Chocolate mousse, did you say?
Hmm, my business partner's birthday is Wed. too. I'd better not forget. Have to go shopping tomorrow. Though she says she's not celebrating this one. Harrumph.
yes, osso, my entire albam. I'll try to repost some of the pix from SF. If anyone would prefer I not re-post, let me know.
And thanks, Joe, however, it's not belated. My birthday is tomorrow. Sweet of Husker to remind me. I might have otherwise suceeded in forgetting. (not really)
and Diane, thank you too for your birthday well wishes, however, I'm a little disappointed. You mean I don't get whatever I want all the time? That's what the song says............how disheartening
<rubbing toe in circles on the floor while curling hair around index finger on right hand, eyes fluttering>
Birthday??????/ Lola a B-day! You darling honey!!
yes, husker.........in part, I might just as soon be thought of as remaining the same age.....as the years pass.
However, then I wouldn't have the pleasure of being wished a happy birthday. I guess, after long and intense thought, I choose the happy birthday wishes.
But on the getting my way thing.........I'm not budging.
Lola how is it possible you got so attractive in only 58 years?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Lola how is it possible you got so attractive in only 58 years?
come on bear - miracles happen!!
Our Lola is aging most beautifully, as we all wish we would.
Happy Birthday, my friend! I trust you have something thoroughly indulgent planned.
Bear........the surgeon helped a lot.....thank you for noticing.
And husker.......mircles, yes.
And Eva,
My plans do include something hugely indulgent, but I haven't reserved it only for my birthday. I indulge as much as I can get away with all the time.
Lola -- I absolutely agree about indulgences! And on that note, I'd like to send you some virtual flowers for your birthday, but I don't know what you like. What's your favorite color?
Lola sweetie, I wish you everything you could possibly want and that your indulgences are always deliciously satisfying.
Indulgences are, indeed, something that should be savored and indulged in, but it takes a certain finesse to be sure to always see them as indulgences and not ordinary. I think we all have that quality here in the Cafe.
Happy Birthday!!
Give her a big birthday hug from me, wouldya Diane? I wish I could be there to enjoy all four of you in the same room...wow, what a thought.
OklaDamnHoma, I will also be there!
yes, yes.........the cafe is the place where indulgence is a fine art. Welcome to all my indulgent friends. And to Diane, in particular, who has made indulgence into a virtue.
Eva.........my fav color? I really can't say I have one........depends on which object or thing it is. In flowers, I seem to prefer pinks and purples.....colors I hate to wear. And I especially like orchids. They're so exotic and expressive of my attitude toward life.
Thanks to all my friends for their birthday wishes.
And yes, Dys........you will be there too.
Eva, it would be fantastic if we all could get together!! Let's make it happen as soon as possible.
Oh yes, Dys, that's what I meant by "the four of you"...you, Diane, Lola and Bernie. Makes my head spin, just thinking about those four personalities in the same room. What fun! Hugs to all of you...
"Delivery for Miss Lola."
(Lola's voice on intercom) "Who's it from?"
"I dunno, lady. I got a whole truckful. You want me to read the card?"
(Lola) "Yes, please."
(Delivery guy fumbles with envelope) "Says here, 'I couldn't decide which one was the most beautiful, so I'm sending one of each. Enjoy! Happy Birthday, Eva."
Speaking of getting together, I just came home from having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Piffka, a great evening. So, hands waving from the west coast to the east coast, via places between, in both directions re the globe.
"We're all set in the back room."
"Okay. Two minutes."
(Presses intercom button behind the bar"
"Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please......."
The buzzing of the crowd reduces but does not cease.
"LAYdies and GENTS.... Please....."
There's a lot of shushing, "wha'S?" are heard and finally silence.
"Thank you, would you all please join in escorting Ms Lola and her entourage to the formal dining area formally known as the back room."
Ms. Lola, radiant, nodding to the applause, rises. A tall man in a hat takes her hand and leads her down the little stairway and through the double doors. The scores of round tables, all lit by candles, stretch out before them. There are hundreds of faces smiling at them, glowing in the sweetness of the light, the warmth of the moment.
The band, the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra with Bill Charlap on piano and Marsalis on horn (and is that Woody sitting in? I can't see) , begins to play "Happy Birthday." The crowd rises and joins in. Human voices mingle and match wits with the orchestra until Lola reachs the dance floor and everyone sees the giant cake being rolled into place with it's towers of icing and sparkling candles, the cascades of edible flowers flowing down to the floor.
It's the first of many moments of the perfect celebration of one fabulous babe.
gee wiz guys.........thanks. What a special birthday. My first in New York. Tons of lovely flowers and cake........a giant cake. Wow. I'm speechless. And Joe called me a fabulous babe. Wow.
Thanks for the orchids, Eva. There are so many types. That's one reason I love them.
And osso..........it's great that we get together. How's Piffka doing? I haven't seen her around for a while. But then again, I haven't been around much all summer.