I had a fight at the grocery store (doesn’t everyone?)

Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:38 pm
So here I am - a mild manner petite mom pushing her little pre-schooler in the grocery cart in the produce department. I "park" the cart aside so as not to block other shoppers. I step a few feet away to collect some fresh produce. After I gather the produce, I look up in alarm as this older woman starts to push the carriage with my little girl in it. My daughter has a look of terror on her face.

I walk up to this intruder and push her down screaming what the f*ck is wrong with you - don't you dare touch my child! I guess the protective mom got the better of me.

Well not really, but I did sort of yell at her. Then I calmed a bit and said, "You never push a carriage with some one else's child in it. If you wanted to get at something all you had to do was ask me to move the carriage." She pretty much wouldn't look at me - possibly frightened her half to death. I think she got the hint though. I told my daughter if it ever happened again to scream her bloody head off at the person.

What would you have done to this person?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,904 • Replies: 62
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:42 pm
I think you handled it better than I would have. I would probably have jumped her and taken her to the ground until cops came.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:44 pm
Started hurling brussel sprouts...

No, seriously, you were right and anger was appropriate. Also appropriate that you didn't her down or scream (yet).
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:50 pm
If someone started pushing Jillian away I would have begun yelling to bring attention to the situation, but I would have done everything else you describe.

Woman or not, if someone is pushing my cart away and my child is in it, I think you want to take her.
I dont care if I parked Jillian in front of the free stuff counter.

Thank goodness she was just after groceries and not your baby...
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:59 pm
I was so close that it wasn't an issue and she just pushed her a little bit so it wasn't any danger although I really wanted to smack her something fierce.

I do think the tone of voice and most likely the look on my face was enough to frighten her that she wouldn't even acknowledge me. Which of course increased my anger. Even now it infuriates me.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:08 pm
She was probably ignorant to the issue of moving someones child.

An empty basket? Yeah.. push away.

A child? Come on.. you can wait a second and try to figure out which person is the parent and either ask them or just say out loud " I gotta grab __what ever__"

That is what I do if I see a mom with kids in the cart.

I just speak up and say " Hey, I need to get ___ and it is behind your cart"
Usually moms are perfectly fine with that approach.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:11 pm
shewolfnm wrote:

Thank goodness she was just after groceries and not your baby...

She wouldn't have a chance if she was after my baby - petite or not I would kick a linebackers a$$ it they tried to go after my baby.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:13 pm
Whenever I see a baby/kid in a cart blocking something I need, I just yell to everyone in the general area, "Hey, selfish f*ck, move your goddammed brat so I can get some f*cking acorn squash!"

I never touch the cart though. I'm sensitive like that.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:14 pm
It's just easier to try and find times when there will be no mom/kid combos in the stores.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:17 pm
kickycan wrote:
Whenever I see a baby/kid in a cart blocking something I need, I just yell to everyone in the general area, "Hey, selfish f*ck, move your goddammed brat so I can get some f*cking acorn squash!"

I never touch the cart though. I'm sensitive like that.

H*ll I'd take that over some one pushing the kid. Although the whole reason I put the cart there so it wouldn't be blocking the way. The funny thing is this idiot shortly after had her cart "parked" so that it was in the middle of the aisle blocking people.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 08:42 pm
And you didnt say anything??


you have dish-a-prin
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 08:51 pm

"Which lady pushed the cart, sweetheart? The fat one over there? I'll be right back, honey... time to kill."
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 08:56 pm
Linkat, you should have picked up a coconut and aimed at the back of her head, and then turned around and continued shopping like nothing happened at all.
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Green Witch
Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 09:01 pm
I always wait for the parent to move the cart. Are people so in a hurry that they can't wait 30 seconds to grab a head of broccoli?
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 09:11 pm
You'd think they wait. I remember when my daughter was young enough
to sit in the grocery cart, and I left her there to get something, she always
would talk to everyone around her. By the time I got back, she had a crowd gathered around her. She's still is an avid talker Smile
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 09:13 pm
(figures..... Laughing)
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 09:23 pm
You say it was an older lady? I probably wouldn't have felt threatened. I would have just announced, "EXCUSE ME! Let me move this out of your way," then I'd have moved the cart myself. I wouldn't have wanted to alarm my child.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:30 am
I won't even touch a cart without a kid in it, unless it seems abandoned.

People are freaks.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:36 am
As you might imagine, I am extraordinarly protective of my children, even though they are older. You did the right thing.

Last night I was filling up and this woman was in her van behind me. Her son or grandson came out of the store and began filling up the van. I'm guessing he was about 10. She was almost as big as the van.

So she starts yelling at the kid, enough to draw my attention. I notice that she has a lit cigarette in her hand, out the window. Immediately I said "Lady, put out the cigarette". She looks at me, squints up her fat face like she really wants to get me. So I said "Hey, don't be stupid AND proud of it". Really made her day.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:42 am
ehBeth wrote:
It's just easier to try and find times when there will be no mom/kid combos in the stores.

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