"There will be blood".....and a loss of $20 bucks.

Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 10:31 am
The film is hardly a date movie even if anyone was forced to read Sinclair Lewis in high school,"Oil!" not being at the top of the list. The wrenchingly graphic storyline isn't something especially entertaining to sit through. It would be off-putting to anyone who doesn't view greed as a sin, for example. In other words, Republicans. Anderson slides into pushing the epic background of the story so far in the background that it becomes the epic of one man -- Daniel Day Lewis, sometimes chewing up the scenery. The film drags through some very odd scenes, and I can see where it would be boring. Perhaps if one was in the right mood, where one could welcome such a depressing movie. I lot of critics liked it for its technical prowess. All the components for making a great film are just not there in this Sinclair Lewis Reader's Digest Condensed Version. As far as awards, I've got some news -- the awards season is all but over and Lewis won the Oscar and so did the cinematography. Johnny Depp should have won the Oscar for his Sweeney Todd. "Atonement" should have won for cinematography, and it's also not a good candidate for a date movie. Even the great reviews of this movie should signal anyone that the movie is going to take itself so seriously that it will put a freezing chill on a date night.

Sinclair Lewis has hardly been tackled at all for filmation. "Main Street" was only produced once as a silent in the 20's and "Arrowsmith" was produced with Ronald Colman in 1931 and was somewhat successful. I don't believe Sinclair is adaptable for the screen without shredding the story and leaving a bare bones version.

It would be interesting to know what movies jasonrest considers good date movies.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:12 pm
Lightwizard wrote:

It would be interesting to know what movies jasonrest considers good date movies.

I'm not sure what you're getting at but any movie could be a date movie, depends on the individuals involved.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:30 pm
Although the film veers drastically astray of the book, it's because Anderson wanted a simple story of faith in a battle with vengeance and greed. You're right in that there isn't that much to the story. It's a character study like all of this director's work, although I preferred "Magnolia" where he managed to present multiple character studies. It's all Daniel Day Lewis here and, for me, overlong and overwrought. I haven't read "Oil!" since college days but it was a very good novel and I live in the area it takes place and was familiar with a lot of the history. It's also a grand epic and here it's a tragic epic of one man. Without Daniel Day Lewis, I don't think it would have made nearly the impact and received 91% favorable reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. You're trying to "over understand" the film. Read the book.

BTW, several critics pointed out that this is destined to be a film one either loves or hates -- I found it somewhere in between.

So perhaps I meant to ask what movies with this thematic material do you consider a good date movie? What has been the best date movie of the past year?
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Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 04:57 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
Although the film veers drastically astray of the book, it's because Anderson wanted a simple story of faith in a battle with vengeance and greed. You're right in that there isn't that much to the story. It's a character study like all of this director's work, although I preferred "Magnolia" where he managed to present multiple character studies. It's all Daniel Day Lewis here and, for me, overlong and overwrought. I haven't read "Oil!" since college days but it was a very good novel and I live in the area it takes place and was familiar with a lot of the history. It's also a grand epic and here it's a tragic epic of one man. Without Daniel Day Lewis, I don't think it would have made nearly the impact and received 91% favorable reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. You're trying to "over understand" the film. Read the book.

BTW, several critics pointed out that this is destined to be a film one either loves or hates -- I found it somewhere in between.

So perhaps I meant to ask what movies with this thematic material do you consider a good date movie? What has been the best date movie of the past year?

I totally agree with you on your point about D. Lewis, he is in fact one of my favorite actors.

I wouldn't know what movies to consider.
I don't own a television and I only download movies that seem interesting or has a lot of buzz. And this movie had an abundance of it, along with the stunning preview that grabbed my attention immediately. Honestly, I would not have gone to see it(spend money on it), if my company did not request it.
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Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 06:44 pm
Remember the movie Robert DeNiro took Cybil Shepard to on their first (and only) date in Taxi Driver?

Now THAT was NOT a good date movie.

