Foxfyre wrote:I have no idea whether people demanding a teacher be fired are liberal or conservative. It is certainly not be a conservative concept that gay people cannot be teachers.
You have no idea whether conservatives are demanding that heads roll or people be fired or divien out of their livelihood (e.g., teaching)? That's not what you said before:
Foxfyre wrote:
You don't see conservatives demanding that heads roll or people be fired or driven out of their livelihood or standing because of saying something offensive or politically incorrect.
Weren't you speaking for all conservatives when you made that sweepingly broad statement about conservatives? Oh, wait....
Foxfyre wrote:I can't speak for all conservatives.
I get it now. You say one thing, and then you do the opposite. You say you can't speak for all conservatives, and then you speak for all conservatives. That has been your
modus operandi thoughout this entire thread.
Foxfyre wrote:This thread has gone more than 100 pages now, I cannot think of a single definition of conservatism that I have changed though we do keep adding to it as we go along. The definition is certainly not mine to make of course--I rather thought it should be a group effort--but conservatism is certainly not defined by any single person or group of people who call themselves conservative.
You claim the "definition of conservatism" is not yours to make, and yet you keep telling us what conservativism is in definitive terms.
Foxfyre wrote:You liberals so far have been asked numerous times to offer your own definition and so far none of you have done so unless I missed a page in there somewhere.
I believe the general consensus among liberals is that "conservatism" is an extremely fractured concept associated with many fractured sects of people who temporarily join forces to serve an agenda. The term "conservatism" serves as a "talismanic" label of sorts that is thrown around to magically transform a discriminatory or divisive social or fiscal agenda into something "good and wholesome." After all, even though our Founders were liberal "extremists" who fought for liberty and justice for all on the bloody battlefields of the Revolutionary War, "conservatives" have worked long and hard to rebrand the terms "liberalism" and "liberals" into dirty words.
Conservative=GOOD; Liberalism=BAD.
Look at the rhetoric of the last election, for example. McCain repeatedly WARNED, "Senator Obama has the most LIBERAL voting record in the United States Senate." GASP in SHOCK! RUN in FEAR! Oh no . . . not that dirty word, "liberal!"
If you repeat a LIE often enough, many people will begin to believe it. Unfortunately for those who bandy about the false rhetoric in hopes of striking fear into the hearts of the ignorant electorate, they can no longer count on "ignorance" being the determinative factor. We live in the information age. People who are being lied to may simply conduct an internet search and learn the truth. Ignorance is no longer bliss for those willing to seek the truth. An appeal to "conservative values" is no longer the talisman it once was. Many millions of people are starting to open their eyes. They see the hypocrisy of what alleged "conservatives" say versus what they actually do.
(E.g., wasn't it the party of the "fiscal conservatives" who doubled our national debt from 5 trillion to 10 trillion in 8 short years with little or nothing to show for it except a collapsing economy and two ongoing wars with no end in sight?)
Modern day "conservatism" has lost its credibility and those persons claiming to be "conservatives" have lost their credibility too.
Foxfyre wrote:That is the slippery slope you start down when you try to identify an ideology by a few people that you personally condemn. For every questionable or objectionable (to you) conservative you might name, there are certainly left wing wacko liberals to offer for counter balance.
Again, you say one thing and do the exact opposite of what you say. First you warn against the dangers of identifying an ideology by a few people that you condemn, and then you condemn liberalism by branding liberals as left wing wackos.
LIBERALS = left wing wackos
CONSERVATIVES = questionable or objectionable to you, the left wing wackos
You have no credibility, Foxfyre.
That complete absence of credibility is futher demonstrated by your "conservative" stance on marriage. You SAY that conservatism embraces the equitable application and protection of civil rights, but you and your "conservative" mob don't practice what you preach. You believe that it is acceptable to define a civil right in a manner that excludes an entire class of people from exercising that civil right.
WE SEE THAT. We see the hypocrisy of what you say versus what you actually do.