Retired Green Beret Shoots Intruder - Gets Court Martial

Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 10:36 am
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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 11:30 am
Re: Retired Green Beret Shoots Intruder - Gets Court Martial
cjhsa wrote:
I heard this commotion at the door and grabbed my fishing gun, a little .22 revolver, to see what was going on.

His fishing gun? Does this guy shoot fish?
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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 02:01 pm
A lot of people, including me, carry a guy when they go fishing. You never know who (or what) you are going to meet on the water and you are typically far away from any help. Seems very prudent to me.

In fact last summer my son and I were fishing a small trout stream when something on the far side made a hell of a racket in the brush. We never saw it, but it was big and sure didn't sound like a deer. Probably a wild boar, a coyote, or a small bear. It scared us both and I wasn't carrying. Felt pretty vulnerable.
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 10:10 am
Why was this moved out of the Human Interest Stories forum?

That makes no sense.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 05:00 am
cjhsa wrote:
Why was this moved out of the Human Interest Stories forum?

That makes no sense.

Because anti-gun-control dicks aren't really "human", and what they think isn't of any "interest"? Just guessing here! Very Happy
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 05:19 am
cjhsa is fighting for peoples rights to defend themselves and without people like him to do that, you'll see yourself up the creak without a paddle.

I think we've lost enough of our freedom and if you take away our right to defend ourselves from criminals along with the government, we're all f**ked!

I use to think of cj as a gun nut as well, until I took the time to really think about it and educate myself. Now I hope he never stops fighting!

You allow the government to take away our defense, get ready to be a slave because that's exactly what we'll all be.

Government slaves! Think about it!
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 05:26 am
Montana wrote:
up the creak

Or even up the creek?

Why are so many North Americans such dicks? Is it something in the water?
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 07:20 am
contrex wrote:
Why are so many North Americans such dicks? Is it something in the water?

Yes, it is. It's killer fish! They're armed and they're dangerous, which is evidently why you must always carry a gun with you when you go fishing.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 07:22 am
Good one, joefromchicago! Clearly, you're not one of the dicks.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 07:46 am
In fact last summer my son and I were fishing a small trout stream when something on the far side made a hell of a racket in the brush. We never saw it, but it was big and sure didn't sound like a deer. Probably a wild boar, a coyote, or a small bear. It scared us both and I wasn't carrying. Felt pretty vulnerable.

While the original story was amusing and Im wondering how such a guy would own old ammo,, Im more interested in cj's "vulnerability" out there among the critters.
I see bears all the time when I walk through the woods on Kendall Head near Eastport , or near Meddybemps lake.I also see moose and deer and ****. Once saw a lynx but couldnt be sure. ARound my place in Pa, we have tons of deer and its always a kick to see if you can sneak up on them before they get wind of you. I also see a lot of beavers. My neighbor has 2 big Holstein bulls that often need to be avoided whenever theyre horny. So, most often, I carry a stick and a pocket knife , mostly if I want to collect some balsam fronds for tea or wild mushrooms.

Peace be unto you cj,fear not the animals of the field.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 08:02 am
I didn't use to be. But now with Russian boars and mountain lions roaming the state, I'm not as confident out there. Going out in the dark to setup a stand can be pretty damn scary.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 09:27 am
cjhsa wrote:
I didn't use to be. But now with Russian boars and mountain lions roaming the state, I'm not as confident out there. Going out in the dark to setup a stand can be pretty damn scary.

You are such a wimp. I think the NRA should court martial you.

Russian boars and mountain lions have killed how many people in Michigan in the last 100 years? I bet they are almost as dangerous as Al Qaeda terrorists are in the wilds of Michigan.

I did find this scary encounter..
One wild boar reportedly even menaced a local resident, forcing him to hide in a shed.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 10:12 am
I got chased out of Big Basin park in California by an I don't know what. It stalked my wife and I all the way back down the trail we were hiking.

One of my buddies got chased by a pack of wild dogs and spent the night in an outhouse.

Being unprepared is no fun.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 10:27 am
cjhsa wrote:
I got chased out of Big Basin park in California by an I don't know what. It stalked my wife and I all the way back down the trail we were hiking.
Probably a real, live California liberal. Not something you would normally see at an NRA meeting. No wonder you were scared.
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 10:40 am
Yea, cj is such a pussy, not wanting to carry a gun to protect against bears, mountain lions, ect.

I bet running away from an attack would work better than a gun. Those animals can't run anyway.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 03:25 pm
I thought this thread was about a guy that shot someone who broke in his house!
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 03:27 pm
contrex wrote:
Montana wrote:
up the creak

Or even up the creek?

Why are so many North Americans such dicks? Is it something in the water?

How f**kin mature Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 03:36 pm
We have a "fishing gun". It's a tiny five shot revolver smaller then the palm of your hand. It shoots 22. longs.

We keep it in our pocket when were fishing and in the tent at night.
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 04:35 pm
thats the gun of choice for many Mafia hits. Not so loud that it draws attention and , with longs, you can make a clean hit and begone.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 06:12 pm
Montana wrote:
contrex wrote:
Montana wrote:
up the creak

Or even up the creek?

Why are so many North Americans such dicks? Is it something in the water?

How f**kin mature Rolling Eyes

Like your response? It was at the appropriate level in my opinion. If you don't like it, you have 2 options:

1. Suck it up.

2. Pound sand.
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