happy to discuss this issue with; it is plainly clear that greed and avarice on the part of the Investment industry has led to our economic downfall, far more than any other factor.