" . . .Penn's resignation came under pressure from an angry Sen. Clinton, who believed that Penn had recused himself from any clients who might pose a conflict for her campaign.
Clinton spoke about her opposition to the Colombia trade deal last week in her speech to the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia, and on Saturday seven labor unions that are part of the "Change to Win" coalition called for Clinton to fire Penn. . . ."
Quote:Clinton Press Release: Statement From Campaign Manager On Resignation Of Mark Penn
April 6, 2008
[Clinton Campaign Press Release from April 6, 2008]
Statement from Maggie Williams
After the events of the last few days, Mark Penn has asked to give up his role as Chief Strategist of the Clinton Campaign; Mark, and Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates, Inc. will continue to provide polling and advice to the campaign.
Geoff Garin and Howard Wolfson will coordinate the campaign's strategic message team going forward.
Penn no longer has the title "Chief Strategist". But Penn and his company "will continue to provide polling and advice."
Apparently, still on payroll. Still getting millions. No mention of his meeting with the Colombian president or whether Hillary knew and approved of it in advance. No mention of why, after meeting with Penn, the Colombian president began attacking OBAMA.
Hillary did NOT fire him. She did NOT get his resignation. He just has given one job title over to Wolfson. Other than that, he's still working for her--still planning strategy, still making recommendations based on his polls.
Nothing has changed. It is just more smoke and mirrors from the Clinton campaign.