I wonder, is FLK where Flake came from?
I love lemon decline, too. Osso told me that a year ago and I've used it (sadly, with too much frequency) when observing my plants.
"Hmmm, looks like lemon decline..." It just sounds like you know what you're about.
Actually, the word 'decline' is rather nice in itself.
and then there are those apostrophes I throw about. I am almost but not quite the only one that does that. I do it when I don't want to go into a full-fledged quote, but want to give the clue that I didn't coin the phrase by myself.
a half-quote?
I agree that decline is good, but 'lemon decline' makes it sound like a professional judgement. Very effective.
It is hard to pass off on a camellia, but, hey!
oops, I see you misunderstood me, Pif. Lemon decline is a concept I newly cling to. I will check with bus//ptnr manana in case anyone else needs to be referenced, as in "who started it"
The half quote was inserted from outer space....it was about my putting one apostrophe around a phrase instead of a quote. Kind of a by the way.
ossobuco wrote:oops, I see you misunderstood me, Pif. Lemon decline is a concept I newly cling to. I will check with bus//ptnr manana in case anyone else needs to be referenced, as in "who started it"
I'm sure you mentioned Lemon Decline last year when we were looking at plants on my porch and I was whining about my datura (since deceased). You said it was a generalized comment along the lines of 'that plant looks like it's not thriving'.
I suppose it could work for more than plants. errrr, this is not it?
I don't remember what I meant. It was clear to me at the time. Please forget it! Hmmm, lemon decline in a human?
I usually refer to a person whose name I can't remember as "whatshisface".
Heeven, I'm more a what'shisname person, myself.
Vivien, Flobalob? This is a new one. It refers to a person?
Yes! as in 'is flobalob coming out with us tonight?' - it may be a regional word, I don't know