Sometimes a movie that would be considered really bad when having to go out and spend a good chunk of money at the movies, isn't so bad if you wait and watch the rental at home.

For instance, Beowulf? Of course that got really bad reviews, and sucked. I would have been pissed if I saw it at the theater.
But, last night we just wanted to watch something to relax and pass the time, hold hands, etc.

I'll have to admit, sitting in your bathrobe on your couch, it wasn't that bad. Special effects, monsters, burning crosses...it was fine.

For the theater, I'm gonna make sure it's really good, and take the advice of friends, as well as the reviews.
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Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 09:13 pm
Silence of the Lambs.

Not a good date movie.
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Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 11:42 pm
Sticking with Paul Thomas Anderson movies, how about Punch Drunk Love? That was a pretty good date movie.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 08:01 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Silence of the Lambs.

Not a good date movie.

Generally no however, I'm sure there's some women out there that would prefer this movie over "How to lose a guy in 10 days". I actually saw this movie with a date. It was horrible but she was happy.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 09:45 am
Unfortunately the movies Hollywood produces date movies specifically aimed at those who have scarcely reached the intellectual or emotional level of a twelve-year-old.

There there are the hundreds of "chick flicks" which the girls drag their guys to see and they must respectfully sit through what is often a throw-back romantic comedy with the same stars over and over again.
There's sometimes a pleasant surprise like, "There's Something About Marry" which is actually funny and not just trying to be funny (hair mousse sales dropped 50% after that film).

"Atonement" could be a good date movie for certain couples as it is one of the adaptations of a novel that flows like the narrative of a novel. However, a guy could get suspicious if the gal drags in a huge box of Kleenex and he might panic.

There are women who like male oriented action flicks, but not many men who like chick flicks (unless they're gay).

The blockbusters obviously bring in a lot of couples -- not that many people go to to movies alone. You can't rely on the first weekend box office as it could sink down to dumps the following weekend. I personally hang out at the art theaters, but if its a director that I like who's produced a block buster, I will likely go and see the film on the big screen.

It's no coincidence that "There Will Be Blood" and the other Oscar nominees have not been great box office. It's box office as of this date is $38,090,944. "Michael Clayton" has brought in $48,911,335. Of course, film producers can usually expect the same or better figures from DVD and cable and these films will end up making a profit.

I guess it's good to lose the Oscar -- "Brokeback Mountain" has brought in twice the box office figures in DVD and cable sales and has yet to hit the bargain bins (as some here predicted), now released in a new Hi Def edition with a lot of extras at $ 29.95. "Crash" didn't have a profitable box office and has been in the bargain bins for the past year at $5.95 to $7.50.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 09:54 am
"Crash" was a horrible movie using racial situations to shock audiences and again those easily entertained were drawn to it.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:06 am
The actor's performances couldn't be faulted as they were the only hope that someone might be entertained. I found "Crash" to be a simplistic fable -- the coincidences were so far fetched that it didn't just stretch credibility, it twisted it so far out of shape, it became a wild fantasy. Several individual scenes were outstanding but the whole thing hung together like a bad wardrobe in a closet with a couple of designer dresses hidden in there somewhere.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:11 am
Lightwizard wrote:
The actor's performances couldn't be faulted as they were the only hope that someone might be entertained. I found "Crash" to be a simplistic fable -- the coincidences were so far fetched that it didn't just stretch credibility, it twisted it so far out of shape, it became a wild fantasy. Several individual scenes were outstanding but the whole thing hung together like a bad wardrobe in a closet with a couple of designer dresses hidden in there somewhere.

The whole "bite me" thing caused me to write you off as a douche and now I've come to see that we have the same opinions, only you express them ten times better.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:23 am
jasonrest wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
The actor's performances couldn't be faulted as they were the only hope that someone might be entertained. I found "Crash" to be a simplistic fable -- the coincidences were so far fetched that it didn't just stretch credibility, it twisted it so far out of shape, it became a wild fantasy. Several individual scenes were outstanding but the whole thing hung together like a bad wardrobe in a closet with a couple of designer dresses hidden in there somewhere.

