Re: school bullies, and I'm talking about adults!
martybarker wrote:Have any of you had experience with unreasonable staff members at your childs school? I have a few incidents that I think were a bit overboard.
Here's one example. At my sons middle school there is a drink machine which dispenses non-soda drinks for a dollar. This machine is only powered up during the lunch period and then it's locked. My son approached the machine after finishing his food and put his dollar in upside down. It spit his bill back out and he proceeded to unwrinkle it to put it back in the right way. The woman from the office walked up with the key and told my son he couldn't get his drink because it was time to lock it.
What kinda crap is that to not let the kid just get his drink and move along?
Hi Marty
Let me tell you (as a teacher) how frustrating it is trying to start a class (straight after lunch) with some students arriving (often a bit late) with half-eaten food, cans of drink, melting ice creams, etc, etc ... they
know they're not supposed to bring food or soft drink to class (bottled water is OK), but some always want to argue that
they're case is justified, different, etc, etc, etc ....
I usually tell them to take the food/drink outside & finish it, pronto. And ask them not to make a habit extending their lunch time into the class time ... & hope they'll oblige in future.
I think maybe what happened in this case is that the machine should
already have been locked when your son attempted to purchase his drink. All the woman from the office needed to have done was to politely tell your son that this was the case, & that sorry, no more drinks are available after such & such a time. I suspect she might have been having a hard time that day. It happens.:wink: