Happy birthday, Lola.
Looking forward to seeing ya again. Check your email.
Lola steps onto the dance floor and faints from surprise. Then the music begins and Lola's friends grab her arms and drag her off the dance floor. With the help of a little champagne, Lola revives.
There are orchids on every table and candles.
Wassau, Prissy and Sal are there too. They're off tonight.........the party's catered so all the cafe denizens can have a good time.
And what's that music playing? What's that song?
I can't tell. But it's something by Cohen, I think. Hum a little bit of it for me....
Dropped in to say happy birthday
((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I've already told her ALOT of times but I'll say it again!!!
I don't know if I'm too late or if you even know me very well, Lola, but happy birthday anyway!
happy happy birthday !!! Did you know Librans are the best ??
You guys are just great! It's been a good birthday. I went down to the garment district and bought some beads, then I signed up for a health club.....now if I'll only use it, then birthday dinner and the debate. And, yes........Kerry won again. Excellent. What a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday.
And now I find all my friends have been kind enough to wish me well.
Smog, we have met briefly. Nice to meet you and thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm looking forward to seeing you around the place. You're welcome anytime.
Frank, I sent you an email this morning. Sorry to be slow. Didn't see your message until this morning. I hope I didn't hold up plans too much.
Bear, big hug back. I just love being hugged by bears.
Eva, You guessed right. It is Cohen.....and Dylan and Cocker. Big surprise.
And Gautum, yes, we librians are goooooooo-oooood. Yes sir-ee. Are you a librian too?
Husker, husker, husker.......all this birthday business started with you. You're a sweetie
And PDiddie...........kiss.
Thanks for the great day!
Ratsola, I made several posts tonight but don't see any showing. So, Lola, here's to you, a hostess with the mostest!
Thank you Cobalt. I'm sorry about your other posts. You've shown up here.
Hi all, and wishes to Lola for her birthday. Born on October 8th here, missed my own party, not only Lola's!
Where are we? Who else is here?
P.S. does anybody know where the political bashing goes on around here? Please advise!
Hi HofT! Good to see you. We've missed you. It hasn't been the same around here.
Happy Birthday yourself.
Hi HoTs,
Look up POLITICAL forum- LETS TALK ABOUT REPLACING G.W.BUSH IN 2004 Authored by your old friend C.I.
Question on another subject: Who was the Academic who came up with
Factorial Zero(0!) =1 (It only satisfies a one case condition)?
And Happy birthday to all that has had a birthday.
ft. :wink:
Thanks, FirstThought, nice to see you again. Far as the factorials, remember I'm applied, not theoretical, and think it's just a convention otherwise you can't run programs like:
int factorial (int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
return (n * factorial (n-1));
Look at the troubles the quantum physicists go through in the process of avoiding division by zero!
Fred visits Lola
Fred (the parrot of Dys) visits Lola
Fred in love
My New York diary, from back in '03, recounting meeting Diane and others -
It's horrendously verbose about not-much; I'm editing it on the original writing forum as a piece in progress.
It's really Lola visiting Fred. What a sweetie! He's only bitten me 5 times. And notice the official christening spot of poop on my t-shirt. He's christened me three times, so far. Fred loves a good grape and a bit of apricot.
Having fun in Albuquerque.
At last, it's election day!
Miserable and angry........anybody wanta drink?