Butrflynet wrote:Interesting article. Do you think the premise is valid? New guys win because they have to learn the rules from scratch and don't rely on what the rules used to be to formulate strategy?
I find the argument hard to buy into. There are several people on Hillary's campaign staff that were involved in writing those rules. Did they all forget what they had helped write?
A much simpler explanation is that the Clinton campaign just expected that they would roll through Super Tuesday and have a commanding lead the day after.
I think she over-estimated her popular appeal and underestimated Obama's. I'd bet that when the campaigns were first gearing up Obama wasn't anywhere near the top of her concerns. I think she was concerned with (and focused on) Edwards, Biden and Dodd and just assumed Obama would be taken care of as a matter of course. So she geared her campaign to compete against Edwards and Co. and then found her campaign in a tizzy when people voted for Obama and the others fell to the wayside.
A miscalculation of who the final 2 or 3 in the race would be explains more of her campaign strategy (and the issues with it) than some misunderstanding of the rules.