Hmm... I'm waking up this thread so I can go to sleep...
It's like 4:35am this is waaay beyond bedtime.
Sweet dreams! <saying that to myself, 'cause A2K never sleeps>
Godnight, superjuly! Happy dreams.

I haven't seen this thread for ages!)
What's a nice girl like you doing up at that hour????
(or something!)
Er - just back from party, as I recall - and not sleepy at that point.
Ah, just when things start moving on A2K it's my bedtime!

Night night all!
Good night...
Night night all!
Actually, it's precisely 11:35 am!
Time for bed!
Wll, that's it, then.
I'm sending Possum down to you - if you're going to keep those hours, you may as well have the bloody cat who keeps them too!
Aaaahhhh! a restful, Possum-free night!
margo wrote:Wll, that's it, then.
I'm sending Possum down to you - if you're going to keep those hours, you may as well have the bloody cat who keeps them too!
Aaaahhhh! a restful, Possum-free night!
OK, you're on, margo!
I'll look forward to it! But only during this holiday period, mind. The thought of staying up so late during the week when I'm working is unthinkable.

I turn into a pumpkin at 11pm sharp!
good night msolga.
it should be morning already, at least on this part of the world.
Where's this thread been hiding? 'Night to all those of you dwelling in places where it is now darkness. 'Mornin' to you who're just arising. (Me? At a quarter to nine p.m., I'm in the middle.)
and it's daylight...but I need a nap!
pueo wrote:good night msolga.
it should be morning already, at least on this part of the world.
How nice of you to finally respond to my good night message to you, owl person! It only took you 22 days!
Still, lovely to see you & here's hoping life is being kind to you!
Merry Andrew wrote:Where's this thread been hiding? 'Night to all those of you dwelling in places where it is now darkness. 'Mornin' to you who're just arising. (Me? At a quarter to nine p.m., I'm in the middle.)
It wasn't hiding, Andrew. Folk just stopped saying goodnight to each other!
Why, I ask myself, why?
