I'm looking out my living room window....sitting here at my desk facing the window on the 19th floor. It's an unobstructed view facing downtown from the UES. Lots of people are still up, lights on everywhere. Very nice evening.......cool, but not cold...........
It's beyond words, Eva.
It makes me happy to know you're happy, Lola.
erm, what is the UES? (if you don't mind..)
the tool belt guy?
Anyway, sounds exhilarating..
Thanks Eva.......Happy is good....
Osso........sorry. UES = Upper East Side
and the tool belt guy is the handy man......it's all quite exhilerating.....everyone will have to come for a visit soon
Joe.........are you out there? I can't leave a PM, it's shut down, bother.....but I need to get in touch with you and Frank soon. It would be nice to get together. Ummm, do you have my cell phone number? I'm not sure how to get in touch. Any ideas?
Is the tool belt guy young and hung ?
I'm hanging on your every word .
Tell me when you get tired of hanging
Gautum..........I haven't much use for young.......
Joe, talk to me.........how can I get in touch with you?
here, I'll give you my hotmail email address........
send me word about how to get in touch with you and/or Frank
And stay tuned, folks..........we're about to launch a new episode of Lola at the Coffee House........and we'll have a new friend, entering the cafe.........Wassau? Wassau? Has Miss Adventure arrived yet?
I'm waiting to hear back.
Sorry Joe........I just found your message. I have responded. Thanks.
Hi Husker.......have you seen Miss Adventure around lately?
Lola nope..................
<wakes up from where he'd fallen asleep in a corner coupla days back>
Aiiee ...
someone please take me home ...
call me a time-cab or something ... cause I wanna go back home
sorry nimh.......the time cab drivers are on strike. So you'll have to stay with us for a bit longer. Wassau? Can you get something for nimh? He's a little hung over.
Sorry husker.........I thought surely you would have seen her by now. Keep your eyes open.
Need something for my eyes!
I'm back in the office - today being the first 9 hour day - had to dial in due to A2K being on some filter blocker the I/S guys installed on the server.
but sneak out me for some fun and cruz'n the net.
I don't check into a2k much at work, and I am one of the two owners. One of the two workers. We are each our secretaries and administrative assistants. We can only blame ourselves. And ... we do.
I do check in sometimes on Saturdays, when we both feel that one of us needs to be there but neither of us wants to. We don't feel impelled to solve any major design decisions.
People come in our front door to hang out and look at paintings, or, maybe, the turtles.
We trade Saturdays. If I am home, I check in here and keep the fire on. If I am there, I may or may not check in for a minute, usually not.