I wish I were a merman
With seaweed in my beard
Spashing after mermaids
Whenever they appeared.
I'd get admiring glances
From a lovely flippered lass
Who cannot keep her hands off
My tight and scaly ass.
We'd slip off to a grotto
But then I think I'd need
Someone who could explain
Just how the merfolk do the deed.
Uhmm, I love a nice warm.... pool.
I wonder if Walter thinks we're Die Drei Lorelei? Well, we can hardly be dry in water and there are four of us, at least, but no vier(s) either, just a little intimidating.
Come with me George. I'll show you something.
"By the waters, the waters of Babylon..."
Come on girls, sing it with me.
Jump in anytime, it's a round.
Haunting melody, really. If that doesn't hypnotize a few sailors, nothing will.
Good ole Leonard Cohen......who else could write a line as eloquent as......
"And she says, Drink deeply, pilgrim
but don't forget there's still a woman
beneath this
resplendent chemise..............."
Light as A Breeze
She stands before you naked
you can see it, you can taste it,
and she comes to you light as the breeze.
Now you can drink it or you can nurse it,
it don't matter how you worship
as long as you're
down on your knees.
So I knelt there at the delta,
at the alpha and the omega,
at the cradle of the river and the seas.
And like a blessing come from heaven
for something like a second
I was healed and my heart
was at ease.
O baby I waited
so long for your kiss
for something to happen,
oh something like this.
And you're weak and you're harmless
and you're sleeping in your harness
and the wind going wild
in the trees,
and it ain't exactly prison
but you'll never be forgiven
for whatever you've done
with the keys.
O baby I waited ...
It's dark now and it's snowing
O my love I must be going,
The river has started to freeze.
And I'm sick of pretending
I'm broken from bending
I've lived too long on my knees.
Then she dances so graceful
and your heart's hard and hateful
and she's naked
but that's just a tease.
And you turn in disgust
from your hatred and from your love
and comes to you
light as the breeze.
O baby I waited ...
There's blood on every bracelet
you can see it, you can taste it,
and it's Please baby
please baby please.
And she says, Drink deeply, pilgrim
but don't forget there's still a woman
beneath this
resplendent chemise.
So I knelt there at the delta,
at the alpha and the omega,
I knelt there like one who believes.
And the blessings come from heaven
and for something like a second
I'm cured and my heart
is at ease
Oh, Leonard. <deep sigh>
I knew you'd come.
Sing my favorite verses for me, will you?
So come, my friends, be not afraid.
We are so lightly here.
It is in love that we are made;
In love we disappear...
and one of my favorites:
.... And Jesus was a sailor
when he walked upon the water
and he spent a long time watching
from his lonely wooden tower
and when he knew for certain
only drowning men could see him
he said all men will be sailors then
until the sea shall free them
He himself was broken
long before the sky would open
forsaken almost human
he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
and you want to travel blind
and you think maybe you'll trust him
cuz he's touched your perfect body
with his mind.
Said he found himself
And gave away the things he called his own
Awoke and told his friend
Things he'd seen and heard but could not comprehend
And so taken back by what he had just said
He cried, "Oh Lord, am I alive or dead?"
Was shattered when he saw
How everything's exactly as it seems
Then able to admit
Saw his thoughts drift into unimportant schemes
So he found himself a pawn to cop the score
Of all those games we play and then ignore
Wandered off alone
To search for someone else to passively agree
Then felt no further need
To hold it peacefully within was proof indeed
And he found himself a pawn to cop the score
Of all those games we play and then ignore
Lots of great stuff here - thanks to you all.
"... to dance beneath the diamond sky
with one hand waving free,
sihouetted by the sea ...
George -- your apparently original piece was best of all.
Well, jesus will be here
Be here soon
He's gonna cover us up with leaves
With a blanket from the moon
With a promise and a vow
And a lullaby for my brow
Jesus gonna be here
Be here soon
Well i'm just gonna wait here
I don't have to shout
I have no reason and
I have no doubt
I'm gonna get myself
Unfurled from this mortal coiled up world
Because jesus gonna be here
Be here soon
I got to keep my eyes open
So i can see my lord
I'm gonna watch the horizon
For a brand new ford
I can hear him rolling on down the lane
I said hollywood be thy name
Jesus gonna be
Gonna be here soon
Well i've been faithful
And i've been so good
Except for dranking
But he knew that i would
I'm gonna leave this place better
Than the way i found it was
And jesus gonna be here
Be here soon
Is that you? Beautiful you were and I'm sure still are.......
Thanks, G-OB. Yes, it was original. I used to play with verse quite a bit. Not so much anymore, though I always try to compose a sonnet for The Lovely Bride every anniversary. "Try" being the operative word.
Lola -- Thanks, no. She's the original Suzanne -- much more angelic-looking than I ever was.
I had a photo of myself somewhere from that "era." (tosses a bunch of stuff out of her purse... looks confused... checks pockets... comes up empty-handed)
I was a few years after but loved the music and would listen for hours, drinking tea, lighting candles, drying oranges on the radiator....
I've had that song, Suzanne, running through my head since last night and for a while this morning... thanks, ((Joe))). I loved it.
Then I moved from "Jesus is just all right (with me)" to the soundtrack from Easy Rider. I am so easily distracted!
Eight miles high and when you touch down
You'll find that it's stranger than known
Signs in the street
.............that say where you're going
Are somewhere
..............just being their own
Hey, where is everybody? It's Saturday night.
Lola - after the toga party, assorted weekend debauchery, and an overdose of "wine women and song" your other guests are naturally asleep. I'm only up and around because I wasn't here all week and am therefore a model of sobriety - sure to be remedied on Thanksgiving!
Sorry that I didn't come here over the weekend.
But had some serious talks with George (naval stuff, you know) .... until HofT and timber came to that place.
And I'm double sorry that I don't have much time this week either:
good my new toy (car) today, and since the Missus is on "wellness holidays" ...
I've only been drunk twice.
The late '50s into the '80s, and then of course the current period.
I mad a big mistake in my life: between the 60's and early 80's are used all the tokens you get at birth for beer and other drinks, so I'll have to be sober since more than 20 years now :wink:
(Okay, okay, the story is bit different.
