Okay well let us know if we can bring anything other than focaccia.
littlek wrote:slappy's been invited.
As a tear forms in my eye, I realize I never received any invite, but I'll consider that it.
I'm pretty sure I can head over at least for a while...I know I always flake on your invites, but I don't have a woman attached to my hip right now.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:littlek wrote:slappy's been invited.
As a tear forms in my eye, I realize I never received any invite, but I'll consider that it.
I'm pretty sure I can head over at least for a while...I know I always flake on your invites, but I don't have a woman attached to my hip right now.
whaddaya mean never been invited? that's a lie! check your facebook, babycakes.
littlek wrote:Okay. We've decided on Saturday, February 23 at 5 pm.
Jespah is bringing focaccia
We will be making some things
the list so far:
our housemate
slappy's been invited
I still haven't emailed fishin and quinn, will do that tonight.
Sounds great! I'll be bringing some chocolate easter eggs from Germany for desert (kinda).
Yippee, Slappy's coming!
No word from fishin or quinn yet.
For food we have yummy focaccia and German easter eggs.
I'm leaning towards making a Moroccan baked fish dish. Anyone have any issues with odd spices or white fish? I'll make a fennel slaw to go with it and the lemon pudding cake if I have time.
not me either, apparently.
the other night jes led me to believe we were having tuna steak.
turns out it was trout... and it was delish...
got the pm, k, thanks, see y'all Sat. Any chance of suggestions of needed food and party supplies which can be filled by those of us whose culinary achievements are not so much, "Oh, yeah, it's just a little something I whipped up based on a recipe Todd English gave me", but more along the lines of "Trader Joe's had a really good deal on this" or "I choose wines based on whether the label has great graphics"?
<grin> Beer, wine, whatever! Unless Dasha can think of something more particular. Username, long-distance travelers get off easy!
we'll bring some beers...
I hope you guys have a great time together. If I weren't going out of town, I'd be tempted to fly over. I've never been to Boston and I think you guys would be a hoot to meet with.
hey, Mame, as long as you're going out of town anyway, drop on by. Given our respective locations, just about anywhere outside of Vancouver has gotta be closer to us,so c'mon over. We do tend to hoot any chance we get.
Well, it's a little out of the way for me since I'm going to Northern BC

My plan, however, is to use my time off to visit all over since I don't have a home right now. Will certainly keep you in mind. Another place I want to visit is New York - that's a gotta-see.
He, why not join us at the Albuquerque meeting then?
I think I will be in camp in the NWT, which is why I didn't say anything, but if I'm not, I'm there in a NY minute.
What I am going to do is when I know my 2 weeks off, see what meets are going on and join up.
(I also want to have a date with gus but that's a secret so don't tell him.)
kris, I see from the minutes of the Heathen Club that you and Dag and Anonymous Roommate all have cases of What's Going Around. Oh, god, say not so. Does this endanger the get together? Three days and counting. Chicken soup has been tested and really is medicinal. Drink honey lemon tea. Try zinc nasal swabs (which sound faintly repulsive to me, basically like licking one of those old galvanized metal trash barrels, but a couple people swear by them). We will come and cool your fevered brows on Sat. and sit by your sickbeds if you need us to.
Username - we'll be fine by then. And all the germs should be dead too.
McTag - hello. It's you!