Pictures, this time!
Lousy pictures -- the industrial-strength lights were on the other side of the stage and it was hard to get a good shot. Plus sozlet's digital camera is a cheapie. But something!
This photo was actually taken last -- we sat down for a bit (after standing for about 3 hours!) before leaving. I include it to show where we were standing, though. See the big speakers in the foreground? Then the white fence to the left of that? That's where we were (right at the fence, with lots of people behind us).
Generic crowd photo, while we were waiting (haven't seen any estimates yet. Lotsa people though):
Obama mid-speech:
Obama starting to make his way towards us:
Didn't take any pics when he was right there -- preferred to talk to him. :-) Took a pic of sozlet right after he passed us though (that I won't post). Happy girl!