okie wrote:
• since the voter outcome on November 4 was larger than any other the last dozen years - how is that related to what you call 'apathy'?
Good question, but I base my opinion on more than voter turnout, I base it upon the fact that very few people here know very much about what politicians are actually doing, or even who their congressmen are for example. Not many people are interested in day to day politics, even if they do vote.
Obviously, I (and we in Europe generally) have a different understanding of what
apathy in politics is and how you notice that.
Thanks. I've learnt something new about the USA again.
Well, to begin with, Palin was a virtual unknown, so every Republican or conservative has a learning curve, and secondly, Republicans and conservatives think independently, they do not think like groupees do, and follow the party line. This is a think a key reason why Republicans are less unified, less able to pass legislation, because we tend to be more individualistic, we have our own ideas, less influenced by the masses. For example, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are examples of being very in the tank for Palin, while I have never been very enthusiastic about her being picked for vp, and I remain unconvinced that she will ever be a credible politician on the national stage. Conservatism does have some aspects of libertarianism, we want to be able to mind our own business, and be independent, but we believe in personal responsibility, so we do not believe government solutions are commonly the right solutions, so we therefore would not need to band together and make sweeping legislative changes. We can do it when necessary, but legislating and ruling is not in our genes. We are not as power hungry as Democrats.
I hope those explanations clear it up for you.
Thanks, okie.
As said, we Europeans are different - conservatives don't show a notable of amount of liberal ideas (aka liberalism) here - but some liberal parties are quite conservative, positioned even more right than the conservatives (like e.g. in Austria; the German liberals have "both wings").