Quote:The only really insulting thing in that is that you are as bad as Cyclop. You condemn an entire ideology without providing any example or credible evidence to support your opinion. How is one to see that then, other than as prejudice based on emotion/fear/bias/etc.?
Foxfyre...American conservatism is a fraud. A HUGE FRAUD!
That is why you see so many conservative columnists and writers like you talking about “real conservatism” all the time.
It's like this “real American values” crap.
REAL AMERICAN CONSERVATISM, Foxfyre, appears to be about 1% of the population...a tiny minority who have suck up to some of the most vile people in our country in order to get heard at all.
Without some of the scum of the earth...American conservatism could hold national conventions in local Elk's Clubs.
Don't you get it???
There are two elements of this disgusting political philosophy that cement my loathing of it"the racists (which include the misogynists and the xenophobes) and the super-hypocritical element of Christianity. Those two elements disgust me...and they should disgust you too. They should disgust anybody with a sense of decency.
But the hard fact is that if American conservatism were rid of all its racists, misogynists, and xenophobes"and the hypocritical Christians...it would be a joke.
The Libertarians would look like a major influence compared with it.
Not sure why you keep accusing me...and the others...of not giving examples of why we think American conservatism sucks...but I have. Right here. And so have the others.
Let me spell it out again: I see American conservatism as a fraud...as a political philosophy that counts on scum to inflate its numbers in order to influence policy...and the only way it can keep the scum on board is to cater to the demented wants of that scum. American conservatism, Foxfyre, will never amount to anything more than a laughably small minority without the inclusion of the racists, misogynists, xenophobes, and the intensely hypocritical element of Christianity.
That is why I despise it. That is what I have told you before.
Really...stop saying that you are not getting this information.
It is here!
And so that I do not have to go though this again: I am not saying that all conservatives are racists...or that all conservatives are hypocritical Christians...but I am saying that without the inclusion of the racists and the hypocrites...conservatism is a drop in the political bucket.
Please do not take any of this to mean that I think you should stop or amend anything you are doing here. Please keep your efforts going.