parados wrote:
Fox, you never did answer whether you think the parents demanding a teacher be fired just because he is homosexual are liberal.
I am not clear how we are supposed to understand the concept of "conservatism" when you keep changing the meaning.
Since you think all conservatives are fine with homosexuals forming family groups, does that mean you think James Dobson is not a conservative? How about the people of Arkansas that passed a ban on adoption by gay couples. Do you think they are not conservative?
It is hard to understand your definition Fox, when the people that vote conservative values and support the candidates that you support do things you say conservatives don't do.
I have no idea whether people demanding a teacher be fired are liberal or conservative. It is certainly not be a conservative concept that gay people cannot be teachers.
This thread has gone more than 100 pages now, I cannot think of a single definition of conservatism that I have changed though we do keep adding to it as we go along. The definition is certainly not mine to make of course--I rather thought it should be a group effort--but conservatism is certainly not defined by any single person or group of people who call themselves conservative. You liberals so far have been asked numerous times to offer your own definition and so far none of you have done so unless I missed a page in there somewhere.
James Dobson may describe himself as a conservative--I don't know that I recall him ever addressing that--but he does not get to define what conservatism is any more than anybody else. William Ayers dscribes himself as a liberal. Do you want him to have exclusive rights to define liberalism or for him to be held up as a poster boy for what liberalism is?
That is the slippery slope you start down when you try to identify an ideology by a few people that you personally condemn. For every questionable or objectionable (to you) conservative you might name, there are certainly left wing wacko liberals to offer for counter balance.
I didn't say that all conservatives are fine with forming family groups if those groups should include homosexuals. I can't speak for all conservatives. What I did say is that I do think most conservatives would not have a problem with that. I don't know what James Dobson's view is on that.
So let's try again to define conservatism as it has been defined so far:
The fundamentals:
* Equitable application and protection of unalienable, civil, legal, and Constitutional rights.
* Smaller, more effective, more efficient federal government restricted as much as possible to what is authorized by the Constitution for the federal government to do.
* Peace through strength
* The government should not do that which can be done more efficiently and/or effectively by the private sector.
* In all matters that do not involved unalienable, civil, legal, or constitutional rights, the majority view either by referendum or via elected leaders should prevail.
And the basic principles from which the fundamentals arise as defined by Wm Boetcker:
* You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
Now Parados, what, if any, of these fundamentals and principles do you have a problem with and why?
Or everybody, is this a fair defnition of Conservatism? Why or why not?