You appear to be in a stage of preparation for many, many things! I wonder what your stars say about this?
I should check that horoscope!
Bed time now, for me & my tuxedo cat. So good night, Gautam, good night all! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, as midnight approaches here.
Good night, all.
Msolga signing out from Melbourne, Oz, @ 11:36 pm.
I always wanted to say goodnight to A2Kers when YOU are going to bed, not me! So now's my chance.

According to the lastest posts it's heading for midnight for many of you in the US & Canada. So good night, sweet dreams to you folk!
You may say goodnight, msolga, but it has no bearing on me, for I am a creature of the night.
Perhaps not the night, for I am not nocturnal, nor am I diurnal, but rather crepuscular.
I, like the owl and the fox, live and strike in the shadows.
But, what the hell, I will accept your good night anyway.
Goodnight, msolga
Nighty night Olga :-D
Sleep well.
From yet another creature of the night.
Jeez - nothing's easy with Gus, is it?
No, margo. He is very complex, deep & mysterious!
Kinda like the sewerage system, no?
And it is - like Gus - indispensable.
What I like about Gus is that he can make me laugh out loud on a Very Serious Day on A2K, & in the world! Now that's not to be sneezed at!
I ain't sneezing - I am giving high, if unconventional - (and slightly barbed) - praise.
Hey, Gus, did you hear that?
Bed time in Oz!
And may A2K still be here tomorrow morning!
Night night, all!