realjohnboy wrote:I don't understand what you are talking about with regards to the "main-stream media" affecting the Repub's selection of a candidate, Okie. Romney being a Mormon, Kennedy a Catholic and others being Jewish or even Muslim seems to be an issue within the party, not an issue in the electorate at large.
Do you think that Romney's religion will be a factor within the Repub party when it comes to selecting a candidate?
Thanks for responding with your thoughts.
Here are my thoughts. The mainstream media dislikes anyone with strong Christian based moral convictions. Although JFK was Catholic, they did not perceive him as having strong religious convictions. Remember his romantic adventures, which they admired more than they had any problems with Catholicism? He was their camelot, and he struck a cord with their rebel attitude of the 60's.
Romney on the other hand, they are more than opposed to anything Mormon, because that religion does not harmonize with various modern liberal beliefs and sympathies. Examples would be abortion, gay marriage, etc. Because of that, I would predict an all out assault on Romney just by virtue of his Mormon beliefs. Perhaps in lesser races other than president, the issue would not attract as much attention, but not when the presidency is considered. Keep in mind here that neither am I Mormon, and I find some of their beliefs somewhat strange, but having traveled Utah and having been around Mormons, I recognize them as law abiding and patriotic Americans.
Unfortunately, there are some hangups within the Republican party about Mormons, and I believe even Huckabee is on record for saying something dumb about that.
The issue of Jewish and Muslim, I think that depends upon the candidate. There are still many people that think Obama is Muslim. Frankly, I do not know what he is. I doubt seriously that he is Christian, though he was connected to that supposedly Christian church in Chicago. But it was not very traditional Christian, that is for sure, as its beliefs were based upon "BLT," and it gave one of their big church awards to Islamic leader, Louis Farrakhan.
In general, religion is not a big deal with Democrats as long as the politician subjugates their religion to the Democratic party line, but they will always make it a big deal with any of their opponents, if they think they can use it to sway the voting public. You see, I do not think the Democratic Party acts out of principle. They instead act out of their own self interest and power.
I have written this several times, but morality or religion with Democrats are based upon social morality or public morality. Private beliefs and morality take a back seat to their Democratic Party beliefs and agenda. If any Democratic Party candidate subjugates his or her religion to the party agenda, that is all that matters, and so their candidate's religion is not an issue. In other words, they are Democrats first and individuals second. In a sense, Democrats first and most important religion as big government Statists, is the State (or government). In contrast, Republicans are generally individuals first, and politicians second. Party politics generally take a back seat to their individual beliefs, including their religion, and therefore this rubs the mainstream media the wrong way. Consider what I have said with a few politicians, such as Obama, Clinton, Huckabee, and Romney. I realize I have stereotyped what is typical of Democrats and Republicans, but this is my honest opinion based upon my observation of politics for a few decades.