Hi again Chai,
OK I'll have to ignore all mention of UFO's controlling the sun and disguising themselves from NYC inhabitants for now, in the interest of having any kind of meaningful dialog about the original topic, but hey if you really wanna pursue the extraterrestrial side let me know. It'll be fun.
I have a few comments to add to your latest diatribes. To start with..
chaiyah wrote:I have no expectations about finding any sort of body with the neon sign plastered across its front, "Planet X". Okay?
since we can't go on neon it's a good thing it's very easy to determine a celestial body's identity based on its coordinates alone. Unless you're implying it only shows up for brief periods of its own choosing in select locations of its own choosing.
chaiyah wrote:Astronomers explain what occurs; they don't demand that what occurs meet their prior expectations.
I agree there. For example, there're a few things about the sun that remain a mystery, and which scientists are actively researching.
chaiyah wrote:I don't PRETEND to know what's out there and what's coming at us.
my only intention is to present information for other people to look at and figure out.
We get clues and cues that are unverifiable. And that gives us a HINT that something is going on that we need to LOOK FOR, in a verifiable way.
Then why do you object so strongly when others attempt to do just what you say you wish for--looking at them and trying to present explanations?
It seems you're not really interested in explanations at all. In reality you'd rather your photos were held sacred for "speculation & wonder" alone. You are more than willing to KEEP them a mystery. And you refuse to listen when others disagree as to what the "clues" indicate.
Also consider that simply because many believe in planet x and aliens like you it doesn't in itself lend any support or credibility to the ideas whatsoever. I've seen this illustrated quite well firsthand. Up until 2 years ago when I left at age 16, I was part of a cult 10,000 strong which believes among many other things that New Jerusalem from Revelations is a pyramid inside the moon. Unfortunately, collective stupidity is all too common.
chaiyah wrote:So, now where are the astronomers--or whoever--who can use their real and professional equipment to go find these puppies??
It's not like there're only a few individuals who all depend on government salaries that're able to use a telescope. The fact that professional & amateur astronomers around the globe don't support your claims says a lot.
chaiyah wrote:You are lower than low!
I will NEVER believe a single word out of your keyboards again.
Your credibility is ZERO. Deliberate LIES are NOT "SCIENCE."
ASTRONOMY is lost to you; you--collectively--are a bunch of blind
IGNORAMUSES, deserving NOT a single scintilla of respect or regard.
You are not worth knowing, listening to or believing--none of you.
I am ashamed of you all. America doesn't NEED SCIENTISTS
My my, it appears someone is not so "open-minded" as she would have us believe.
chaiyah wrote:There is faked everything, but there is also what is real and true.
I recognize that, but working with computer graphics has certainly raised my skepticism level when looking at photos on the Internet. Do you think it might help you understand this a bit better if I doctored some photos of the sun to look like planetx to you?
First of all, it's quite interesting that one minute you say scientists fear for their jobs & lives should they tell the public what they really know, then you turn around and post NASA's
very public SOHO photos to support your claims.
Second, for someone who frequently accuses others of misinformation, and who dedicates so much of their time to collecting photos of & telling others about "solar anomalies," you certainly don't do much basic research on the subject.
OK, here's the photo you linked to from lasko on the soho satellite..
Yup. There's a bright orb there alright. Did NASA make any attempt to cover this up? Simply, no. It's a featured shot at SOHO's homepage right now & they periodically release new photos of it.
Now let's take a look at a couple other SOHO images to increase perspective..
Even weirder than yours, huh? Nope. Those ain't Planet X & Y nor Rouge Sun 01 & 02. They're not solar flares either. What you're seeing is Comet Machholz 1 and Venus. Apparently you don't realize how easy it is to get info about an image taken from a satellite where there's a date & time stamp on it. If you'd cut that bit off in the future it'd be almost impossible to prove what it was, but it'd also be worthless.
Here's one with labels added:
Details at:
Another cool one here:
Before going further here's some info about coronagraphs, SOHO and LASCO which I mostly wasn't aware of till you started posting these pictures around..
NASA wrote:"Coronagraph" just refers to an instruments which studies the Sun's outer atmosphere, the "corona". From Earth this is most easily seen during a total eclipse. SOHO have two coronagraphs which study the Sun from space. A very common way to observe the corona is to cover the bright disk of the Sun. This creates a sort of mini-eclipse and allows us to see the Sun's fainter outer atmosphere.
One of the coronagraph instruments on SOHO, LASCO actually contains three coronagraphs, each with a different sized occulting disk so that we can see the fainter and fainter corona, further and further away from the Sun's surface.
Other objects you can see in LASCO coronagraph images include planets, stars, and comets.
In addition, the images sometimes show artifacts due to high energy particle hitting the detector, bit of dust, or material coming off of the spacecraft. You can read more about these here:
How to make your own UFO
Text from
http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/explore/coronagraph.htmlQuote:Over 500 comets have been discovered in SOHO images, most by amateurs using LASCO data which have been downloaded from the web. That's more comets than from any other observatory, either from the ground or in space. People are looking for moving objects in these pictures all the time, and are highly motivated to find them. None of them have ever turned out to be anything other than comets.
Text from
In the interest of your own credibility I'd recommend in the future you stick to posting photos of unverifiable images from Panama and such which cannot be proven wrong quite as easily. Or stick to UFOs theories exclusively, rather than claims of solar anomalies & rouge planets of doom, cuz that way you've got a lot more room for creative interpretation of the basic laws of nature.
At any rate, this whole non-issue may be resolved fairly soon...
chaiyah wrote:HAVE NO FEAR! NO FEAR!
Nobody gets out of here alive, anyway!
Here's a particularly colorful bit you posted on your website...
Quote:Steve468 in response (8/13/2003):
More media propaganda from our all-realiable government. Maybe they should tell us what the spacecraft is really being designed for? Comet Temple sounds like another name used by NASA to identify PX. The 80 million mile distance also sounds suspiciously close to the proximity of Px from the Earth at this moment also. There are 93 million miles between Earth and the Sun. That would mean that PX has moved about 13 million miles in the last 2 weeks. The closer it gets to us the faster it speeds up.
I am not a master of physics, but it seems to me that if we take the 13 and divide it into the 80, that equals about 6.1 or so weeks. Then you take the 2 weeks it took for the planet to move 13 million miles and multiply it by the 6.1 ratio and that gives us 12.2 weeks. We have to figure that the Planet will be moving twice the speed as it draws closer to Earth, so that leaves us with 6.1 weeks until the planet is close enough to create a major pole shift. 6.1 weeks equals nearly 43 days from today Aug 13. So somewhere around the 26th of September we shoud expect something to occur. These of course are only my estimations, but they do fit in nicely with the timeframe set forth by Nostradamus.
Setting dates on the end of the world has historically proven a very dumb move.
But hey if we've only got till the end of the month, what do you plan to do till then?
If we're still around to talk about planetx within say two months, would THAT affect your belief in any way whatsoever? I'm guessing no at this point.