The whole "bite me" thing caused me to write you off as a douche and now I've come to see that we have the same opinions, only you express them ten times better.

Sorry the "bite me" wasn't intended for you -- the would be master baiter it was intended for knows who he is.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:28 am
Lightwizard wrote:
jasonrest wrote:
Lightwizard wrote:
The actor's performances couldn't be faulted as they were the only hope that someone might be entertained. I found "Crash" to be a simplistic fable -- the coincidences were so far fetched that it didn't just stretch credibility, it twisted it so far out of shape, it became a wild fantasy. Several individual scenes were outstanding but the whole thing hung together like a bad wardrobe in a closet with a couple of designer dresses hidden in there somewhere.

The whole "bite me" thing caused me to write you off as a douche and now I've come to see that we have the same opinions, only you express them ten times better.

Sorry the "bite me" wasn't intended for you -- the would be master baiter it was intended for knows who he is.

Ah! some history I'm not aware of... got it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:33 am
Thanks for the support -- it, of course, doesn't mean I always will agree with every assessment of a movie and I don't even reply to one-liner reviews that merely state the movie is crap or whatever. If you can't explain why it is crap, don't bother, 'cause you obviously don't know.

I fortunately saw "There Will Be Blood" in a studio preview for free and was really anticipating it. After the movie, all that stuck in my head was Daniel Day Lewis seeming to be having a seizure -- I was looking for the paramedics somewhere in the background. I'm likely to catch the film a second time on cable or DVD rental because I'm willing to take the time to find out if it might be what I didn't see the first time.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:49 am
Lightwizard wrote:
If you can't explain why it is crap, don't bother, 'cause you obviously don't know.

That statement is complete crap.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 10:54 am
Lightwizard wrote:
Thanks for the support -- it, of course, doesn't mean I always will agree with every assessment of a movie and I don't even reply to one-liner reviews that merely state the movie is crap or whatever. If you can't explain why it is crap, don't bother, 'cause you obviously don't know.

Of course we wont agree on everything but when I was told that "Lightwizard" will be here soon to set me on the right path, I was thinking some pretentious film buff was going to explain why my mind could not grasp the intricacies of this film. I was actually hoping for it. So, I could explain the suckability of the movie.

Instead you also had issues with the film and you seem to know more about movies than I so.....it's comforting to know that I'm not insane
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 11:07 am
I usually agree with my favorite movie critics, but on TWBB I don't understand their applause -- one thing for sure, neither did the movie going public, not even those who will appreciate a good art film -- or it would have done double that box office. I have a wide range of taste in movies, and, for that matter, in music and all forms of art. I try to intellectually and emotionally digest it within its' own genre. In a genre of film epics, or sagas, I wasn't able to fit this into anything but a single, albeit a great, actor having a part written for him who could supplant everything else that was passing across the screen. The cinematography was impressive, but so were "Sweeney Todd," "Atonement" and "Michael Clayton" and all shot with no detachment from the storyline. TWBB's vistas reminded me of "The Sheltering Sky," beautiful, raw, but not able to camouflage an uneven script and direction that seemed like Bernardo was smoking some great pot, on his second bottle of Pinot, and disconnected from the actors.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 11:39 am
Interesting question. What makes for a good date movie?
I've been thinking about it and the only one to come to mind at the moment is "Oceans 13". The guys will appreciate the movie's action while the women get that plus the added bonus of eyeballing some of the hottest men on the planet. That's the kind of movie that can send most any couple home for a little action of their own, right?
A good date movie.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 11:52 am
eoe wrote:
Interesting question. What makes for a good date movie?
I've been thinking about it and the only one to come to mind at the moment is "Oceans 13". The guys will appreciate the movie's action while the women get that plus the added bonus of eyeballing some of the hottest men on the planet. That's the kind of movie that can send most any couple home for a little action of their own, right?
A good date movie.
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