fm wrote-
Quote:Wow spendi,Many of us got over our early bad relationships and moved on with life.You appear to be stuck in a time warp like about 1865. Seems you bear ill toward women. Too bad, you should quit worshipping the cheesehead and maybe take a look at some gut wrenching artwork by Kate kollwitz. Or do you prefer the really schmaltzy work of the Pre Raphealites?
Still leaping to conclusions I see.You ought to know that leaping to conclusions is a technique which allows a person to provide his own feeders for his own"wit".It's a form of control freakery.An assumption is jumped on,usually incorrect as in this case,and an expression of contempt is then derived from it which is,by simple logic,also incorrect.It's a form of aggression.
Bearing ill will towards women is as ridiculous as bearing ill will towards the weather.They are what they are and understanding them is in no way bearing ill will towards them.Of course,as Germaine Greer often says,they can be browbeaten into conforming to male stereotypes but then they become household pets and all the vibrant feminine life goes out of them which the best of them eventually reject.Patronising flattery,always phoney,is a cheapskate method of trying to keep their spirits up.
What on earth has led you to think I might hold any brief for the pre-Raphealites.Ghastly figments of male fantasy the whole genre.You might try reading The Romantic Agony by Mario Praz and some of the stuff which followed that.
Are you calling Veblen a "cheesehead" to provide a justification for not having read his seminal works or what?Nobody who has read him has ever used such a derogatory term in relation to him although one lady I loaned The Theory of the Leisure Class to ripped the book into shreds.
Surely his scientific findings and stunning use of language have not been eschewed by you because they make you uncomfortable.I would find that hard to square with your positions on the ID thread.
What I was doing was giving Lola a few hints about the reality of the market place into which she is thrusting.As far as I'm concerned flattering her is tantamount to leading her up the garden path.The market-place is no garden path.She is investing money and time in this enterprise and I would prefer it to be a success for her before I prefer me being popular.
If I deserted the women in my life to go thousands of miles to get nosebleeds and headaches I wouldn't expect them to be there when I got back.