This tree house seem to be a changling all things to all people.
And yes with the kind help of Wassau (is that the right name) I have become the Goddess wine at fountain.
And like a horse of a different color the wine changes in the wink of an eye or in a puff of smoke.
lovely dress you're wearing, goddess of wine........burgandy, is it?
Yes, burgandy and dandy lion wine green.
So this is a wee bit trying for a designer to do something by committee re fantasy, at the same time having no interest at all in concocting one of my own. I know when to glide away. I think I will just loll by the pool with my buds with a greathat and sample the food... oh, but wait, is it a long pool? oh, oh...
(this is all too close.) I have mixed feelings re pools at all, professionally. Like the eyeview of water. Love to swim, however bad I am at it, I do swimming best in a pool, in ocean, am fool. In Los Angeles, I grew to see the plethora of pools as some kind of fandance to the natural landscape, which is a semiarid desert.
I have done pool paintings, interested in how they situate in space, taking over or fitting in. No ugly ones in my paintings yet, at least on purpose, yet, though friends send me photos of ugly pools, heh, and that is mostly how I view them.
On a couple of jobs Me and associates filled in the pools and brought them back to soilgardens.
And yet, I love, deeply, many pools I have been to or seen photos of, not least at the Generalife. And a small, very small, pool a pal made out of a natural rocky flow area in Topanga Canyon.
I like the pool in front of the Taj, conceptually at least, haven't been there.
Anyway, my prickliness re putting water up in trees is showing, and I'm backing off, because after all, this is fantasy.
I'll just pull my dark green velvet coverall on and slipslide to the loungechair.
I've heard of converting a pool into a pond for gold fish..........interesting idea
but one would have to guard against small children gaining unsupervised access.
Mind if I join you here, Osso? Joanne, in her burgandy and, with my wish to contemplate for a while......
Go on slide show
The first hedge, plus the beech hedge in autumn.....beautiful
Re ponds and pools, different cities/counties have rules re access to pools over 18-24", numbers vary. (Me, I think a child can drown in a few inches, where are the parents? Yet I know seconds matter. But these rules relate to waterfall ponds too, as well they should.
Most of the rules, as explained to me by a guy at the city of Beverly Hills, have to do with keeping the toddler waddling down the street from getting to a backyard pool. More recently there are efforts to also take care of toddlers in the house, as in requiring alarms on doors, or fencing, which makes more sense. I have also dealt with people who basically killed their tiny yards with their tiny pools with 5 foot fences right out the french doors, to be sure.
My own view was that the pool didn't belong there, a personal take, easy to come to in that semiarid desert. Who knows, maybe a pool like the one by Walter's house for the neighborhood....
Personal pools, I'll just say that depends, I vascillate in my love hate.
And now, blatham, I'll look at the link..
Ah, yes, I understand Wirtz, though I am personally blowsier, the underlying sense is the same.... near the house, modulating to way-natural not too far away.
Dunbarton Oaks, I was there for an hour, in 1987. That was an artwork, in its way.
Okay, a little aside, and now back, she looks about, wondering what Mary Cat is up to.. (and sorry for short remark re feng shui. That is just me, not to spue my view forth on others.)
Lola excellent idea - converting the pool into a pond for fish - we could all swim with the fishes. And our Coi would be gigantic.
Who was that man in the red coat spewing forth with comments about our hostess?
Osso I am proud of you - spewing forth you opinions a quality I to possess and thus find it comforting to know I am not alone in this straight forwardness.
Now I must drink of the fine wine and go shopping for Coi. What how many and what colors all colors and just one with lots of color?
Better get extra-large ones, JD. We wouldn't want the seal pups eating them for lunch.
And Lola...don't pay any mind to him. We know you're not a liar. You may, um, fudge a little now and then, but that's an admirable trait according to us Irish. Why, just yesterday I was telling my good friend Joe what a darling you can be.........(okay, I didn't, really, but I would if he asked.

Just for starters - what do y'all think?
I think they're expensive....
no, no, I'm kidding. Lovely, Joanne.. I like koi, what I know of them. They tend to need some shelter to be able to reach, lest certain birds be in the vicinity.. a bridge to go under, rock shelves for sequestering, overhead trellises leafed out with vines... not over everything, but a place to harbor...
I think they're neat.
I'm bored. Everyone buzz around me for a while.
OK - Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(SCoates)zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Very nice, JD! Glad you got big ones!
Oooooh pretty fishies!
Oh, hi! I was just watching the koi. They're quite lovely. Very relaxing to watch on my day off.
Anyone for mimosas and french toast?
Me! Me!
Just put my plate over there by the tree. I'll be back in a minute. I've always wanted to swim with koi. Look, I even wore my orange and white tankini that matches them!
Lola is busy packing her stuff for the new apartment and office..........but check out the gallery. Youngest daughter graduated from high school and there are a couple of pix......also my granddaughter on Memorial Day by the pool. Enjoy. I'll be around more as soon as this move is completed.