Hi misolga,
If the polls say we will vote black, female, democrat or republican then $90,000,000 (Hillary, Obama) of interest money will go to that candidate. The same goes with the issues. We are polled on the issues.
Intill the we realize this manipulation in democracy there will be no real change. When we get disenchanted with one side or the other the Special interest money changes sides. And the candidate without any Special interest money is left out and we are left voting for the same powers year after year.
The media is a special interest. They sit in the same boardrooms of the people perpetuating the things the American voters want changed.
1. Poll the candidate:
Black, White, woman, man, Democrat, Republican.
2. Poll the issues:
Health care, imagration, War, Taxes.
3. Pick a candidate.
4. Give him/her the money and the media.
5. Block all other candidates.
This is How the election process works.
(I have to tell you I pasted the above from something I wrote in another thread

Look at Obamas contrabutions at open secrets.com
Do you see how much money he raised from "Individual contributions"? Now go to White house for sale and see Obama.
See his bundlers? This Bundling is a way around campaign finance laws that try to prevent the U.S. president from being a corporate product that is marketed to the people instead of what we (Americans) and the world actually needs and wants.