Dear Irving..........
I've missed you so..........where have you been. We've been dying without you.
Maxine and Malcolm Mouse
off to Denver tomorrow for a 24 hours turn around. But leaving my lap top at home. See all y'all on Sunday. Love ya.
Dear Uncle Oyeving,
Not to worry. Sending microcosm gifts. Teenie meesies,
one groundhog, and by way of Canada - a companion gerble - (premixed critter food also in transport)
Note: First-class seats purchased so no animal harmed during flight.
Mighty Mouse
Lola, you crack me up!
Have a safe trip!
greetings from the 9th floor of the Loew's hotel in
Off to dinner..........see all tomorrow.
that was fly in from boulder?
Hi Mikey,
It was fast. I stayed only 24 hours and am now back home. Going to bed now.........Wassau says I can crach upstairs since I can't make it home..........too tired. Good night all...............
Hi Wassau,
Don't wake Lola I know she's sleeping, I just swam over from the UK as part of my triathlon training-need a good stiff pick me up and a doze by the fire, which you have very thoughtfully lit for me, thanks for the brandy that'll do the job, night night.
Hi There HIAMA................oh, you're sleeping.......<covers HIAMA with blanket and stuffs a pillow under his head.>
Must rush off to a meeting............back later.
Hiama awakens to the smell of lilies and lavender, Lola's perfume fills his nostrils and he almost hyperventilates with anticipation.
Then he realises she is not there it's just her wonderful odo(u)r, he rather crotchedly asks Wassau for a hot chocolate and bagel , before he swims back to the UK, or there's always the clicker to save on muscle tear-yes that's the preferred option.
" Thanks Wassau, I feel much better, see you in a few days, give my love to all the gang "
And so Hiama clicks and he is back in his study in dear old Englande.
Good. Maybe now the ladies will pay me some attention, now that muscular hiama is gone...
lol-I am not that muscular, I just have a shape at long last
As they say - I am in shape..round *is* a shape
I agree, Gautam, and too many hard muscles are just not, well, comfortable, if you know what I mean. (And I'm sure you do.
) VERY nice to look at, though! Mmmm...
I prefer hard muscles......of whatever variety.
Now, them's some hard muscles
from uncle irving's diary...
Love Song Involving the Moon and Tide
The moon went sailing past my shoulder
I've never seen that girl so mad
You'd think I tied her to a railroad track
Or been a cad, had some blonde up to my pad
I said "Now wait a minute baby
Before you go and do me wrong
What could I do when your sister wanted to
kiss me, all night long
You wanted me to love your family
Hell, sometimes a guy just can't win
And that lipstick on my boxer shorts, well
that's easssssssy to explain
You see, I was just walkin by the laundromat
They was shooting an ad for Tide
They needed some testimonials and they
Dragged me right inside
They poured axle grease on my right sock
Smeared chicken fat on my left
They smunched my shirt in household dirt
Then proceeded with the lipstick test
And here you're puttin me through the wringer baby
Treatin me unfair and mean
Just 'cause I was kind to your sister
And 'cause there's one thing that Tide can't clean
Dear Blatham's Uncle Irving,
Don't worry about my sister. I know you wouldn't like her anyway. She's uptight and uninviting. And how can I worry about lipstick on your boxers when I know you wear no underwear at all?
BillW.........those are muscles, yes they are. And isn't he beautiful? What should a woman do with such a man? She certainly wouldn't be kissing his boxers, now would she?
I don't know about you, Lola, but I always put my men on a pedestal.
I like the view.
Baby, take off your vest
Yes yes yes!
You give me reason to live
You can keep your hat on, blatham.
Lola appears to be gone for now.