No matter how hard they try to erase Romney from the voter's consciousness, that'll never happen. The party spent millions promoting this pathological liar, and ended up what was a close call according to the polls. Remember all the "ties?"
They didn't figure on voters fighting voter suppression and the belittling of half the US population as "gift" takers - which the GOP never caught on. Their promotion of tax hikes for the rich was their only goal - and they lost big time.
Now, they come out and try to make Susan Rice and the Obama administration into a political football. Now, we learn that what Susan Rice shared was what the intelligence agencies permitted her to say.
They seem to do everything wrong and half-asswards. Will they ever learn?
Their talk of modifying their rhetoric to win Hispanic and women votes will only be seen as lies and innuendos.
They overcooked their own aggression in all the wrong ways.