Chai wrote:I don't agree at all with the method this mother took.
She is using shaming as a disciplinary technique, which only grows a shamed person.
What exactly did this mother accomplish?
We're talking about a 19 year old man here, albeit still living under his parents roof.
I cringe to think of other times during this 19 year old life where mom felt it necessary to tell the "world" about her childs failures, under the guise of "I'll show him"
We would be shocked it a mother stood in front of her and her childs peers, let's say when he was 7, and announced..."Little Johnny can't go on a the field trip because ran across the street without looking both ways, and could have been killed"
or we'd be equally weirded out if a woman stood in front of everyone and made some similar announcement about a friend of hers, or her spouse, or her own siblings or parents.
But it's okay to treat her adult son like some sort of possession?
I could see a mother taking away privileges from a 7 year old for misbehaving. I can see the mother selling the car that she paid for when her son didn't live up to his part of the agreement. But to take a private matter into the streets like this?
What did this woman accomplish exactly besides some perverted feeling of superiority?
I doubt the 19 year old, who is old enough to fight and die for his country, vote, and marry, is appreciative of this. I also don't think he'll look back on this in 20 years and say his mother provided a good lesson.
In 6 months or a year, this man will buy his own car, hopefully be living on his own, and won't have to worry about someone taking out an ad regarding his personal shortcomings.
Also, I don't think other teenagers would read this ad and take a warning lesson from this. They'll just laugh and say...."what a dweeb"
Then again, that was the mothers shame her son and make him look like a child, when he is not.
I agree completely Chai. I don't disagree with her selling the car, but to make it public is something I think is cruel for a mother to do to her own son/daughter.
Oh, and welcome back Charlie :-D
Her action proved the wisdom of
the X Files creed: " trust no one. "
i hear that loud and clear david
Yes, since abuzz, Charli.
Don't know re an exact thread, but early members here, now eclipsed with some great later folk, as it should be, may be laying around here somewhere, or lying around here somewhere.